Page 41 of Vicious Throne

Then he stopped breathing.

I waited, wondering if he’d wake up, force a breath, something.

Only silence followed.

This is too easy for him, I thought, tossing the mask to the side. He didn’t get to go quietly into death like his security guard. He didn’t get to slip peacefully into eternal sleep.

He’d die screaming like he tried to do to me.

I reared back and slapped him, the sound echoing through the silent room, and O’Bannon’s eyes shot open at the same time he heaved in a great breath.

Disoriented, he took a minute to place us, but when he did, he wasn’t pleased. “What the fuck are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. Get out!”

“What’s wrong, O’Bannon? Worried we’ll see your dick? Don’t worry, Mari’s not interested in you.” Nate smirked as my men crept closer to the bed, ready to hold him down the second I asked.

“I wouldn’t want her used-up pussy anyway,” Sean barked, scrambling until his back pressed against the headboard, the sheet clutched in his white-knuckled grip.

All three of my men snarled at him, but I held up a hand to stay their anger. “You get one chance to tell me the truth before you die.”

He smirked then, though his hand shook. “You can’t kill me, girly. The other leaders will exterminate you if you try.”

Shrugging, I moved toward the dresser, pretending to look at the things he had on top. None of it was worth a damn to me, but people like Sean didn’t like feeling insignificant. “I’ll handle the others in time.”

“Are you planning on killing all of us?”

“If I did, I’d be no better than Cash.”

That made him laugh. “You’ll never win against him. He’s too smart for you.”

“Only because he had a head start. Don’t worry, though. We’re catching up.”

I twisted, and the look on my face must’ve given me away.

“You finally told her, huh? Good on you, boy.” Sean’s smile split his face, and I wanted to rip out his teeth with my bare hands the second he looked at Nate. “How does it feel knowing little Cammy doesn’t want you around either?”

The words tried to twist their way inside me, but I was a block of ice. Nothing could thrive there. Not right now. “Actually, Ace Beckstrom spilled the beans.”

His only reaction was a slight widening of the eyes, and I wondered if it was because he thought Ace knew nothing or because he truly didn’t know who the man was.

“I’m not surprised you buddied up to a psycho, but I am curious why you’d risk your daughter’s life to do it.”

“You’re too weak to hurt her. Besides, it’s not like she was worth much.”

I thought anger would sweep me away, but I felt nothing but the cold realization that this was always how O’Bannon and I were going to end.

“Aislynn is worth a hundred men. You’re just too stupid to realize it.” But I did, and I’d never let her pay the price for me again. “Get him down.”

As one, Nate and Dominic lunged for Sean, pulling him to the end of the bed, and shoving him to the floor at my feet. While he floundered, I slipped the gun out of my holster and handed it to Greyson.

“Pin him down?” Nate asked as he and Dominic looked to me for direction.

“Put him on his knees and let go,” Greyson replied instead.

“You’re going to die tonight, just like this. Any last words?”

“Eat shit, cunt,” Sean growled. He shoved to his feet, hands reaching for my throat, but mine caught his first. The blade slid into his skin, the slice perfect. Blood spilled down his body, splattering me in the process, and the hands that meant to hurt now reached for help.

I stepped back, letting him grasp at his throat as he fell. It always took longer than I expected for someone to bleed out, and he was no different. None of us took our eyes off him until his breathing stopped and so did the twitching in his limbs.