Page 2 of Vicious Throne

Despite helping us to the hospital and keeping us safe, Two-Bit had been absent the past few days. Allowing me the space to focus on my family, first and foremost. Seeing him now, I knew that was over.

Fact was, a war was waging outside those walls, and I was the general.

“Has he moved?”

“No,” Two-Bit said. “He’s been quiet.”

It wouldn’t last. It never did.

Two-Bit looked past me at Greyson, cataloging every injury in the span of a blink. “You alive?”

“With one more hole than before, yeah. Are my memories fucked, or did you get us out?”

“That was real.”

“So, you’re an ally.” Greyson said it more like a question than a statement, and Two-Bit smiled.

“In more ways than one.”

I so didn’t want to deal with head games after the week I’d had. “Tell me who you are, what you want, and what I owe for your help,” I said bluntly.

“You owe me a conversation—that’s it. As for the rest, I am the leader of the 48th Street Vipers.”

“But that’s not all you are.” It was Nate who said it. Was this yet another thing he knew that I didn’t? He gave me the slightest headshake, telling me he was just as in the dark, but I recognized that he was going to have to spill his secrets soon too if we had a chance of survival.

“No, not all,” Two-Bit admitted.

It hit me then as I saw the way he held himself so differently from the plain, easy-to-overlook way he existed inside of our meetings. He stood with something like power, confidence, and that fucking God complex so many of them had.

“Holy shit, you’re a Fed.” If I hadn’t seen him in action myself, I’d never have believed it. That was a testament to Two-Bit’s acting.

“That’s not all he is.” Griz, his second, walked in behind him and locked us all in. The four of us tensed even more, but no one moved.

Two-Bit tipped his head to the side and smiled, though it was strained and uncomfortable. “My name is Dante. I believe you’ve met my father, Rafael Osorio.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Grey whispered behind me.

It said a lot about my current mental state that I wasn’t even surprised at the news. Another cousin. I had so many questions but decided I needed answers from Rafael, not Two-Bit. Dante. Whatever the hell his name was. At least I could trust Rafael to some degree. I didn’t trust cops, no matter what flavor they were.

“Why did you step in? If you’re a Fed, it would have made sense for you to let us die. We’re not exactly good Samaritans.” That was an understatement if I’d ever uttered one.

Two-Bit—because I couldn’t acknowledge him as anything else—shrugged. “We’re family.”

Which he’d known for how long and done nothing about? No, that wasn’t it either. “Are the Vipers all yours?”

I desperately needed him to say no. He grimaced. “Most. There are some who are old-school Vipers, but for the most part, they’re all agents.”

Saying nothing, I turned to Griz. The bastard grinned. “Not a Fed, but not a civvy either.”

Fucking great.

“Motherfuck,” Dominic grumbled.

What a mess. The idea that teams of federal agents were walking their way through my city made my skin crawl.

“Are you here for us or Cash?” I asked finally.

“Cash, actually.” Thank fuck for small miracles. “Despite your illegal dealings, you’re kind of a low-level issue for us. You keep the city clean. You force your business partners to do the same. It’s admirable.”