Page 1 of Vicious Throne

Chapter One


Iwas fucking done.

Sick of white walls in a room I didn’t know and unfamiliar sheets on beds that weren’t mine. Sick of people coming in and out of our rooms and the incessant beeping that was driving me slowly insane.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Yet everything faded when Greyson’s eyes opened for the first time.

It had been two days of silence, two days of Nate and Dominic bitching every time their bandages were changed and me snapping at them to get over it. Two days of avoiding being treated myself until there was no other option but to allow it. Two days of pretending that the men who were awake weren’t at odds with each other.

Two days of praying to gods I didn’t believe in to spare Greyson. To spare us all.

Thank fuck they listened.

“Mari,” Grey croaked, and I felt my heart crack down the middle. I heard shuffling around me, happy mumbles that shut off the moment Dominic realized Nate was trying to talk to him.

“You’re awake.”

“What happened?”

I carefully fed a straw between his dry lips, letting him drink as much water as he needed, not ready to answer him.

“You nearly died,” Dominic snarked from his side of the room. “I had to carry your ass out with a bullet in my leg.”

“It was a through and through. Don’t be such a baby.” I didn’t bother to look at him, too terrified to take my gaze away from Greyson.

Would he disappear if I did? Would I wake up and all of this would be a dream? I couldn’t handle either of those options.


“Blood loss,” Nate said from his side of the room. He and Dominic had instinctively taken the outer beds that were closest to the doors. I knew they were bookending so Grey and I were protected if anything went down, and it warmed my heart to see them working together even that much. Dominic had been damn near arctic since we’d arrived. “Your bullets were through and through, too, but one nicked your neck.”

“The artery?” Grey’s eyes were tight. We both knew what an artery wound looked like and the recovery time for it. Time that we didn’t have right now.

“Not quite, but very, very close. You’re lucky you’re alive.”

Grey’s hand squeezed around mine, and I let myself sink into that feeling. Let myself press my forehead to his knuckles as if they alone could ground me.

He’s here. He’s alive. He’s safe. For now.

But outside the walls of the hospital, chaos was still reigning.

Fingers brushed back my nasty hair. “Are you okay?” Grey asked.

Before I could even attempt to answer, Dominic snorted. “She refused to get treated until I sat on her, but she’s fine now.”

Grey’s eyebrow lifted, and I whipped around to glare at Dominic.

“You sat on her?”

“Absolutely. Face down, ass up.” Dominic waggled his brows like an idiot, but the small smile on Greyson’s lips made it worth it. They could make fun of me all they wanted as long as they were all alive.

“The city?”

“Fine for now,” someone else answered. All four of us tensed, and I saw the flash of metal in Dominic’s and Nate’s hands before I turned to the newcomer at the door.