“I mean, I know you guys are connected but I had no fucking idea you guys are the top of the food chain.”
I laugh. “Never heard of it put that way.”
“Fucking cool. Let me know what time my boys need to show up. I’ll catch you later.” He stalks out of my room and closes the door after him.
There’s a timid knock on my door followed by. “Can I come in?” Charlotte’s voice filters through.
“Sure, keep the door open.” I don’t trust her at all. I have no fucking clue what Sin was thinking when he chose our queen.
“Quinn asked me to give you this. It’s the money he’s collected from the bets.” She tosses the envelope onto my bed.
“Is that it?” The awkward silence hangs in the air.
“No. Why do I get treated differently to the other queens? You know, we talk.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I play dumb. I know exactly what she’s referring to. The fact that not one of us, not even Sin, has touched her.
“Is it because that fucking bitch moved in here?”
“I wouldn’t keep going the way you are toward Monroe. As much as Sin pretends he hates her, she is his sister and he will protect her at all costs. We all will.”
Her frustration shows as she scowls at me. “She’s taken what’s rightfully mine.”
“And what’s that?” I muse.
She pauses and I can see she wishes she never opened her mouth.
“You mean us three?” I cock an eyebrow. “Baby, you could never compete with her, so stop whining.”
“This is fucked. I signed my rights away to be the Queen of Spades. Do you three fucking know who my father is?”
“We couldn’t give a fuck who your daddy is. He kisses the ground Sin’s dad walks on. Get off your fucking high horse before I dethrone you. Get out of my room.” I growl at her, my anger pulses through me.
The fucking audacity to challenge and threaten me with her stupid father. Of course we know who he is. He pays Raphael a pretty penny for protection. She should be so lucky we don’t treat her like the trash she is. My irritation fires up and the feeling of needing to punch someone is growing by the second. I need to get the fuck out of the house before I break through walls.
Me: Want to go for a run?
Rome: Meet you downstairs in five.
Me: Thanks bro
Rome always knows when I need an outlet and he always steps up and is ready to run with me at the drop of a hat. I place my guitar down on my bed and throw on a t-shirt, my jogging shoes, and head downstairs to unleash some energy before tonight.
Chapter twenty-seven
I’ve holed myself up at the campus library as the house is a hive of movement with everyone excited about the fights tonight. It’s all anyone has been talking about for days. I’ve barely seen Rome and Chaser as they’ve been preoccupied with the organization of it all. Hardly anyone has attended any classes and I’ve had Baron driving me to and from campus now that they’re all aware of the creep stalking me. It’s like having a house full of big brothers, which is a nice change compared to the one I actually have.
I’ve avoided Sin like the plague all this week. I can’t even form the words to tell anyone what he forced me to do, and I refuse to acknowledge how it made me feel because that proves I’m as fucking sick as him. I’ve focused on my class work, getting ahead on any assignments, and have spent extra time at the library studying. It’s the only place these guys allow me to be without one of them. I guess they think it’s safe since the only way to get in is with a college ID card you need to swipe to open the doors.
Sipping my coffee, I marvel at the sheer volume of books in this place. It’s three stories high and full to the brim with books, some so old they were printed in the 16th century. The library is always cold and I pull on my Dacre Hall puffer jacket and snuggle into its softness. It’s so serene and peaceful in here amongst the books. The fact that everyone knows the rules about speaking in hushed tones, adds to the tranquil vibes.
Getting up, I leave my desk as is, with all my laptop and books open so any other student knows this spot is taken. It’s an unwritten rule that you don’t touch another student’s belongings in the library, and you never move them. A desk left in disarray like this means the person who sat here needs a study break and will return soon enough. I tiptoe past the other students deep in their work, ensuring I make as little noise as I can. I go up the stairs to the second floor where all the old encyclopedias are stored in special glass casings and old tomes, handwritten by scholars many centuries ago, are displayed. I always come up here and inspect them, making sure nothing has changed or moved. It reminds me of the Writer’s Museum in Edinburgh we visited a few years ago. Mama V. and I spent hours in that place looking at everything twice over.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I grab it out wondering who is messaging me.
Rome: I’m outside the library to pick you up.