He looks down at me and brushes the side of my face with his thumb. “I promise I won’t tell mom and dad what a dirty little whore you are for sucking your brother off.” He slides out of my mouth and wipes his thumb across my lips again.
Slapping at his hand, I jerk away from him, spluttering up some of his release. It dribbles over my chin as I try to breathe in without inhaling anymore of it. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I can feel the tears threaten to spill over my cheeks.
His sadistic grin makes my blood boil. “I think it’s a little too late for that now isn’t it? I’ll touch you when and however I want.” He bends down, gripping my jaw in his strong fingers.
I try to jerk away from him but his vice like grip squeezes me harder making my mouth open. I’m too shocked to move when he leans down and licks up his cum from my chin. My heart pounds in my chest, ready to explode when his warm lips touch mine, the forbidden feelings circling through my body has me almost floating. He spits his cum back into my mouth before moving to stand and smirking down at me.
I swallow his cum mixed with my saliva without even thinking. My brain is still frozen from the soft brush of his lips. I can’t be thinking like this. I can’t be turned on by his brutal touch and those damn soft lips.
I get up off my knees and adjust my dress, checking I don’t have anything on it. “I fucking hate you.” I push past him and head toward the door, anger festering in my veins. This time the anger is at myself for allowing this to happen.
“Love you too, sis,” he calls after me as I slam the door and escape him.
I need to find a bathroom and wash my mouth out of every last drop of him. I can still taste the slightly salty tang coating my tongue and it makes me almost gag thinking about whose cum it is. Are there laws about doing things with your adoptive brother? I don’t even want to think about it at the moment because I know for a fact that Sin will hold those photos over my head to get what he wants and I know next time I won’t get off so lightly.
Scrubbing every inch of my mouth with my toothbrush, I rinse my mouth out with the scalding hot water in the shower, burning my tongue in the process. Saskia found me in one of the bathrooms after the incident with Sin and brought me home straight away. I’d texted Rome and Chaser, finding out Sin had sent them on an errand for his dad.
How convenient.
Once I’ve finished showering, I climb out of the shower, dry myself off and change into my pajamas. Glancing at my door, I check that it’s locked and jiggle the handle to make sure. Switching the light off and climbing into bed, exhaustion has taken over and I yawn loudly when my phone buzzes on my nightstand.
Grabbing it, I turn it on to see it’s a text from Sin.
Sin: [photo attached]
Sweat beads over my body as I stare at the photo of a dead guy. His face is bloodied and bruised. I can’t make out who he is but I have a sinking feeling this guy is the one from the party. Bile threatens to pour out of my throat as I stare at my phone. Heart racing, I can barely breathe as my hand shakes uncontrollably, making the pounding in my head dance to the rhythm of my hand movements.
Sin: I told him not to touch you.
Throwing my phone into the wall and plunging my room into complete darkness, I lay still under my sheets staring up at the ceiling where Sin’s bedroom sits just on the other side.
Chapter twenty-six
Strumming my acoustic guitar as I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling, the soft tune of Nirvana’s Come As You Are fills the room and calms my thoughts. I barely have the time to play anymore, my days are filled with classes, studying and frat activities. Sin has devised a foolproof plan to spice up this college experience, to introduce these sheltered kids to our way of life. Full of pain and unhinged violence.
Tonight, the carefully planned, right to the last detail, event will unfold and put us down in the history books. No other frat has ever had the balls to hold such an event where the four houses get in the cage and fight until one frat wins.
“Chaser, you decent?”
“Yeah, man, come in.” I place my guitar on the bed and sit up.
Alistair enters and he looks excited for once. “Dude, this fight night is starting to pay off. Here’s the bets placed at football practice. I think Rome is collecting more as we speak. He came down to practice to scope out the crowd and I think Coach has convinced him to join the team.”
“Just place them on the desk. My boy, Rome, going back to his roots. I knew he wouldn’t be able to keep away from the field.” I grin and fist bump Alistair.
“Man, we need him on the team. I’ve watched his game plays, and that fucker is fast. Any chance you can persuade him to join?”
“I’ll try my best but after that incident in high school, he kind of gave it up.”
“What incident?”
“I’ll let him tell you that when he’s good and ready.”
“Fair call. So, what time is set up? And how many of my boys do you need?” Alistair looks around my room and pauses on the photo of my Nono with Rome and Sin’s Nonos outside the family villa in Sicily. “Fuck dude, you guys are like legit mafia.” He glances at me.
“Yeah, something like that.”