Page 5 of Sinister

“Not until those elevator doors close. I know you, you’ll run as soon as you get the chance.” He steps in and presses the lobby level with his elbow.

Once the doors close, he lets go of me and I almost fall flat on my ass as I drop to my feet. Chaser’s strong hold steadies me, and he chuckles as I adjust my dress. “I’m so not in the mood for this.”

“Come on, Monroe. Lighten up. It’s our last full week together until you leave us all behind and go off to explore the world.” Chaser pulls me into him and I wrap my arms around his waist.

“I’m going to miss you and your crazy.” I snuggle into his chest.

His large hand presses me harder into him. “I’m going to miss you too. It’s like the end of an era. Listen to us being all sappy and shit. If you tell those other two douche bags that I’m being all sad and mushy, I will make you pay.” His hand rubs circles against my back.

This is what I’m going to miss like crazy. “Promise I won’t say shit to them.” I laugh. It won’t be hard not to talk to Sin as I didn’t plan on it anyway.

The elevator doors open and we’re ushered out by the doorman. He nods at us in acknowledgement and presses the close button. Only our apartment utilizes this lift. The only other floor it goes to is the basement, somewhere I haven’t had the privilege, or dare I say, the unfortunate circumstance of visiting. The guys are summoned often to the basement to assist their fathers in business, but it is never spoken about.

We look extremely underdressed for this place, me in my bright floral sundress and Chaser still in his sweats from the plane. Walking through the busy gaming tables toward the restaurant in the back, I scan the room and wonder what possesses people to come here and play away their life savings. My gaze locks with a guy dressed in a sharp suit at the blackjack tables, his piercing blue eyes rake over me appreciatively as I walk past his table. The corner of his full lips quirk into an enigmatic grin as he twists in his seat to see where I’m heading.

Chaser’s hand grips my waist out of nowhere and steers me away from the tables. “Stay away from him, he’s trouble, and not the good kind.”

Glancing up at him I laugh, “are you serious?”

“He’s the son of the Marietto family. Not someone you want to get involved with.”

I turn in Chaser’s grip to have a peek at the Marietto son again and am caught by him as he hasn’t stopped watching me walk away. He dips his head and his grin widens at my obvious embarrassment. Spinning back around before I make more of a fool of myself, I let Chaser lead the way to the restaurant.

All the parentals are already seated and drinking their whiskey and wine. Chaser’s mom grins up at him like he’s the light of her life and as we pass, he kisses her on top of her head.

“Where are the other two troublemakers?” Papa V. asks me when I take my seat.

“I think they’re still getting changed after the flight.” I motion for the waitress to bring me a drink. She smiles adoringly and nods. She’s been at this restaurant since I can remember and always was my favorite employee at the casino.

“Summon and you shall receive.” Sin appears with Rome on his heels. “Papa.” He nods at his dad before he grips his mom in a big bear hug from behind.

Thank fuck Rome sits in the seat beside me and leaves the one on the other side of Chaser for Sin. “Thank you.’ I lean into him and nudge his arm.

“Boys, the Marietto family is here on business. I trust you three will play nicely with the eldest son. I do not. I’ll repeat this once, and only once. I do not want to hear of any volatile encounters. Do not even look at them sideways. Do you hear me?”

“Come on, can’t we have a little fun these days?” Sin whines like the spoiled child he is.

“Nickolas has already looked sideways,” Chaser announces and glances at me.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Papa V. looks at Chaser in confusion.

“Monroe and him were eye fucking each other across the room ten minutes ago.” Chaser chuckles.

I punch him playfully in the arm. “Jesus. Shut up!”

“What, it’s true.” He grabs my closed fist before I can punch him harder.

Chaser’s mom, Gianna, looks on in horror at the way her beloved son just spoke, and she shakes her head at him.

Sin stands abruptly as the undercurrent of tension rolls off him in spades. The tic in his jaw and the clenching and unclenching of his fists tells me he and this other guy have beef.

“Sin,” Papa V. warns but it’s pointless.

Sin storms away leaving behind a trail of confusion. I watch on in curiosity as both Chaser and Rome follow him and disappear into the crowd.

“Should someone go check on them?” Rome’s mom, Stefania, says as she peers over her menu trying to see if she can catch a glimpse of her son.

“They’ll be fine.” Rome’s dad, Luciano, reassures his wife with a gentle squeeze of her shoulder.