Page 6 of Sinister

Playing on my phone, I ignore the usual theatrics of these dinners. It always ends up with someone pissed off and leaving the table. After a few minutes, I realize the boys aren’t coming back and I announce I’m going back to the room. I’m tired and want to leave the adults to their dinner party. It has never been the same since my parent’s deaths. As much as Mama V. tries her best to make me feel like I’m family and the other parentals all include me, I’m still the outsider. Everyone feels the empty space my parents left behind. I doubt that feeling will ever go away.

Walking through the gaming area, the clinking of chips and the annoying beeping sounds from the machines grate on my nerves. I head toward the closest elevators, even though I know they don’t go to the penthouse, but the noise is too much.

I’m stopped mid stride by a hand gripping my elbow. Spinning on my heels, I’m about to mouth off when I come face to face with the Marietto son. The shock of his skin on mine sends something forbidden up my spine. He’s taller than he looked sitting down and I have to angle my face to meet his gaze. His broad shoulders fill his suit to perfection, and those dark blue, broody eyes are something else.

“What’s the rush, off limits?” His mouth quirks into a cheeky grin. Damn, his voice is deep and moody.

Pulling my arm from his firm grip, I can’t help but stare at him, lost for words for what he just called me.

“Have they forbidden you from speaking to me?” He chuckles, taking a step back and holding his hands up, the humor of his statement bringing out his playful side.

“Did you call me off limits?” I narrow my gaze at him as my brain tries to process what he said.

“The forbidden fruit. The golden apple. I’m not sure how many more adjectives I need to say for you to get my point.” He places his hands in his pocket and stares at me.

Irritation coats my skin. “I got it loud and clear,” I say bitterly as I step around him.

“Will I see you at SLU?” He moves so I have to brush past him.

“Nope, I’m moving to the other side of the country.” I glance up at him as he half blocks my path and am met with the most aphotic gaze that sends wildfire through my soul.

“Pity. Would have been fun tormenting Sin with you.” He winks, moving out of the way so I can get past him.

Walking away from him, I have a split second of uncertainty tainted by regret, but I push that aside and make my way upstairs and hope I don’t run into Sinisa again tonight.

Chapter five


Hesitating inside my bedroom door, I listen for any sounds of the guys in the main living area but hear nothing. They must be asleep from their late night of who knows what. I heard them coming back to the apartment around four this morning. The distinct sound of a giggling female voice as they made their way to their respective rooms made me irrationally jealous. A small part of me, deep within my heart, was hoping it wasn’t Rome bringing a girl back, but I have no claim on him. It’s not like we’ve ever been anything more than best friends, so I don’t know where these feelings are coming from.

Dressed in my bikini and a large unbuttoned white shirt to cover up, I open my door and scurry to the elevator. Hauling my bag over my shoulder, I press the button in the hopes no one catches me. The doors ping open, and I step inside and ride all the way to the ground floor, the speed of the elevator always has my head spinning.

I pull my sunglasses down as the doors open and I nod to the staff member manning our elevator doors this morning before I head to the pool area. It’s already scorching hot and it’s barely nine in the morning. The summer in Europe this year is almost unbearable. I find our private cabana by the outdoor bar and see that it’s already set up with towels, a silver bucket of ice, an assortment of drinks and a platter of fresh fruits. I spot a basket with sunscreen, face mist and handheld fan that sprays water. Perfect. I won’t have to leave my spot for a few hours.

Unfolding the black and white striped towel, I lay it over the sun lounger to stop my tanning oil from staining the white cushion, pull off my shirt and drop it onto the seat next to mine. Grabbing my book out of my bag, I sit my ass down and relax back into the cushion. I can see myself spending every minute of this week right here in this spot.

Cold drips of water sprinkle over my heated bare skin and I gasp awake in shock. “What the hell!” I sit up in anger only to be met with both Chaser and Rome laughing their asses off.

“Have a nice nanna nap?” Rome sits himself on the sun lounger next to mine and squashes my shirt.

Chaser drops himself on the end of my lounger and hands me a bottle of water but not before drinking a few mouthfuls first. “Hydration.” He winks.

“Thanks. And I wasn’t taking a nanna nap.” I have a drink of the chilled water and it feels good sliding down my throat. “I wouldn’t be so tired if I wasn’t woken up at four in the morning by you lot making so much damn noise.”

Rome glances at Chaser and gives him a silent look before his gaze returns to mine. “Yeah, that was Sin and his friend.”

“Friend. I can imagine what this friend is like.” I’m irritated for no reason, and it makes me want to scratch at my skin. “I’m going for a swim to cool off. Who’s coming?” I get up and push past them before diving into the pool. I have no problem being in my bikinis in front of these two, they’ve never once made me feel less beautiful because of my size and weight. I’ve piled on some weight this last year and Sin likes to remind me all the time.

The cold water feels like magic as it cools my skin and I dip under again to get my hair out of my face. When I resurface, the guys have both jumped in after me and are shaking the water out of their hair.

Fidgeting with my bikini bottoms to adjust them so they don’t dig into the flesh on my hips, I feel a hand over mine and I look up to see the mischievous grin on Rome’s face.

“Don’t even think about it.” I glare at him as his other hand lands on the other side of my waist.

Before I can try to wriggle out of his grip, he launches me out of the water and into the air before I come crashing back down into the pool. My boob falls out of my bikini top and I stay under the water until I have her back in her place. I come up for air to see the boys laughing at me.

“Warn a girl next time.” I splash Rome in the face as he comes toward me humming Jaws music.