Page 8 of Sinister

“You two can continue your flirting downstairs. Our parents will skin us alive if we’re late.” Chaser waits by the elevator.

Rome lets go of me, takes my hand in his and leads me to the elevator just as the doors open. Ushering me through the doors, I catch Chaser grinning like an idiot behind me at Rome as I move to stand next to him.

“What’s so funny?” I nudge Chaser in the arm and watch Rome step through the doors and press the button to go down to where the Gala is being held. The insecure part of me automatically thinks they’re laughing at my choice of dress.

Chaser presses his lips together, holding in a chuckle and failing. “Just Rome checking out your derriere.”

“Fuck up, dude.” Rome slaps Chaser in the back of the head.

“You can’t blame the boy. Your ass and your tits look fucking delicious in that dress. Just telling it how it is.” Chaser watches me for my reaction, his wide grin makes me smile.

I feel my cheeks coloring and I need to fan myself. They have never been this forward with me before. Yes, we flirt and muck around with not so innocent accidental touches, but neither of them has said anything in line with this.

Moving slightly so I can look up at Rome, I catch his dark gaze on me, fuelled with raw hunger and need. “You could keep your word, you know.”

Rome’s eyebrows furrow, forming a deep crease and his demeanor changes instantly. “Don’t fucking start.”

Lacing his arm around my waist, Chaser yanks me into his side. “Blue balls here is having a hard time as it is. Stop tormenting him,” he whispers into my ear.

Rome’s posture stiffens, looking up at the mirrored ceiling of the elevator, he lets out an animalistic growl just as the elevator doors open. Without waiting for us, he takes two large steps and strides away into the crowd.

“What the fuck is his issue? I’m the one getting rejected,” I scoff as Chaser pulls me out of the elevator to join the guests.

The already opulent ballroom is decorated with white flowers and crystal chandeliers. Ice sculptures are dotted around the room and gold candelabras hold flickering candles, making the room seem like it was plucked from a fantasy romance novel.

“Let’s get some drinks.” Threading my fingers through Chaser’s, he lets me drag him to the nearest bar. His hand in mine feels different, almost like it was meant to be there all these years. A scattering of butterflies flickers through my stomach as his words in the elevator echo in my mind.

Pulling a chair out for me, Chaser’s eyes linger on my décolletage. They take in the delicate gold chain that sits just above my breasts with the gold horn that I removed from my mom’s neck as she lay dead on the floor. I can see something is on the tip of his tongue as his eyes trace up my neck and connect with mine, but he doesn’t speak his thoughts, he simply sits himself next to me.

“Two White Russians.” He holds his hand up to the server behind the bar.

Leaning into him, I can’t help but smile at his order. “You’re going to drink my favorite with me even though you think it’s a girly drink?”

“If you tell the other two, I will have to resort to terrible torture methods.” He laughs and drapes his arm around my shoulders.

“My lips are sealed.” I take the tumbler placed in front of me and sip the cool milky liquid.

Chaser downs the drink in one swallow before glancing at his phone screen. “Stay here, something’s come up.” He kisses the side of my head before he disappears to take care of something I’m positive has to do with Sin.

I enjoy my own company; I’ve gotten used to being on my own with my thoughts. After my parent’s murder, I used to sit inside my room in the V. mansion and only come out for dinner. It took months of therapy and gentle coaxing from Mama V. for me to finally feel comfortable joining the rest of the family. Sin would ensure I knew I wasn’t welcome, and at first I took it to heart, but as we got older I didn’t let it bother me. I knew he was fighting his own demons. To this day I don’t know what hurt he is hiding, no one talks about why he is the way he is, we just accept it. I hope he manages to heal eventually, as carrying your torment and misery around with you every day gets fucking exhausting.

The barman approaches me and places a bright pink drink down in front of me. “From the gentleman down the other end of the bar.” He smiles before carrying on with his work.

Craning my neck to see who sent the drink, I scan the far end of the bar but can’t see anyone I recognize.

“Looking for me?” A deep seductive voice has me twisting in my chair to glance behind me.

Nickolas Marietto towers over me, his lips quirk up into a cocky grin. “You wish.” I spin back around hoping he’ll go away but secretly wishing he doesn’t.

I get my wish when he takes the seat Chaser vacated minutes ago. “So, they allow you to roam on your own?” He watches the barman as opposed to looking at me when he’s speaking.

“How does someone that looks like you have such unintelligent things to say?” I roll my eyes at the back of his head. It’s such a turn off when guys throw backhanded insults.

He turns to look at me, his fiery glare rooting me to the spot. “You think I’m hot?” His tongue darts out and moistens his bottom lip.

“Case in point,” I quip. I don’t want to admit even to myself that his purposely casual lip licking makes my insides clench.

“I’m just teasing. I’m sorry, let me introduce myself. I’m Nickolas Marietto, your brother’s rival.” He winks and holds out his hand to shake.