“That’s twice I’ve warned you to stay the fuck away from her. The third time I will kill you. Do you understand?” Impatience bites at Sin’s voice as he drops his cigarette in Nickolas’ whiskey.
Sin seems to have appeared out of thin air and I’m speechless at his words. Not the kill part because I wouldn’t put it past him to actually murder someone, but the warning part. Who the fuck does he think he is?
I watch as Nickolas’ eyes widen in amusement. Grabbing his drink with the floating cigarette, he salutes me before leaving me sitting here with this psycho.
“What the fuck!” I growl in anger. I want to throw my glass at him, not just the drink in it, the whole thing. I grind my molars in agitation as he stands there like he has every God given right to control my life.
Silence hangs heavily between us as we eye each other off. The noise of the Gala muted from the rage that’s brewing inside me. Part of me is stunned he has the audacity to think he can dictate who speaks to me, the other part is secretly turned on. It’s fucking toxic and makes me want to hurl at just the thought of it.
Sin leans into me and I freeze at his closeness. “I do what I want, Monroe.”
Standing up as thoughts of violence burn through me, I stride off to find a quiet place I can sit in peace. But he follows one step behind, herding me to my hiding place. I don’t bother trying to lose him and I don’t know what game he is playing right now but we are gaining the attention of the other guests. I barge through a set of doors into an unused hallway hoping he won’t follow but like everything in my life, the opposite happens.
Out of nowhere he grips my hips and slams me against the wall, his irritation and turmoil directed at me as he glares down like I’m the worst thing in this world. His pupils dilate as he breathes through his emotions and I stand there in shock as to what he’s about to do. It’s like being in the clutches of an untamed beast, his next move unpredictable. I’ve never seen such wild hatred behind his eyes and it’s both exhilarating and frightening.
Pushing himself into me so I’m trapped between him and the wall, nostrils flaring, he stills and the air around us turns to bone chilling levels. A calm black sea of hatred envelops us, and I can’t help but think there is a dangerous undercurrent of hostility about to break the surface.
“Did you get wet watching me this afternoon? I bet your pussy ached for me to finger it.” Pressing his hips harder into me, the buckle of his belt digs into my flesh while his sardonic and twisted smirk has me swallowing hard.
“You wish, psycho.” I struggle against him, his fingers tighten around my hips to stop me from moving.
“I don’t want you, Monroe. But I sure as fuck know you want me. I know you think about me when you’re fingering yourself late at night, wishing my fingers were playing with your tight little cunt.” His lips vibrate against my ear and his dirty words do sick forbidden things to my insides evoking crackles and sparks where they shouldn’t be.
“You’re delusional. I’m the one thing you can’t have and it fucking eats you from your rotten core outwards. I’m not fucking blind. I see the way you look at me. The way you mask your sick infatuation with hatred. I wouldn’t fucking touch you if you were the last man on this earth,” I grit through clenched teeth. My anger pulsates making my heart rate spike.
Manic laughter spills from his perfect mouth, the vibration through his chest plays an erratic beat against my palms. The tightening of his muscles as he laughs at me has me wanting to explore his skin. Maybe I’m the sick one for having these forbidden thoughts. His sadistic gaze crashes into mine and unease drips into my bloodstream. Now that I have all of his attention, his heavy gaze extinguishes my moment of bravery. Provoking Sin is a big mistake and I’ve just been caught in his signature icy glare. Fuck.
Shaking his head ever so slightly he watches me for a pause before he leans down and places his cheek against mine. “If I wanted you, I’d have fucked you already.” The arctic tone of his words splinter through my confidence leaving shards of ice sprinkled around me.
Stepping away from me and leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake, he gives me one last murderous glare before exiting through the doors. The cold brick wall kisses my back in support while my brain tries to process and gather my scattered thoughts. Confusion gives way to embarrassment as I replay my reactions to him, hoping I didn’t make my innermost thoughts too obvious. He’ll never let me live this down. Smoothing over my dress with my sweaty palms and taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I make my way back into the party to find a dark corner to hide in for the rest of the night. I hope I don’t cross paths with Sin again.
Chapter six
Sitting in one of the boardrooms in the casino waiting for Raphael to join us, I take a sip of my whiskey and look around the room. Chatting in the corner are the Marietto family, acting like they belong here. I don’t know what the fuck this meeting was called for, but I can promise you it won’t be for anything good.
“He’s on his way,” Sin announces as he takes the seat beside the head of the table.
My father sits in the seat bedside Sin, Rome’s father on the side facing Sin and Rome sits beside me. This isn’t our usual seating arrangement, but Raphael thought to shake things up for these fools who have graced us with their unwanted company. I have a bad fucking feeling about this, but I keep my mouth shut as the Marietto’s seat themselves around the mahogany boardroom table.
Raphael enters the room and silence falls upon us. His face is impassive and I know he means business by the way he drags his chair out and seats himself in it. Like he’s asserting his authority before he even needs to speak. That’s the thing about Raphael, he’s mafia through and through.
“Gentleman, thank you for attending this meeting on such short notice. I know we’re all eager to get back to the celebrations, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.”
Nickolas glances at his father, Giovanni, and then at his older brother, Mateo, before his gaze settles back on Raphael. His expressionless mask makes me want to rip his face off, but I know my manners and now is not the time or place to pick a fight.
Raphael leans forward and braces his elbows on the table, eyeing each of us before he speaks. “Our families will be in close quarters for the next few years. Both our sons attending Sable Lakes University. I know our families have a volatile history and I hope this next generation can put it all behind them.”
“I don’t see this being an issue. Nickolas has been spoken to. I just hope your son and his friends are of the same understanding.” Giovanni makes a point of staring at Sin who sits there unaffected, looking bored as fuck.
“I’m good to keep my hands to myself. I won’t ruffle any feathers unless provoked,” Sin says. His don’t give a fuck attitude loud and clear.
“Is your sweet sister attending Sable Lakes too? I’d love to get to know her better,” Nickolas teases and it has the desired effect.
Sin launches out of his chair, but before he can make his way around the table, Rome and I have a tight grip on him.
“Sin, calm the fuck down.” I pat him on the chest and hold him tightly.