“Well, yeah.”
Andy smiled softly at her and said, “I think that’s great.”
“Me too. But it’s also really hard, Andy.”
“Some of the great love stories are,” Daisy suggested. “But it’s not insurmountable.”
“No, but I live in one country, and she lives in another. She and I haven’t even talked about that, really. I want to move in with her one day. Not tomorrow, but how would we do that? Do I have to get a visa? Will she? Will we get married? Where? How? Will I have to change my citizenship? Will she? There’s just–”
“Drew,” Andy interjected.
“Right now, if I were you, I’d focus on seeing her again. Maybe visit her there. I think you need to see her.”
“Of course, I do. I miss her.”
“No, I think you need to see her. You’re freaking out a little bit, and my guess is that Selma is someone who can calm you down.”
“She does,” Drew replied with a coy smile.
“So, let’s have our drinks and apps, and then you go home and call your girlfriend. Arrange something to get to her, okay? I think you need it.”
“I love your face,” Drew said as she stared at her tablet screen in bed later.
“Well, hi, babe,” Selma replied with a little laugh. “I love your face, too.”
“I haven’t seen it in a week.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I hate missing our video calls.”
“Gia in bed?”
“Finally,” Selma replied on a sigh. “That girl has been driving me crazy all week. I love her to death, but she wants to be in every club and class now. She went from wanting nothing to do with school to wanting everything to do with it very quickly. We’re trying to figure out the right schedule for her that’s challenging but not too much. She’s only nine, Drew.”
“She’s almost ten,” Drew said.
“Don’t remind me.” Selma moved until she had the phone likely leaning against her other pillow and was lying on her side. “I’m planning a birthday party on top of everything else. She actually wants to invite kids from school now, which she never wanted before, so that’s been fun.”
“I can help.”
“Help with what?”
“The party.”
“How can you help? Do you know a place in Vancouver to get a physics-based birthday cake for a ten-year-old?”
Drew laughed and said, “She does not want–”
“Oh, she does,” Selma interrupted.
“Well, no, I’m not sure I can help with that. But I was thinking I could be there.”
“Be where?”
“Maybe I could be at the party, Selma.”