Page 107 of Crashing into Love

Selma’s eyes widened a little, and Drew worried that she’d overstepped.

“You want to come to her birthday party?”

“I want to see you; both of you.”

“Babe, I want that, too. I miss you. But I don’t know.”

“It’s okay. I get it. I was hoping that I could still get her a present. Is that okay?”

“Of course, it is. And I wasn’t saying that because I’m worried about you being at the party.”

“Um… Okay. Why, then?”

“Because I’m so busy with that, training, Gia’s school, and helping my grandma. I don’t know how much time I’ll have for us next week. In a couple of weeks, her birthday will be over, and I should have this school thing settled for a while, at least. I’d have more time.”



“We’re in a serious relationship, right?”

“Unless there’s something you’re not telling me – yes, this is a serious relationship.”

“And our lives are always going to be busy, right?”

“I hope not. But yes.”

“Then, let me help. I won’t come if you think it will be a mistake where Gia is concerned, but I want to be there for her and for you. I want to be a part of your life. I know your ex didn’t even meet her, but I already have. And I know I was only your sort of friend then, but I hope it’s different with us. I hope you know I’d never do anything to–”

“Babe, I know,” Selma interrupted quietly. “I know.” She smiled softly. “I miss you so much, and it’s only been a week.”

“I miss you, too.”

“You really want to come here when it’s going to be a madhouse?”

Drew nodded.

“And you know you’d have to get a room, right? I mean, I’ll comp it, obviously, but you’d be in your own room. I can sneak in and out after Gia’s asleep, but–”

“I know. I understand. She doesn’t need to know that we’re together yet.”

“Are you sure that’s okay with you? I mean it, Drew. I’m asking here because I don’t want to make this all about my needs and Gia’s and not yours.”

“I’d love for her to know about us,” Drew said and moved a little closer to the screen. “I’d love to be able to be there as your girlfriend, if you’re asking me what I want. This is the first visit back, though, so I’m not going to rush you. But, Selma, I don’t want to be like your ex. I don’t want Gia to never know about us.”

“It’s not never. I promise, it’s not never. I just… She’s so smart, Drew. I wasn’t prepared for this. And now, they’re telling me that she’s probably ready for college soon.”

“I know, babe.”

“I don’t know what to do, and it’s scary.”

“Let me be there for you. We can talk about this as much as you want, okay? I’m not going anywhere. I’m kind of hoping that if you drop Gia off at school in a couple of years for her first class, I’ll be beside you in the car.”

Selma smiled, but Drew saw the hesitation in her eyes, too. That was okay, though. She could handle that. They were talking about scary and far-off things, and Selma was a protective mother, so Drew would be patient.

“Come here for her party.”
