He expected her to walk on by, nose in the air like she’d smelled something shitty. Not so much as glancing his way.

Not giving him the time of day or an ounce of her attention.

He found himself braced for it, her ignoring him. Bit back the urge to spout off some smartass remark to see if he could get a reaction.

To get some of that time and attention, both of which he wanted a little too much.

She was getting closer. Her gaze straight ahead, her arms crossed under her lush tits which lifted the hem of her cropped shirt another inch, showing more of her pale skin.

He was in hell.

And his dog was being an asshole.

He felt stupid enough around Verity. Lacking in every way that counted. The last thing he needed was for his own dog to disobey him in front of her.

“Titus,” he snapped. “In.”

Head hanging even lower, Titus crouched on his hind legs, ready to leap into the truck when Verity, two steps past them, sighed heavily, then whirled around.

“How is Titus with kids?”

At the sound of his name or, more than likely, simply because of the girl who’d said it, Titus tried to course correct midleap, turning toward her while in the air, only to end up sprawled on the sidewalk when he landed.

“Oh no,” Verity crooned, dropping to a crouch. She took Titus’s head in both hands and looked into his eyes, her thumbs stroking over his cheeks. “Are you okay?”

Titus whimpered, then flopped over onto his back, legs up, belly exposed.

“For Christ’s sake,” Reed muttered. “Have some pride.”

But Titus just looked up at him with a doggy smirk.

Why shouldn’t he? He was the one who had Verity Jennings on her knees stroking his belly and murmuring to him how sweet he was.

Like Reed said.


“Well?” Verity asked, prissy and pissy as she looked up at him.

And his mind went blank. Just… emptied of all thought.

Except one.

She looked so pretty on her knees before him.

His dick twitched and he shifted. Curled his fingers into his palms and squeezed hard. The last thing he needed was to get a hard-on right now.

This girl held too much power over him as it was.

No sense handing more to her on a fucking platter.

“Well what?”

She huffed out a breath, irritated at his grumpy tone or maybe just impatient with his inability to keep up with her superior intellect. “How is Titus with kids?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”