“He’s never been around kids.”

Sitting back on her heels, she gaped at him, mouth open and forming a perfect circle.

Forget twitching, his cock went rock hard, wanting nothing more than to slide between those pretty pink lips.

He spun toward his truck, practically throwing his upper body across the passenger seat as he pretended to look for something.

She sighed again. And while he knew damn well it was more of her irritation and impatience with him, with his body hard and aching for her, and the very clear image of how she’d look with his cock in her mouth in his head, it didn’t sound that way.

It sounded like a sigh of satisfaction. The type of sound he dreamt of drawing from her with his hands. His mouth.

Now he had even more images filling his mind. Of her beneath him. On top of him. Of him on his knees before her, those creamy thighs of hers spread wide.

His dick surged against the zipper of his jeans.

So much for getting that fucker to stand down.

“I’m sure you don’t care,” Verity said, “seeing as how you’re a rebel against manners in general and polite society specifically, what with its silly customs and norms and respectable ways and all, but it’s extremely rude to ignore someone who’s talking to you.”

Jesus. Not even her snippy tone was enough to deflate his raging hard on.

It was making it worse.

This girl drove him crazy. Made him forget why he was there in the first place. Why he should steer clear of her.

Made him wish things were different.

That he was someone different.

But wishing had never gotten him anything but disappointment, so he grabbed his work gloves, then eased out of the truck to face her. “Not ignoring you,” he said, holding up the gloves, making sure his smirk and his tone made it clear he didn’t think she wasn’t worth the effort it would take to ignore her. “Just getting ready to work. Not everyone’s like you. Some of us have to pay our own way.”

“Yes,” she said from between her teeth, “you made your opinion of me crystal clear. Now if you could try and follow along with the actual conversation we’re having, right now, in the present and not the one we concluded ten minutes ago, that’d be great.”

He shrugged, and yeah, it was partly to piss her off and partly to let her know he couldn’t give a shit about their conversation.

But mostly it was because he had no idea what they’d been talking about. How the hell was he supposed to keep up when she rambled on like that? The girl could talk.

How was he supposed to think clearly when she looked like that? All lush curves and pale exposed skin and those blue eyes that saw right through him?

“We were discussing Titus’s behavior,” she reminded him. “How is he with strangers in general?”

Reed shrugged and had Verity looking at him like she wanted to kick his shin.

“What about delivery drivers?” she pressed. “His vet? People walking down the street?”

“He’s fine.”

“What a ringing endorsement. Okay, let’s try it this way. Do you think Ian will be safe around him?”

Reed bristled, offended both personally and for Titus. His dog might not be purebred or have a fancy pedigree, but he was loyal and smart and obedient.

He glanced at Titus, who sat between him and Verity, head swinging back and forth when they spoke, as if he was following their conversation. “He’s a good boy.”

Her breath caught, but before he could figure out why, before he could read too much into it, she dropped her eyes.

Clearing her throat, she called to her nephew, “Ian?”

The kid was flat on his stomach on the porch, his head on his folded hands facing away from them.