Page 17 of Used By the Bratva

She dug her nails into my back, and I felt her explode. I slowed down as I came with her, struggling to catch my breath as my lungs burned; I couldn't help but smile down at her.

It was quick and fierce but satisfying. Rolling onto the bed next to her, I stared at the ceiling. “Jamie,” I whispered as she rose from the bed. She entered the bathroom and closed the door without a word. I let her go, not sure what to do about her actions. I knew she enjoyed it as much as I did, and that was clear from her scratching and moaning.

Well, I felt sure she did if I had to judge by her dazzled look and beaming smile. I was hesitant about her sudden disappearance, though, but I decided to catch up on some work and give her some space. Getting dressed, I headed to my office and left the door unlocked.

If she wanted to talk, she’d come find me.

Chapter 11 - Jamie

I just stood for a bit, opened the taps, and allowed the water to run its course. Still in shock, I stared up at the ceiling. The sex, even though it was hard and rough, was amazing. I had never experienced anything like it before, and he entranced me.

I smiled as my hands moved over my body, remembering his touch. Closing my eyes, I moved my hands down over my breasts, across my stomach, and onto my hips. My skin still tingled from the excitement.

Lathering myself in soap, I noticed tiny spots on my inner thighs where he had nibbled. They didn't hurt and would be gone by tomorrow. But washing over them sent vibrations through me as my mind recalled the intensity of each one. How could any man cause such turmoil within, I wondered as my stomach made knots.

Stepping out and wrapping the fluffy robe around me, I heard the suite door opening and shutting. Brushing out my hair, I wondered where Ashan was going or if someone had entered. Entering the suite, I found it was empty. I sat on the edge of the bed for a bit, still in awe of our intense sex.

There was a knock at the door. I was sure it wouldn’t be Ashan. I couldn’t see him knocking, but one never knew. Opening the door, I was delightfully surprised to find it was one of the women who had brought me the food and clothing the previous day.

At least it wasn’t Ana; I would have sent her away if it had been. Even though I had only met her twice, she was incredibly mean, and I felt wary around her. I opened the door wider as this woman brought up a tray with coffee and food. As the delicious aroma filled the air, I was suddenly starving. “Please, come in,” I said, holding the door open for her. She quietly pushed the trolley in and looked from me to the mess, grinning.

Only then, noting the state of the suite, I blushed. I could only imagine what she was thinking. “Sorry for the mess, don’t let it bother you,” I added, taking a deep breath. “Please sit with me for a bit if you can. Oh, and I’m Jamie,” I finished, holding out my hand.

“I’m Cleo,” she replied, shaking my hand. “You need some help sorting things out?”

“Thanks, Cleo, that would be great but let’s have some coffee first?” I responded as I lifted the pot from the tray. Cleo nodded as she started picking up the clothing which I had thrown around earlier.

She sat with me while we drank our coffee, and I questioned her about the staff and routines, learning more about the den. Once we were done, she assisted me in moving and packing away the clothing, jewelry, and makeup. With everything in place, the suite looked functional again.

Cleo stayed and sat with me until I had finished eating before saying goodnight and leaving with the empty tray.

Laying back on the bed, I reminisced for a bit, still blown away by how good the sex was. I wondered if Ashan would be coming to bed tonight and didn’t mind if he decided to. But when I woke in the early morning hours, the bed next to me was still empty.

Staring up at the ceiling, I told myself it was for the best. After all, I wasn’t planning on staying too long. Once I found Ben’s real identity, I could clear my name and get out of this unfortunate situation. So, what if I had to sleep with Ashan a couple of times? He was extremely handsome, and the sex was out of this world. It wasn’t the worst fate, at least it wasn’t Pedro.

After rolling around for about half an hour, I decided to get up. I couldn’t sleep further, so I showered and dressed. Back in the suite, I sat on the chaise and flipped through the stations. I could find nothing I wanted to watch, so I turned the TV off.

Remembering that Ashan had left all the doors unlocked so I wouldn’t feel trapped again, I decided to have a look around. I was roaming through the halls and rooms when the staff started arriving. Bored out of my mind with still no access to hacking tools, I struck up conversations with everyone I passed.

With no phone, computer, or even a radio, I befriended the den workers. I did try the TV and listening device in the small room, but they had limited access. Talking to the server women and even Ashan’s bodyguards gave me a little insight into how things worked around here.

The more I learned about him. However small or little the information was, the more Ashan intrigued me. I made some friends as the days passed. Except for Ana, it seemed that she treated everyone nastily. It wasn’t only me; she had a temper but appeared to hate all people equally.

I also learned more about all the den had to offer during my first week. Ashan had built up an impressive empire. Walking through the entertainment areas, I wondered where he would go if he sold the place. After all, it was also his home, and it was not just a business as Ashan was staying here. Remembering he didn’t come to bed all week, I considered other places where he may have spent his nights. I wondered if he had another home somewhere in the city and if he would show me someday.

Moving back down to the restaurant, I ordered some breakfast directly from the kitchen. They had a special muffin and croissant breakfast Cleo insisted I try but only on Fridays. Placing my order with one of the waiters, I saw Ana was also there. She was fighting with some of the kitchen staff. Watching her, I wondered what her role here actually was. She was very bossy and cruel to most of the staff. Whenever I noticed her, she would shout orders, yet I couldn’t see Ashan employing someone like her as a manager.

Ana stormed up to me as I was about to leave the kitchen and find a table in the dining area. “You know you don’t belong here, princess. You’re nothing but a bargaining chip,” she spat at me with her hands on her hips. This comment was out of place and unasked for. Feeling my anger rising, I shook my head, pushing it back down.

“And what exactly is your role?” I asked calmly.

Ana looked me up and down, then made a ‘puff’ sound before storming past me, shoving me backward as she went. I didn’t appreciate the way she constantly undermined me. I thought she was saddened by the fact that Ashan married me. Even if my marriage to Ashan was for other reasons than love, he chose me. He could have married her, but he didn’t, and there had to be a reason for that.

I sat down and had breakfast alone as the cleaners and waiters scurried around, preparing the place for opening. I found the muffins delightful, and the croissants were simply out of this world. Afterward, I headed to the kitchen. I just had to get the recipe and learn how to make them. The chef agreed to teach me if I joined him in the kitchen at 4 in the morning. Excited to learn how to cook while I stayed here, I explored some more.

For the rest of the morning, I avoided any area Ana was in. I roamed around and chatted with some of the other staff as I moved up to the pool area. The previous day, I had spent some time in the jacuzzi but today was going to be a scorcher with the sun already heating the world outside. After several laps in the pool, I returned to the suite.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same as the previous ones and once again, I slept alone. The next morning, I wondered why Ashan was not returning to his suite, I mean really, it’s been a week. Was the business so demanding, or was he ignoring me? Even though I could now go anywhere within the den, I still couldn’t leave, and not even seeing a glimpse of him for the last couple of days made me nervous.