Page 16 of Used By the Bratva

“I want to do business with you,” the man said; his grin made me shudder, and not in a good way.

Glancing at Ashan, I felt sure he noticed it, too. His face looked like it was growing in size as he started to turn red. I didn’t know him too well, but I had seen this look on many men before. Ashan was about to explode.

I realized that this meeting was about to turn into a boxing match just looking at Ashan’s face. I had to push down the disgust I felt at the client and the lust I felt for Ashan to safe the deal.

Chapter 10 - Ashan

Her squirming had caused all my senses to light up. I needed this meeting to be over. “You know what,” I spoke out in a low voice. I tried my best to keep Jamie on my lap, but it wasn't working too well. “How about you think about it and let me know when you're ready. Sound good to you.”

“Yes, yes,” the client said, moving to the edge of his seat. “But you could sweeten the deal by including her, you know.”

The words had barely left his mouth before I felt my body tense up. My grip on her hips tightened as my mouth pulled up. I was about to explode.

“Did you not hear me the first time?” I breathed out between clenched teeth. “I said she was not available.”

The shit was about to hit the fan. Jamie placed her hands firmly on mine and squeezed them as she leaned forward again. If she only knew how it drove me insane every time she moved.

“But, sir,” she breathed out in a sensual tone. “You want to take all the excitement of the hunt out of the game.”

The client gave her a creepy smile. Keeping my composure, I shifted my position. “Sir, I suggest you consider the deal first, and maybe later, we could meet up for a drink,” Jamie added.

He sat back, looking very chuffed with himself. I tried to push Jamie aside to get to the client. He had no right to her; she was mine. Glancing over her shoulder, Jamie gave me a warning look and shook her head. Now she was reprimanding me?

“Well then, little miss,” he said, standing up. “Ashan, I will contact you shortly to sort the details. You can count on that,” he added, looking over her at me before ushering his companion out.

As the man and his stocky companion left, I felt like a beehive. Yet, she saved the deal, and I had to give her it. She was mine, and she ought to know that. How could she flirt so openly with that, that…

I didn't even know what to call him. He was no man, that was for sure. Watching him made me sick. I felt my temper calming slightly as my feelings toward her took over. She was mine, and I wasn't about to share her. But I was about to drag her back upstairs.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed out. Jamie didn’t move, she sat quietly as staff and customers moved around just outside the booth. Still stiff from her earlier stirring on my lap, I slowly moved my hand up her thigh.

Jamie parted her legs as I pushed further up. My fingers were on fire by the time I reached her pussy. I was shocked to discover she wasn't wearing any underwear. As my fingers slipped between her pussy lips, I felt an intense heat accompanied by a lot of moisture.

She was wet and wiggling as my fingers slipped into her. My dick throbbed harder as she leaned back into me. Her breathing was jagged and quick. There was no point in prolonging this anymore. I had to have her before I lost all control.

Pulling my hand out, I grabbed her wrist as I pushed Jamie to her feet. She staggered slightly as I moved out of the booth, pulling her with me. We seamlessly walked through the course of people and tables as the lights came on and went off a couple more times. By the time we reached the stairs, the power had been restored. One less thing, I had to focus on.

Heading up the stairs to the suite, I felt my heart racing. Except for my need to be with her, I also had to clarify some things. As we entered the suite, I flung her around into my arms. Staring deeply into her eyes, I had to say my piece before I drowned in them.

“Jamie,” I breathed out, trying hard to control my hunger for her. “Never do that again. You are mine. Do you understand?”

She nodded and was about to reply, but I couldn’t wait. As her lips parted, I pulled her in tighter and covered her mouth with mine. She tasted sweeter than wine. My mind whirled with the intensity of her kiss.

I tried to control my shaking hands as I pulled the zipper of her dress down. Jamie fumbled at my shirt buttons. Her soft touch drove me wild. Slipping the dress off her shoulders, I kissed her neck.

Her hands froze on my chest as she lifted her head and let out a moan. Shoving the dress to the floor, I lifted her into my arms and moved across the room. As I lifted her, Jamie flung her arms around my neck, and her legs wrapped around my waist.

She was panting as I nibbled at her neck. Feeling the edge of the bed against my calves, I took hold of her sides and flung her to the bed. Moving at lightning speed, I rid myself of my pants. My dick sprung up out of its confines, ready for action.

Looking at her spread out on the bed before me fueled my flames. As I got onto the bed. Crawling up from her feet, I growled softly. Jamie giggled as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. Her laughter sounded like music to my ears.

As I moved, I pushed her legs apart, laying soft bites as I went. Jamie wiggled under my touch but didn't object. Pushing up between her legs, I tasted her sweet essence. Jamie collapsed back on the bed, her moans filling the air as I licked her pussy.

Her skin was like velvet as I continued up. She was warm and smooth under me. As I hovered above her, Jamie placed her hands on my cheeks and moved them into my hair. She pulled me in, kissing me back hard. As sparks flew between us, I lowered myself between her legs.

I felt her pussy throbbing as I pushed my dick deep into her. I moved in and out twice, slowly and softly. Then, I pushed hard and fast a couple of times. Jamie gasped as I moved.

She pulled her legs to my sides as I moved. Lifting myself slightly, I took hold of her legs, bringing them further up. Jamie's moans turned to pants as I moved faster and harder.