Page 6 of Used By the Bratva

“Yes, Pedro, I need help, please.”

“I heard through the grapevine you gotten yourself into a sticky mess.” He replied.

“Please, this wasn’t my doing, I need a place to lay low,” I asked quietly.


“Pedro, what does that mean?” He was my last hope; if he couldn’t help, I didn’t know where I would go.

“Well,” he replied, sounding excited. “I can assist on one condition.”

“Please, Pedro, please, anything, you have to help me,” I begged, disgusted at the hint of desperation in my voice.

“Okay, okay, but you have to give me another shot, just one more time with you in exchange for safety, dol,” the lust dripped from his voice and made me shiver.

I couldn’t believe my ears; did he really expect me to sleep with him again? I sat contemplating the situation, and my fate. He wasn’t that bad, but I didn’t like people who thought the world revolved around them.

“You still there dol? This is a limited offer, you know,” Pedro spat through the phone.

Glancing around, I knew there was no other option. “Yes,” I said reluctantly.

“Sorry, can you repeat that? I didn’t hear you clearly?” Pedro retorted.

Pulling my face into a scrunch as my heart sunk to my feet, I replied louder. “Yes, Pedro, I said yes, now please help me.”

Chuckling, he asked me where I was and then gave me directions to an address.

“When you get there, ask for the boss. Tell him I sent you, and he will assist you. You got that?”

“Yes, yes,” I replied quickly and hung up. If I didn’t move soon, someone would surely come upon me here. The day was moving along quicker than I had anticipated, and soon, it would be night again. I didn’t want to be outside another night.

Staying low and as covered as possible, I moved a bit slower, heading to the location Pedro gave me. After going about eight or so blocks, I noticed I was no longer in the same territory. Ducking behind some bushes on the corner, I surveyed the area.

I knew I was still in Miami, but I felt sure I had just entered the territory of the most feared Bratva in all the states. Moving inward as directed, I saw the cars parked outside this club. There was no more doubt. I now knew that I had entered their territory.

Moving in behind an old coffee shop, I sat for a while contemplating my life. Was the danger this area held worth the risk? What if Pedro lied like Ben? I felt tears running softly down my cheeks and rubbed ferociously at them. This wasn’t the time to turn soft, I scolded myself quietly. I couldn’t even be sure which information Ben leaked and who it belonged to.

Looking down at my hands, I noticed they were covered in dust, sand, and filth. I could only imagine the lines they had left on my face after rubbing my cheeks and eyes. My heart was beating in my throat, and my legs felt numb from all the running. I couldn’t look for another place, I knew I had to trust that Pedro actually wanted me, and he wasn’t lying.

Maybe I could find safety here or not, but running was over. I needed rest and could only hope they weren’t looking for me or knew who I was.

“To hell with it,” I said out loud, moving out from the dark corner. I waited for the traffic to decrease before moving over the street and heading to the address he had given. It wasn’t far now, only about three or four blocks. I felt sure of it. I could see no immediate danger, and most people just scurried past me without even a look.

Rounding the corner two blocks up, I saw the big neon sign just up the street. Almost there, I told myself as I lowered the hoodie further and focused on the pavement. My legs felt like lead and appeared to get heavier as I got closer to the gambling den.

I had no other hope, the situation Ben had gotten me into was life or death. I chose life, so I would just walk in and ask for the boss as directed. Stepping up to the door, the valet gave me a strange look. I was sure he was wondering what someone so dirty was doing here.

Ignoring him, I walked through the large double glass doors. Inside, I was met with more disgusting stares, and two guards quickly came over.

“Can we help you with something? Are you lost?” One of them asked as they stepped in front of me.

Glancing up, I saw the guns at their sides. Both were quite large men with short hair, black suits, and no facial hair. They looked more like they could have been clients if not for the weapons. I didn't know what the mafia looked like, but these men surely weren’t thugs.

Straightening out, I spoke up. “I’m looking for the boss.” I hoped my voice was calm enough to sound professional and didn’t portray the fear I felt bouncing through me.

“May we ask who’s wanting to see him?” the other guard inquired, sounding less threatening than the first.

“You can tell him Pedro sent me, please,” I replied feeling a bit more confident. At least they didn’t throw me out or shoot me.