Chapter 4 - Ashan
Leo had told me that someone had come to Roman’s place, claiming to have seen the person responsible. He had sent two men to check it out. Now, we waited patiently to hear back from them.
I was staring out my office window when I heard the knock at the door. Swallowing the whiskey I had just sipped, I answered. “Yes?” I expected Leo or one of his men to have news on the hacker.
The door cracked open halfway as I turned around. It was one of my guards popping their head inside. “Boss,” he said.
“Yes, man, spit it out.” I didn’t have time for house problems right now. We had enough other things to focus on.
“There is a woman here looking for you.”
“Do they have an appointment? I didn’t know I had a meeting.” I asked, rising from my desk, and placing my glass down. It was surely Ana returning to try again. Not that I knew why she would send a guard to collect me in such a way. I didn’t know if she understood anymore, but I was ready to send her packing if it was.
“She said Pedro sent her, sir,” he added, glancing at the floor. “Should we ask her to leave?”
“Pedro sent her?” I said, half confused. Why would Pedro send Ana or anyone else here, for that matter? It couldn’t be Ana as I felt sure, I had seen her fighting with some of the cleaners earlier. “No, I’m coming to have a look,” I added as I walked towards him, and the door. I was suddenly fascinated to find out who was looking for me.
I followed the guard down to the entrance, where one of the other men was waiting. Before him sat someone at the corner table in the dark. Stepping closer so I could see more clearly, I was astounded. It wasn’t Ana as I had concluded. She was surely around quacking at someone somewhere in the den.
What was this? The woman waiting there was messy and covered in dirt. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why Pedro would send such a person here.
Her appearance spoke of living on the street but by her clothes and bag, I felt sure she wasn’t or rather hadn’t been living on the street. Feeling my anger pushing back up, I spoke hastily in a tone less than soothing. “Yes, how can I help, miss?”
Something in her eyes caught my attention as she glanced up at me. There was something wild in them. She intrigued me even though her face was streaked, and her brown hair was a mess under the cap she wore. The loose-fitting shirt was dirtier than her smooth face, and I felt a pull to her for some reason.
“Please, sir,” she said softly. “I will work for you in exchange for protection. Please don’t send me away.”
She looked a mess, but something inside me told me that this woman before me, even in her state, could benefit me. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to help her. I didn’t even know why she needed protection, but there was a strong pull.
Yet, after my brother Luder fell irrationally in love so easily, I became a bit cautious regarding women. I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. Why was this dirty woman fogging up my brain? But maybe I could give her a chance and see what she could bring to the table business-wise and not in any other capacity.
“Okay, miss,” I said, turning sideways. “Come with me, and we can have a chat.”
She beamed as she came closer, ready to follow me. Walking to the bottom office, I entered and told her to take a seat so long. This office was more like an interrogation room, holding only the bare minimum needed. I wasn’t comfortable taking her to my office yet. I first wanted to know more.
There was a small table with nothing on, two chairs, and a basin in the corner. The shelves were bare, and the single cupboard held some chemicals, medical supplies, rope, and a bucket. As I left to order some coffee, I noticed her taking off her jacket and placing it on the chair before sitting down.
This was an odd gesture, but maybe she wanted to keep the chair clean somehow. The guards were now both standing just outside the door, so I asked one to get us two cups and a pot of coffee. Re-entering, I closed the door and sat down behind the desk.
She pushed the hoodie back from her head and removed her cap, revealing the hidden beauty. I was entranced and couldn’t pull my eyes away. Her brown hair perfectly framed her dirty face, giving it an almost angelic look. Cleaned up, I felt sure she could attract a lot of attention.
Clearing my throat, I spoke up. “So, miss…, sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
She glanced at me with her piercing blue eyes and answered in a barely audible voice. “Jamie.”
Raising my voice slightly, feeling irritated, I asked again. “Sorry, your name? Please speak up so I can hear you.”
This time, she looked me in the eyes as she spoke. “I said, my name is Jamie, and you are?”
I liked the spark I saw flaming in her as she answered the second time. She was a livewire, which intrigued me more. “Well, Jamie, I am Ashan, you said Pedro sent you. So, what can I do for you?”
Jamie jumped in her seat as the door opened behind her. She looked back with such speed that her hair covered her face for a second. The guard entered and placed the tray with coffee and cups on the table. “Will there be anything else?” he asked, looking at Jamie.
“No, thank you,” I responded, waving for him to leave. I poured us each a cup and handed her one. She was very shaken, and I wondered what had happened to send her to my door. “You were saying?” I asked, leaning back in my chair, inhaling the delicious aroma of the coffee.
She sipped from the cup, her lips forming a soft circle before looking at me again. “Pedro told me I could come here, as I mentioned before. I need a place to…,” she glanced away as her words disappeared.
After a second or two, she looked back and continued. “A place to stay. In exchange, I could work for you.”