Page 18 of Used By the Bratva

Proceeding down to the kitchen, I decided that after breakfast, I would look for him and find out what was happening. I needed access to more than clothes, meals, and TV. I necessitated my kind of entertainment as well. Plus, I still had to find Ben, and access to the net was imperative.

Today's breakfast consisted of sausages, eggs, and toast with a bowl of fruit. It was tasty, but Cleo was right, the muffins and croissants were better. Heading back to the suite, I looked for Ashan, but there was still no sign that he had been back.

I decided to wait for a while, hoping he might be up for lunch. I had left a message in his office and told the guards I was looking for him, so he had to show up sometime. Switching on the TV, I searched for something to watch. I had seen most of the movies that were showing and there was little else interesting, so I turned it off again. I had never been a fan of sitting around doing nothing.

To me, watching hours and hours of soaps or other similar programs was just that. A waste of my time. After I had lunch alone again, I decided to go look for Ashan as he still did not show up. I started at his office, but he wasn’t there. The note I left was on his table where I had placed it; he hadn’t been back since morning. So, I asked the staff if they’d seen him, as it was odd that he hadn’t even been back to his office all morning.

Going from floor to floor and room to room, no one knew where he was. I checked the dining hall, the kitchen, the bar area, the booths, and the gambling floor but couldn’t find him. Entering the last floor, I felt sure he would be in one of the entertainment area rooms as there was nowhere else to go.

He had to be here somewhere. If not, then he would have left the gambling den without a word, and that would not be acceptable. He could come and go as he pleased, but leaving me alone all day and night was just bad manners. I was considered to be his wife. Even if it wasn’t real for either of us, there was surely supposed to be communication and sharing.

Walking from room to room, I opened each door and glanced in. Some of the rooms were decorated blue, others were gold, and there was a silver room. All of them had a variety of seating and tables, some had stages and poles, and others had what looked like massage beds or something similar.

I wondered what could happen in these rooms, but I felt sure I was seeing things that didn’t happen. There was no reason to knock as it was still early, and no clients had entered the den yet. Most of the rooms were either empty or had cleaning staff in.

As I moved from one room to the next, I felt hollow in my gut. Something was off, but I didn’t know what. Only eight rooms were on this floor, and I had already gone through five. Only three were left; if he wasn’t here, I would sneak into his office and scour through his computer. The thought of him walking in on me while I was on his computer made me grin; it would be kind of funny. Yet, I was sure he would go off the deep side.

As I opened the sixth door, I caught a whiff of perfume as it streamed out through the door. Popping my head around the door, I stopped and pushed it all the way open. This wasn’t what I ever imagined I would find. The picture before me flashed through my mind, and I had to blink just to make sure I was seeing it correctly.

It looked like a room set up for private shows. It wasn’t huge and could maybe fit four or five people. In the middle was a small stage with a glowing pink pole down the middle of it. It was lit up by six small lights pouring a soft pink light down and out toward the chairs. On one side of the stage were three single couches. They looked puffy and actually very comfortable.

On the other side were two chaise lounges like the ones in Ashan’s suite. The perfume I smelled belonged to Ana, who was in the room. But she wasn’t alone; she was with Ashan. Ana turned and glared at me. Her eyes were filled with hate, but her grin portrayed an evil satisfaction and a sinfulness I had never seen in anyone before.

She was wearing a silky white see-through gown with no undergarments, as her ass was clearly visible. Her large breasts hung out the front as she stood, turning halfway towards me. Behind her on the floor lay a coat I suspected she wore over the skimpy gown. On the couch before her sat Ashan.

Ana had her one foot on his chest as she stood naked before him. The black high heels she wore pressed into his firm chest and for a second, I wondered if he liked painful foreplay. Her other foot was between his legs on the floor. Ashan was holding the leg against him, but it didn’t appear as if he was pushing it away. His eyes grew wide with shock when he saw me, a sure sign he didn’t expect me to find them.

Unexpectedly, I felt hurt and jealous. Breathing in deeply, I felt my heart being ripped from my chest. I was suddenly hot, sweaty, and feeling very ill. Blinking, I tried to stop the sudden onset of tears bombarding my eyes. I could only hope Ashan hadn’t noticed my pain as I retreated and slammed the door shut. Leaning against it for a second, still holding the handle, I breathed quickly and deeply, hoping to fill my shrinking lungs.

I was sure I had made myself clear when I told him I wouldn’t be with him if she was still in the picture. Shutting my eyes and squeezing them, I wished it was all in my mind. Glancing around, the walls appeared to be closing in on me as my vision blurred. They were still hooking up my mind screamed at me as the image replayed before my eyes repeatedly.

No, no, I told myself as I ran down the stairs. My legs felt weak, and my breathing shallow. Taking two steps at a time, I almost tumbled over. My mind was competing with my heart to a finish line that didn’t exist as I tried to push the reality out. Stopping in front of the suite door, I wasn’t sure if I should stay or run. I felt a darkness pushing up as rage filled every inch of my being.

How could I have been so stupid and careless? Men like him don’t change. They may look normal and decent, but they clearly weren’t. I had to decide, and I would have to do it quickly. Stay or go, I asked myself as I opened the suite door and walked in.

Chapter 12 - Ashan

After one of the most incredible nights, I’ve ever had, I thought some space would do us both some good. I spent the next couple of nights in my office on the couch as the sex was unbelievable, and my mind was struggling to focus on anything except her. Somehow, Jamie had bewitched me, I was sure of it. My heart and mind couldn’t let go, and this wasn’t normal. No woman has ever occupied my mind, never mind my heart.

Yet somehow, she did, and I couldn’t let go. Everything I tried to do, my mind persistently went to her everywhere I turned. She was just another woman, nothing special, I told myself. With enough time and space, I felt sure things would return to normal. But moving through my daily routine had become mechanical the last couple of days.

My mind and body functioned separately after all these years. It was like the one no longer needed the other. Plus, most of the staff knew their duties, which I was glad for. I only checked in and assisted if there was an issue. Going about my usual routine was harder than it normally was.

I was preoccupied and only wanted to go back to my suite and spend the day in bed with Jamie. Eventually, I would have to face her, and I knew she would come looking. But maybe I could wait another day or two. The struggle was real and seeing her could make it more complicated. In the kitchen, I grabbed some coffee and stood in the back, watching the hustle as everyone moved in and out.

Hearing Ana entering the kitchen and booming at the servers, I moved into the shadows. I didn’t want to confront her, and soon I would have to decide if she would stay or leave. Then I saw Jamie entering, and I moved even further back. She ordered breakfast then, seemingly, had words with Ana, who stormed out shoving her back. I stood silently watching in disbelief.

Jamie and Ana were two worlds colliding, they were nothing alike. Ana always took charge and spat out orders like a drill sergeant. Jamie on the other hand was soft and listened when people spoke to her. Ana had become worse over the years, she used to be a lot softer, but she always got things done. However, lately, I have noticed her becoming more aggressive and possessive, which I didn’t like.

I felt like a stalker hiding in the shadows, but Jamie fascinated me. Plus, I wasn’t ready to show my feelings, and my body would betray me if I spoke to her now. Heck, I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. But Jamie was driving me wild, and I needed to know why. So, I decided to follow her for a bit.

Jamie spent most of her morning exploring and getting to know the staff, as I heard she had done the previous day as well, and the ones before it. As she headed for a swim, I went to my office, made some calls and dealt with machine issues for the rest of the day.

It was early morning when I was called to the second floor again. Most of the morning went routine after that. Returning to my office shortly after lunchtime, I saw a note Jamie had left and thought I would catch-up with her as soon as I was done. I was about halfway through my emails when one of the guards came to call me.

There was a knock at the door. “Boss, sorry, Ana sent me,” Claus said, entering my office. Glancing up, his expression was that of someone who had just received a scolding or bad news. I suspected it was a scolding, seeing that Ana had sent him. At some point, I would have to stop her aggression towards the staff. “Miss Ana told me to let you know studio six has some kind of issue.”

Glancing up from my laptop, I felt a bit irritated at Ana. “What’s the issue, my man?” I inquired calmly, as it wasn’t his fault he had to call me away.