She let go of me to kiss him goodbye, then we settled in at the island, me helping myself to coffee.
“So what’s new?” she asked, pulling her favorite donut from the box.
I realized we hadn’t had time to really talk since the double date. Like, at all. I played it cool. “Oh, not much. Liam and I had sex, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and he said he loved me.” I shrugged, helping myself to a gooey glazed donut.
Avery’s jaw was practically on the counter.
“Um, sorry?” I took a sheepish bite.
Her glare hit me hard. “I thought you were busy with school.”
“I am. Midterms are this week, so I’ve been studying my ass off.” I set down my coffee cup. “I went over to apologize to him after we went to the club. You know, like we’d talked about. Well, one thing led to another, and we did it.”
“Was it any good?”
I gave her a ‘duh’ look. “Do you know what he said his favorite thing about women is?” I paused. “Our unlimited ability to orgasm.”
“No shit? Liam said that? Our Liam?”
“I was a boneless heap.” A thrill went through me just thinking about it and our several interludes since.
“And the girlfriend thing?”
I took my time filling her in. She went all swoony when I told her I’d run after him to tell him I loved him too. I stared at my coffee cup as she scrutinized me.
“This is different, isn’t it, G?”
I nodded. “I think that’s why it’s taken so long for me to be okay with trying anything with him. Because on some level, I knew.”
She reached over to pat my arm. “I’m proud of you, though. It takes guts to put yourself out there like that.” We shared a smile. “But next time don’t wait so long to talk to me about it!”
“I do have something to make it up to you.”
“Tell me, tell me, tell me.” She bounced up and down on her seat like a puppy, the caffeine finally kicking in.
“Donuts were just the start. I’m kidnapping you for the day.” I held up a finger. “I have to work at five, so it’s just for the day. And before you ask, I’m not telling you any more than that. But you’d better get dressed, because we have somewhere to be in an hour. Look cute.”
“Jeans cute or dress cute?”
“Dress cute. ‘I’m taking you to a semi-fancy lunch’ cute.”
Twenty minutes later, Avery emerged in an adorable teal sundress with a dark jean jacket, her long hair swept back in an elegant French braid. Her makeup was spot on as usual, and I envied her bubble gum pink lip gloss, a color I couldn’t pull off. “Am I good?”
“Mah-velous, dahling, simply mah-velous.” I opened the door for her, exaggerating my offer of holding out my arm. Our arms linked, we went down to the lobby where their driver waited. “Sorry, you had to provide your own driver. I’m not quite there yet.”
On the way, Avery caught me up on all the wedding drama. Derek and Avery had decided early on they wanted a simple affair and had told Derek’s parents in no uncertain terms not to expect invitations, but they could host as big of a reception as they wanted. After the wedding. Evidently his parents were now trying to outdo all past wedding receptions. And poor Ave was bearing the brunt of it.
I winced. “Yikes, that sounds awful.”
“Rhonda’s helped some, but their parents still aren’t thrilled with her dating the chauffeur, so they’re not listening like they normally would.”
I shook my head. Greg had been Derek and Rhonda’s chauffeur since they were thirteen. He also happened to be the heir to the Peterson Lumber Mill in Marquette, not to mention one of the most down to earth and nicest guys I’d ever met. Not only did he worship the ground Rhonda walked on, she lit up like a Christmas tree any time he came into the room. They were perfect for each other. I couldn’t believe her parents refused to give him a chance.
“Their loss.” I shrugged, unable to comprehend that level of snobbery. The driver stopped in front of Lit, and I smiled at Avery’s confused expression. “Come on.”
“What are we doing here?” She followed me onto the sidewalk then down the winding hall to the huge warehouse of clothes where the formidable Selena waited.
“I was told you still need a dress for your shower, and so do I.” I linked my arm through hers. “Since I wasn’t the best of company last time around, I suggest a do-over. Your dress is my shower present to you.”