Avery stopped, tears shining in her eyes. “Gina.”
“Come on, Ave.” I bumped her with my elbow. “Selena’s waiting.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.”
We spent the next hour taking full advantage of Selena’s expertise. Thanks to Liam’s generosity in giving me an advance on my manager’s salary, I was able to afford both of our dresses. Derek had also slipped me an envelope to give to his future wife, one that had her blushing as she read it.
“What’s it say?” I prodded.
“He wants to make sure I have plenty of nice…underthings, befitting a bride, plus stuff for the honeymoon.”
I laughed out loud. “Hey, Selena, do you have lingerie too?”
Avery’s pink cheeks went a shade darker.
“I never thought of you as the blushing bride.” I nudged her, trying to get her to loosen up a little.
This time she laughed. “At least it’s just us, right?”
I gave her some privacy as they went through a whole fitting for her wedding night and the honeymoon. As close as we were, I really didn’t need to see all that. Though I poked through some of the racks they brought over, one piece in particular catching my attention. It was black, one piece, and nothing like I’d ever imagined wearing before. But I was drawn to it.
Selena saw me looking at it. “It suits you.” Then she went back to Avery.
I bought it before I could change my mind.
Chapter Sixteen
After Lit, we had a delightful lunch then went window shopping as we finished catching up. The hours flew until it was time to return to the apartment. We stepped inside, and Avery threw her arms around me again. “Thanks so much, G. I’m so glad we got to do that!”
I squeezed her tightly, a flutter of worry gripping my midsection. “Promise me we’ll still do stuff like this, Ave. Even after you’re married, and I’m a bar manager. We’re going to stay friends, right?”
Her expression was almost affronted. “Of course. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
The band of tension eased within me, and I was able to let her go with a smile on my face.
* * * *
After working Saturday night, I’d taken Sunday off to study. One last day to cram before my big exams, and I woke up to the panicked realization that I knew absolutely nothing.
I’d forgotten all of it.
Frantic, I threw on some coffee and hit the books. I berated myself for working last night, for taking time off to see Avery. What was I thinking? I have to pass these tests, have to pass these classes. It’s my senior year, for crying out loud. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb and buckled down.
* * * *
I realized someone was shaking my shoulder, saying my name. I found Liam staring at me with a furrow so deep between his eyebrows I could plant corn in it. My eyes didn’t want to focus on him after staring at the pages for… Wait, how long has it been?
That crease somehow deepened as he frowned. “I said your name four times. Are you okay?”
“What time is it?” A glance outside showed it was dark. My stomach growled, my insides filled with a gnawing hunger as if they were eating themselves.
“It’s seven at night. How long have you been studying?” He set his duffel bag on the floor with a thump.
What time did I get up this morning? “Maybe eight?”