Page 60 of The Red-Hot Stakes

“I mean it, I do love you. We can talk more about it when I get back, but I couldn’t help myself.” He brushed his lips against mine. “Will you stay here while I’m away? I’d feel better knowing you have a quiet place to study.”

It took me a moment to find my voice. “How long will you be gone?”

“Four or five days. I’ll try to call when I can, but I’ve got to help them pack up then get them settled elsewhere. Desi sounded pretty upset on the phone, so I doubt this will be an easy thing. I’ve got to make sure she’s okay.”

“What about dinner?” Our food was sitting on the table, getting cold, and I immediately felt shallow thinking of food when his sister needed him.

His rough fingers touched my cheek. “Sorry, Red. I’ll have to grab something on my way. I’ve got to go now.” His eyes searched mine, waiting.

But I just sat there, staring like an idiot. Liam loves me. The words bounced around my mind, not finding a place to settle.

He kissed my forehead. “I’ll let you know when I get there.” And he strode out of the room.

I listened to his footsteps, heard the door close. At the sound of it latching, whatever was holding me back finally shattered. I ran after him, desperately needing to reach him.


I raced into the hallway just in time to see the elevator doors shut. Undeterred, I flew barefoot down the four flights of stairs, barreling into the underground parking garage right as the elevator opened. Liam stepped out, and I shouted his name again.

He paused, turning toward me, an adorable crease in his forehead. I didn’t stop running. He set his bag down just in time to catch me as I flung myself at him, clinging to him like he was the only thing standing between me and death itself. He cradled me in his cedar-and-pine-scented embrace, making me feel safe, cherished and, above all, loved.

My lips brushed his cheek as I whispered, “I love you, too.”

Barriers crumbled inside me, that previously nameless emotion flooding me. I love him. He held me even tighter. Then I climbed down and stepped toward the elevator.

“Have a safe trip. I’ll watch the apartment.” I didn’t want him to leave, but I could let him go now that I’d said it back.

A tender happiness radiated from him as he picked up his bag to make his way to the car. He gave me one last wave before he left. His lips mouthed those three words one last time, then I watched the car disappear. I hit the call button on the elevator, sinking against the cool panel and leaning my head back to study the pristine ceiling.

Never have I ever made a scene like that in my entire life. Never have I ever fallen for a guy as hard and fast as I have fallen for Liam.

Never have I ever been so happy.

* * * *

The next morning, I was studying hard when a notification popped up, reminding me I only had a month until Avery and Derek’s shower. Avery insisted if she had to be showered with gifts and play stupid games, the guys had to suffer too. I pulled up my calendar on my phone. It was mid-October already, and her shower was in the middle of November. Her wedding would be over Thanksgiving, just six weeks away. Holy crap.

I was looking forward to the wedding and all the celebration going along with it. Avery and Derek had decided on a destination wedding at a tropical, all-inclusive resort in the Cayman Islands. Their treat. Since it was just them, Rhonda and Greg, and me and Liam, they’d booked us all for a whole ten days with the wedding smack in the middle.

They’d chosen the time over Thanksgiving for me, since I already had an extended break with school and we’d all planned to celebrate the holiday together anyway. Though Thanksgiving on a plane would be interesting. I’d never been out of the US before and was looking forward to getting my first stamp on my passport. Not to mention some warm weather in our typically cool November.

Rhonda and I had rented the place for the shower months ago. We’d planned out most of the details during the summer when I hadn’t been buried in homework and midterms. But it hit me that my best friend was really getting married.

And I’d hardly seen her.

An idea began forming. I’d need to pull a few strings to get it done, but it’d be worth it. Pushing aside my books, I grabbed my phone to make some calls. An hour later, I had a solid plan, along with all the green lights I needed. Including a thumbs up from Derek to kidnap Avery on Saturday morning.

The week rushed by with work and studying. Derek and Rhonda’s birthday was Friday, so I met him and Avery for lunch, FaceTiming Rhonda as well. Liam and I texted back and forth every day, even managing to get a few calls in. I missed him, and I was grateful for the excuse of apartment sitting, since it meant wrapping up in sheets that smelled like him.

Saturday morning, I arrived at Derek and Avery’s with Sweetwaters’ donuts, something I hadn’t done in way too long. When I knocked on the door, Derek answered, a conspiratorial grin on his face.

Avery called from her place at the table. “What are you doing here?”

I waved the box around. “Bringing my best friend breakfast.” The beaming smile on her face brought out a matching one on mine. “Bear claw, anyone?”

She flew from her chair, her arms around me in two seconds flat.

Derek shook his head at us. “All right, Cupcake, I’m going to work out. Love you.”