“Seriously?” Turning around, I look out the back window. Since there’s not a second row, I can see behind us pretty clearly. Except whoever’s driving is wearing a black hat and dark sunglasses.
“Why would he follow us?”
“Not sure, but I don’t like it.” Landen swerves over to the side so he can pass, but instead, the person slows down, too. “This fuckin’ asshole.”
Landen slams his foot down on the gas until we’re speeding down the road. I watch the car get farther away in the side mirror and breathe out a sigh of relief when they don’t catch up.
“That was so weird,” I say, finally relaxing against the seat.
“Do you think he’s tellin’ the truth? Did you meet him at one of your rodeos?”
I shrug because I have no idea. “I’m gonna have to ask my dad to know for sure. It’s possible, but there’s no way I would’ve been interested in him. I was probably only nice because he’s one of my dad’s employees.”
“I don’t like the idea of him thinkin’ he had a chance with you.”
“Well, now no one will since I’mengagedand all…”
He grabs my hand, interlocks our fingers, and then brings it to his mouth for a tender kiss. “Good. I’d hate to have to threaten another man’s balls. Or worse, shoot ’em.”
We finally arrive at the ranch. I’ve never been inside the main house, but the outside is gorgeous with a white wraparound porch that has a couple swings and wooden chairs.
“I bet this was a great place to grow up,” I say once we walk inside with the groceries. There’s a rustic feel to it with lots of cozy vibes and family photos on the wall.
“It was hectic, that’s for sure. But yeah, it was fun.”
“Ellie, darlin’!” Mrs. Hollis grabs the bags out of my arms, sets them on the counter, and then engulfs me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you. How’re you doing?”
“I’m good. Considering, I mean.” I smile and then get a hug from Gramma Grace. I’ve only met her a few times, but this family is full of huggers, so I accept my fate.
“I’m glad to hear it. I reached out to your parents when I heard and they were so worried, but it comes with the territory of your kids ridin’ horses professionally. When Noah got hurt, I banned her from ever trick ridin’ again.”
Landen snorts. “Yeah, that didn’t last long.”
“Wait, I remember that. She fractured her ankle and broke some ribs, right?”
“Oh…thatyou remember.” Landen groans, putting away the groceries while Gramma Grace adds ingredients to the mixer. They’ve already started baking and cooking, and it smells delicious whatever it is.
Mrs. Hollis chuckles. “My kids have been givin’ me heart attacks since the day they were born, so I knew the fear your parents must’ve been feelin’.”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to convince me to slow down,” I admit, leaning against the island counter.
“And would you?” she asks.
I think about the past few years and how much I’ve enjoyed traveling, racing, and pushing myself to do better at each event. The feelings I get while riding are irreplaceable.
“No, I don’t think so. I love it too much.”
Chapter Twenty
Once we’re done chatting with Mom and unloading all the bags, I take Ellie to my place so I can finally put my groceries away. She’s never been here before and now I wish I would’ve cleaned up first.
But if she minds, she doesn’t make it known. In fact, she helps herself to looking through my cabinets and drawers, snooping around as if she hopes something will trigger a memory.
“Satisfied?” I muse, watching her from my couch as she looks at my photos hanging on the wall.
“If I’ve been here before, nothing’s clicking.”