“Nope, you haven’t.”

She glances at me over her shoulder. “How many girls have been?”

I chuckle at the way she snuck in that question so effortlessly. “Are we havin’ the body count talk?”

“Body count? Are we talkin’ about murders or sexual partners?”

I blow out a tense breath. “Honestly, murders would be a more comfortable topic.”

“So I’m guessing you’ve slept with a lot of women.”

“Depends what you consider a lot.”

“Well…” She paces around the living room. “Five would be a lot to me. But I’m only twenty-three.”


“And you’re twenty-nine, so…probably close to that number.” The way she says it sounds like she’s asking for confirmation rather than being certain.

“Twenty-nine women?”

“Yeah, I’d consider that to be a lot.”

“Okay…” I scratch along my jawline, curious as to where this is leading.

“So…have you slept with a lot of women?”

“In terms of what you consider a lot, then no.”

Not even close to that.

She raises a brow. “Really?”

“Why do you sound surprised?”

Her gaze roams up and down my body. “Because you’re hot.”

I laugh under my breath, still not used to Ellie calling me anything but how annoying I am. “As are you. Doesn’t mean I’d assume you’ve slept with a lot of men.”

“Okay, fair point. That was a little presumptuous of me. But I don’t put myself out there. I didn’t go out in search of a hookup. As far as I remember, anyway.”

“I pretty much figured that out since all I saw you do was eat, breathe, and sleep barrel racing. What about in high school?”

“I had two boyfriends. Slept with one of them. The other guy I slept with was after high school.”

“Only two?”


“Okay. I’d never judge you for your past anyway.”

She sits on my coffee table in front of me, and I cage her legs in between my thighs. Leaning forward, I wrap my fingers around her knees and pull her closer.

“Is that what you’re worried about?” I ask. “That I’m going to judge you?”

“No, I guess if you’ve been obsessed with me for years, you wouldn’t care anyway.”

Smiling at her honesty, I nod. “Accurate. So tell me what you’re thinkin’.”