I’ll make time to come up whenever y’all are available.
After our text convo ends, I text our sibling group chat and update them.
Want me to seduce the parole board members? It’d be a hardship, but I’d do it for the cause.
I roll my eyes and shake my head. Give it to Wilder to make it weird.
We better start saving up for his bail now.
Huh, why?
Google is free, man.
Do you even know who parole board members are made up of?
Uh…hold on.
Anyway…while he utilizes the internet, I’m probably gonna make a trip up to Willow Branch Mountain in a month or two. If anyone wants to catch a ride with me, let me know so I can tell Warren to book us a cabin.
With Warren being the oldest of his siblings, he took over a lot of the management duties for the ranch and resort. My aunt and uncle still stay plenty busy with other tasks, but as their kids get older, they get more responsibilities and will eventually take over when the parents retire.
Hell yeah! Count me in.
Depends. This is my busiest time for traveling to rodeos with clients and training. I’ll have to check with Fisher, too. But I’d love to go if I can.
Yeah, I’ll have to ask Magnolia if she wants to get a sitter for Willow or take her with us.
Take her with you so Poppy has a friend!
It’s funny enough that Noah and Magnolia have been best friends since they were in elementary school, but then Magnolia started dating Tripp a year and a half ago. Shortly after, she found out she was pregnant with her ex’s baby. Noah announced her pregnancy at the same time and they ended up giving birth on the same day. The babies are only ten months old, so I laugh at Noah trying to push Tripp to bring along an infant to a couple’s resort.
Although Willow isn’t Tripp’s biological daughter, he loves her just the same. Magnolia tried to give Tripp an out to walk away, but he was determined to stay and be there for both of them. I’m glad they finally got together after all the years of back and forth. I’ve never seen Tripp as happy as when he became a dad and husband.
I hope to have that someday, too.
Ever since meeting Ellie four years ago, my dating life has been nearly nonexistent, except for a drunken time or two, so the chances of me getting married and having kids anytime soon aren’t likely.