After work, I take a shower and change into clean clothes, then form a group text with Warren, Rhett, and Addie. I talk to my cousin at least once a month, but I haven’t spoken to Rhettand Addie in a couple years, though I see their life updates on social media. After they got married, they moved an hour south and now have three kids.


Did y’all get the email about Angela?


We’re reading it now.


Absolute bullshit! I’ll be writing a letter and making sure they know everything about Angela and the type of person she is.

At Angela’s criminal trial, we could only answer questions based on the incident and character witness testimonies when asked, but during the wrongful death lawsuit, we had the opportunity to speak out about our personal experiences with Talia and Angela.

Addie made a compelling testimony about Talia that had most people in tears. She spoke about her with such grace and kindness that even the jurors were fighting with their emotions. She expressed strong opinions about how Angela’s actions weren’t out of character based on the several years of knowing her, so I have no doubt she won’t hold anything back on expressing her thoughts on keeping Angela behind bars.


Me too. Changed or not, she deserves to serve her full sentence.

My testimony focused on the emotional abuse that revolved around our past relationship, including how she wasn’t eveninvited on the trip but always manipulated people to get what she wanted. I mentioned how her lack of self-awareness hurt everyone around her. And now, I’ll include the repercussions of her actions that led to Tucker’s suicide.

He was so distraught that he could hardly speak at both trials. Looking back, I wish I’d been able to be there for him more. He shut down, and I thought I was doing the right thing by giving him space to grieve. It’s been nine years since we lost him, but I can still hear his rowdy laughter in my head.


Just read it. I’ll do whatever I can to help!

Since Warren didn’t know Angela nor Talia very well, just from the few times they hung out during our spring breaks, his testimony focused on what he witnessed and Angela’s lack of remorse after the incident.

Warren and Maisie got married once she graduated from college in New York City, but when she got a job at a Big Five publisher, she moved back there. Warren didn’t want to leave his hometown and she didn’t want to sacrifice her career. He doesn’t talk about her or everything that he went through, but I know it fucked him up. I’m not even sure he’s dated since then because his only focus has been on his family’s ranch and resort.


Maybe we should get together and write a joint statement for either outcome. You know as soon as news about it gets out, journalists will come looking for our comments.


Not a bad idea. Plus, it’s been too long since we’ve hung out.




You know y’all are always welcome up here.


We’d love to come! Let us check our schedules and we’ll get back to ya.


Sounds good!
