He shakes his head slightly, then leans across the bar to kiss me. “God, Faye, I’m so sorry you felt like you had to auction yourself to get what you want,” he says against my lips. “I think it’s brave you were willing to do that to go after your dreams and see the world. Impressive, even. Now I feel lame asking you to go to a simple movie with me.”
I laugh and kiss him back. “I’d go anywhere with you.”
I wish I could snatch the words back when his eyes harden. I’ve said too much, been too eager. He tells me to finish my breakfast and gets a quick shower, then finds me some jeans and a t-shirt. I roll up the pant legs about ten times, finding the “boyfriend” fit that hangs around my hips in a cool way, and finish the look by tying the t-shirt at my waist.
He gives me an appreciative look. “Still gorgeous,” he says, making me blush.
We drive to the other side of town, since he can’t be seen with me. I’m not his student anymore, but I still go to his college, and he’s a stickler for rules. I find that both endearing and incredibly sexy. Plus it’s fun to sneak around.
We pick a spy thriller but neither one of us could say what the movie was about because we make out the entire two hours. At the end he laughs and says he feels like he’s back in high school. I tell him I never made out with anyone in high school because boys my age are gross.
“You like older guys like me?” he asks, his tone teasing but his eyes serious.
“I like one old guy who is you,” I clarify.
I think about poor miss gummy lover, wherever she is right now with Alfred, probably with his dentures out. She has no idea what she’s missing.
We end up at a diner down the block from the theater and we play footsie under the table after we order. I can’t hold back any longer and drag him into the women’s restroom. I don’t notice anything about the small room except that it’s empty and the door locks. Within seconds he’s got me pressed up against the wall, our lips locked together.
We fumble with each other’s buttons and zippers, and the second my borrowed jeans are down around my ankles, I kick them away. He grips my hips as I wrap my legs around his waist. I’m already so wet and open for him, and my heart is pounding.
“Hurry,” I whisper, looking down to see his big cock. I look up into his intense gray eyes. “Hurry and fuck me,” I plead.
He rams into me, held up by his body and the wall. I come almost instantly, biting down on his shoulder to keep from screaming and having the restaurant employees crashing in on us.
With a low growl, he kisses me hard as he comes inside me with my pussy pulsing around his throbbing shaft.
We laugh breathlessly while we hurriedly get dressed. “I can’t believe we had a quickie in a public restroom,” I say. “I was a virgin yesterday!”
He straightens my hair and shakes his head. “I have created a monster.”
Our food is waiting for us on the table and if the server gives us a suspicious look we ignore her. We both eat ravenously and then chat for a while about anything and nothing. It’s surprisingly comfortable being with Grady, but the light begins to dim outside the diner windows and as the sun goes down, reality begins to creep in.
I want this day to last forever, but I know it can’t. Grady isn’t my boyfriend, and he never can be. I thought I could bypass emotions by selling my virginity to a stranger, keep my heart safe and not end up like my friends who were torn up after their first relationships crumbled into dust. But I’m already finding myself attached to Grady, much more than I thought possible. It’s already deeper than the silly crush from last year. I can’t believe I’m sleeping with my favorite author.
On the drive back, I lapse into silence, staring at the traffic out my window to keep from studying Grady’s chiseled profile.
“Everything okay?” he asks.
I nod. “Everything’s fine,” I assure him.
I’m just preparing myself for when the most magical day of my life comes to an end. I don’t know how I will move on after being with him like this. I feel like we belong together, but I can’t tell him that without sounding like a lovesick fool. I wish I could tell if he wanted more between us, I am desperate to be with him.
Chapter 6
Why isn’t Faye out of my system yet? Being in bed with her is one thing, but I thought her shine would dull once we spent the entire day together. I was worried the light Faye brings to my life would fade after we slept together, like it would work her out of my system. But if anything, she shines brighter than ever. My obsession is only growing stronger, I crave her now and can’t see myself letting her go. Even wearing my comically oversized clothes, she’s the most beautiful woman in the city.
I can’t remember having such a fun day. It’s relaxed and easy going when we’re talking, fiery when we’re not. Thank goodness the movie we chose had been out for a while and the theater was empty, because there’s no way someone wouldn’t have complained if they saw us climbing all over each other, tongues entwined. If I was offered a million dollars to say one thing that happened in the film we were supposed to be watching, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.
She seems to be having as much fun as me. Her smiles and laughter are so easy, and all of her chatter is interesting to me. Her lack of inhibition drives me wild. All too soon, it’s time to take her home.
About halfway back to our side of town, she goes quiet. When I ask, she tries assuring me that nothing is wrong, but something clearly is. Could she be just as disappointed as I am that this perfect day is about to end?
Or is this how she is? Moody and sullen sometimes? It doesn’t matter. Not even her solemn demeanor could cool my flame for her. And it hardly matters if she does want to keep spending time with me, because what could become of it? She’d have to quit the school she worked so hard to get into, and even harder to pay for. Or I’d have to resign when I’m on the verge of getting tenure. There’s no future for us.
Except, she’s mine.