He’s right. I have a full load this semester, but no classes on Fridays. It’s usually when I get all my chores done and pick up a shift at a coffee shop near the college.
He purses his lips, his eyes going dark. “I know quite a bit about you, Faye. You’ve been on my mind since you were in my class.” He pulls me closer so that my breasts are pressed against his chest. “Does that scare you, my girl?”
On the contrary, it thrills me. He was interested in me. All those lonely nights when I stared at his picture and dreamed about having moments like this, he could have been mine?
“Why didn’t you say something when I was in your class?” To be honest, I’m a little irritated that he never said anything, but now that he has been open with me, I want to be open with him. “You know how you made me play with myself last night? I’ve done that before, and I’ve always thought about you. I didn’t know how good it would really be, but I still wished it was you touching me there.”
He looks stunned, his mouth dropping open. He makes a low sound in his throat as he reaches for my breast, stroking my nipple to a tight bud. “Are you telling me the truth?” he asks in a choked voice.
I nod, wanting to close my eyes to better concentrate on the sensation of his fingers on my nipple, but I can’t look away from his intense eyes, stormier than I’ve ever seen them.
“I’ve had a crush on you ever since I saw your picture on the back of the first Lost Moon book. Then when I realized you were my professor, I thought I may actually stand a chance. Every astronomy lesson you taught made me so hot. Whenever you looked at me, I had to grind against my chair. One time I ran to the restroom as soon as your class ended. All I could think about was what I wanted you to do to me while I got my hands under my skirt and between my legs. Just your voice and a few glances made my pussy so wet, Professor.” I shake a little at the memory. “To think you could have been fucking me all along.”
“Jesus,” he mutters, his hand sliding between my thighs to feel how much I need him.
I giggle, heady with power. “And you could have saved all that money.”
His fingers push inside me, stretching me for his cock. “I can’t date students,” he says roughly. “And you were worth every penny.”
In a flash, he whips me onto my stomach and pulls my backside up against him. His hard cock slides between my thighs, the smooth shaft teasing my needy pussy. He gives me a light slap on the ass.
“That’s for not telling me you had to stroke your own little clit when I could have been licking you all along.”
I laugh, pressing back against him. “I wouldn’t want my favorite professor to get in trouble,” I say.
Then I gasp when he grips my hips and drives deep inside me. I yelp as he pounds me from behind, that amazing feeling already building with every hard thrust. He leans close and kisses my neck, growling in my ear.
“You know how many times I’ve thought about bending you over my desk? Fucking you senseless like this with your sexy ass waving in the air?” He tugs on my hair, pulling me up onto my elbows. “I want to see those tits of yours bounce, little girl.”
Once again he’s sending me over the edge and all I can do is let it happen. He drives deeper and harder inside me, our bodies slapping together, our breath getting heavier. I can barely speak but I find the words to beg for what I need so badly.
“Touch me, Professor. Please.”
His hand releases its grip on my hair and snakes around my waist. He slides his palm slowly down my belly to cup me between my thighs, right up to where his cock is buried inside me. His fingers slowly and expertly tease my swollen clit, and I seem to fall into empty space as he gives me yet another orgasm. How many is this now? I lost count long ago.
My screams die down and I find that he’s already laying on top of me, panting and kissing my shoulder. I can barely move or breathe and I don’t care as I continue to spasm around his cock.
“I want to stay inside your body forever,” he murmurs, slowly sliding out. He groans. “God, what do you do to me, Faye?”
He rolls off and runs his fingers up and down my back. My thighs are slick with his seed and the sheets are damp and tangled from everything we’ve done. I finally turn my head and smile.
“Did you say something about spending the day together?”
I can’t let this end. I know I should be guarding my heart. This isn’t real. He paid for me. He wanted to fuck me, nothing more. But I still don’t want it to end just yet.
He grins and shoves himself off the bed. “Yes, I did. But first breakfast.”
He tells me to get a shower if I like, and a few minutes later I hear a clatter of pans from the kitchen, along with Grady’s humming. His bathroom is bigger than Jen and I’s apartment, I’m not even exaggerating. As much as I don’t want to rinse away his scent and lose the feel of his hands, I can’t resist the massive walk-in shower.
I use his soap and shampoo, glad I can still carry him home with me, and when I walk into his kitchen wrapped in his bathrobe, my heart shifts a little. He’s made scrambled eggs and toast, with fresh peaches sliced up on a plate. A pitcher of orange juice sits next to two stemmed glasses and there’s a variety of jam and honey.
“So this is how the other half lives,” I joke, sitting down to dig in.
He’s got a t-shirt and some sweatpants on, the most casual I’ve seen him— well, besides naked. And he looks every bit as mouthwatering as he does in his designer suits. My heart flutters again when he sits across from me at the granite kitchen island and pours me a glass of juice.
“You’re the other half now, too,” he reminds me. His teasing smile turns serious. “What made you want to do the auction?” he asks.
I take a deep breath and wave at the paintings on his walls, then the breathtaking view of the river outside his apartment windows. “I love art and nature and everything beautiful. I want to see it all, live it, breathe it. Bioluminescent bays, the Sistine Chapel, the masterpieces in the Louvre, Machu Picchu. All of that takes money. And I want to finish school without any debt,” I add, hoping he doesn’t think I’m just a greedy, flighty dreamer. “My father lost my college fund with a bad investment, so I have to pay my way myself, and the auction seemed like the simplest way to do that.”