Samkiel said nothing.

I glanced toward Xavier, and he nodded.

He felt it too. Something was off.

Imogen and Vincent stood focused on Dianna, their blades clenched at their sides.

Logan peered toward the terrified waitress. She cradled her twisted wrist, her face pale with pain. Logan looked at me.

I raised a brow, and he tipped his chin toward the window. A few birds chirped, nestling in the tree by the window.

“Hostages? This is new for you,” Samkiel said, his gaze never leaving her.

Dianna shrugged. “I had to get your attention somehow. I am sure you have been busy since your betrothed’s arrival.”

Imogen blanched, and I saw the line of Samkiel’s jaw twitch.

“We’re not—” Imogen started.

Samkiel raised his hand, and Imogen closed her mouth immediately.

“And you learned that information from where?”

Dianna glanced down, twirling a piece of her hair between her fingers. “Kaden.”

Pressure weighed on us, and my chest ached as if all the air had fled the room. Silence fell, weighted and nearly painful.

“He came to you?” I heard the cold, deadly rage that laced Samkiel’s voice.

“Yeah, and he told me all about your wife. Kind of sad, given the fact you never mentioned it.”

Samkiel glanced down and nodded before exploding into motion. Grabbing Dianna by the throat, he lifted and slammed her against the countertop. Dianna reached up, grasping his wrist, twisting beneath his hold as she kicked and struggled.

We stood still as he’d instructed, every single one of us stunned. Dianna had seemed so strong before, and now Samkiel held her with one hand.

“Logan,” Samkiel barked, never taking his eyes from Dianna’s. “Take the waitress from here and somewhere safe.”

Logan moved so fast he blurred, reassuring the young woman as he helped her from the booth and out of the cafe. I watched Logan take one last look behind him before he left.

Samkiel lowered his head until his face was inches from hers. “You fucked up, Camilla.”


“You’re not her. I knew the second I walked in. You don’t talk like her, act like her, or smell like her. My Dianna, if she took a hostage, would have fed, not merely twisted a wrist, and the last time she met Cameron, she left him with more than a broken nose.”

My brows shot up. He had a point.

“You also forgot about Dianna’s jealousy. She lit the forest of your island on fire because of a mere kiss. She would be beyond rage, thinking I had a betrothed and had lied to her. Imogen wouldn’t have made it past the front door.”

Imogen’s throat bobbed, remembering the last time the two of them had met.

“Now, where is she?” Samkiel’s voice was lethal.

Dianna’s form shimmered beneath a swirl of green magic, the illusion melting away. She turned into a stunning, curvy brunette with enough power wafting off of her that it made my skin crawl.

“You really do love her,” Camilla whispered.

“Where is she?”