“You’re right about one thing.” Camilla struggled, but Samkiel didn’t let up. “She is enraged. I didn’t lie, Kaden found her, and I don’t know what else he said besides the engagement part, but it set her off in a big way.”

“I am not betrothed to Imogen.”

“She doesn’t believe that.”

Lines of pure silver lit along his exposed wrists and under his eyes. Camilla screamed. “Do you feel that? That’s your organs cooking from the inside out. I should skin you alive for what you helped him do to Gabriella. What you helped them do to her. You helped him take her away, the last person Dianna had, the last person she loved. You did that, and I will make you suffer for it.”

Camilla shrieked as power ignited beneath his palm. The windows shook, green energy stretching to protect her, but Samkiel was too powerful, too lost to that blinding need to protect what he deemed his. What little magic flared near Camilla in desperate defiance burned out the second it reached him.

“Where is she?” Samkiel bellowed.

Camilla screamed. “The city!”

Samkiel let up, no longer pumping raw energy into her.

“The city.” Camilla took a shuddering breath, then another. “She only meant for me to distract all of you while she got the map. That’s it. I swear it.”

“The map?”

Camilla squirmed beneath him. “Yes, the one from Drake’s mansion, the one with the tunnels. She didn’t tell me why she suddenly wanted it, but that’s what she is after.”

“It’s back at the conference hall, Samkiel,” Vincent said.

Samkiel let Camilla go, and she sat up, rubbing her throat, the marks left by his hand and power slowly healing.

“I need a plan to catch and contain her. Alone.” He looked at each of us, his mind obviously working on a solution.

“I can help.” We all looked at Camilla. “Please. I want to.”

The disgust that crossed Samkiel’s face even put me on edge. “You’ve done more than enough, and I do not trust you.”

“I can make a spell in two seconds. A sleeping one that will keep her out long enough for you to subdue her. You just have to get it into her bloodstream.”

“You wish for me to poison her?” Samkiel all but roared.

“No, I only wish to help fix what I’ve done, okay? I know I can’t be forgiven, not by her, by anyone, but I’m so tired of this.” Camilla’s eyes glazed over. “I just want to help.”

Whatever storm brewed behind Samkiel’s eyes slowly subsided. “If you are lying to me, if what you make hurts her in any way, I know how to torture you for a thousand years, never letting death touch you. Do you understand?”

The blood drained from Camilla’s face, but she nodded.

“You’ll need to distract her?” Imogen said.

“I can help,” I said. “I just need a clear shot.”

Samkiel rubbed a hand over his face. “No.”

“Oh, come on. You made us take all those archery classes until our fingers bled. I can do this. We can do this,” I nearly pleaded, so ready to shoot something.

“Nothing is piercing her skin. I refuse to hurt her or allow my family to hurt her. End of discussion,” Samkiel said, giving me his death glare.

I decided that it probably wasn’t a good idea to push him right now. “Okay, then. Next plan.”

“What about a gas?” Xavier said.

“Oh, that’s a good one. Camilla, can you make a gas?” I asked, turning to look at the pretty little witch.

Camilla glanced between Samkiel and me, refusing to move off the counter, afraid one touch from him would electrocute her.