Page 20 of For Sam

“Excellent.” I grab the remote and start the movie. And then uncertainty hits me.

How the heck am I supposed to sit?

Tommy’s all casual and comfortable and this is a two-seater so by the time we’re both lounging, there won’t be much wiggle room. I should have bought a different couch. A bigger couch. One that affords more seating arrangement options.

Specifically for the occasion when my crush happens to come up after a work event.

I can’t lean back because then it’ll look like I’m trying to seduce him and he’s been a perfect gentleman. A perfect friend.

“Truth or dare,” he says, interrupting my spiral.

I look at him, which is my first mistake because he looks like he’s right at home here.

“Dare,” I say, likely my second mistake.

“I dare you to relax and let that brain of yours enjoy this movie.”

I open my mouth to respond.

And close it.

“How do you…”

“...know what’s going on in your head?” he finishes for me. “Just a lucky guess.”

He puts his right arm across the top of the sofa and pats it. “Come on. This is your place, just tell me what I can do to make you more comfortable.”

“It should be the other way around, you know,” I point out.

“Maybe, but what should be isn’t always what happens.”

Isn’t that the truth?

Chapter 10: Tommy

Don’t push her. The goal is to do things completely right with Sam.

Now my arm is stuck on top of the couch like I’m going to drop it over her shoulders. Not that I haven’t dreamt of it.

“You’re right,” she says, taking a strengthening breath and on the exhale, she stiffly melts into the couch. Somehow. It’s absolutely adorable how hard she’s trying to relax and be proper at the same time.

“Truth or dare,” she whispers, eyes glued on the first scene.


She fiddles with her nails for a moment before purposefully flattening her hands on her thighs.

Still looking forward, she asks, “Where do you…want…your arm?”

Even with the lamp off, I can see the blush creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks, giving me the confidence to give her the full truth.

“Around you,” I say, quickly adding, “only if you are receptive to that, though.”

Damn it, I can feel myself blushing as my heart races.

She swallows visibly and bites her lower lip. Shit, the things I would do…

“I would be,” she says, her voice still quiet, her eyes now staring down at her hands.