Page 19 of For Sam

I have to remind myself to take a normal breath before I physically swoon onto the floor. Is Tommy Landen actually flirting with me?

“Truth or dare?” he asks.

“Dare.” My heart is pounding with the anticipation of what he might say.

“I dare you to select the first movie that pops up on your TV for us to watch.”

It’s so absurd that I can’t stop the giggle from escaping. I can’t even be a little disappointed at myself for misreading what felt like a possible kiss because he wants to stay for a full movie. Not an episode of something, not a quick board game, but a movie.

“Are you trying to give me the easy ones?” I ask.

“We both have to sit through the whole movie, so it might be torture.”

“Fair enough,” I say, turning on the TV and clicking on the movie.

It’s a rom-com.

“Ooh, we got lucky, this one is good,” he says.

“You’ve seen it?”

He shrugs. “Courtney and I watched it in theaters.”

A little prickle of uneasiness hits me for just a moment. I know that Tommy, Avery, and Courtney are best friends, so it’s not odd that he’d go to movies with them. But the idea of him going to one with just one other person makes me a touch jealous. “We can pick something—”

“And ruin your dare? Absolutely not.”

I give him a smile and walk into the kitchen. “Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?”

“Water would be lovely.”

“Okay,” I say, getting two glasses, dropping in some ice, and taking them to the faucet. Once they’re full, I grab some blueberries and crackers. It’s not the sexiest combination, even though this is definitely not a date, but not having snacks seems wrong.

When I come back to the living room, Tommy is seated, watching me with an easy smile. He already has two coasters on the table. This has to be one of the most enticing scenes I could have walked into. A man who thinks ahead and puts coasters out.

Oh, I’m in too deep.

“Should I hit the lamp?” he asks, nodding to his left.

“Sure,” I squeak, immediately grateful he already turned to switch the light off because I know I’m blushing as if this was a real date.

It’s not like we’re going to be in the dark making out like teenagers. And I have the kitchen lights still on along with the entryway. But, as I sit down on my couch, which normally seems roomy, it feels so much more intimate without that lamp illuminating the space.

He looks completely at-ease. And completely sexy. His jeans are a relaxed fit with a worn but crisp look. And I bet he gets his shirts right out of the dryer because there aren’t creases from being ironed, but they’re not wrinkled either. My eyes travel up his arm as he reaches for some blueberries. They’re toned without being massive, much like him. Subtly strong.

I let out a little sigh.

“You okay?” he asks, looking a little concerned.

He definitely heard the sigh, then.

“Fine, totally, fine. You?” I reply much too quickly. Way to play it cool, Sam.

There’s a pause as his gaze searches my face. The crease between his eyebrows relaxes as the start of a smirk appears. “Never better.”

“Shall we begin?” I ask, turning my face towards the TV.

Tommy relaxes against the couch with a soft chuckle. “We shall.”