Page 32 of Desire

“Tammy and I are like brother and sister. That’s how we communicate with each other.”

“We need to stop by OC Depot to get some moving boxes.”

I guess that conversation is over.

Hours later, all the boxes we purchased were filled, and we’d barely put a dent in what needed to be packed.

“We should’ve made the movers stay,” I grumbled, looking around at the boxes.

“Why? I didn’t want them going through my personal things.”

“How the hell will we get these boxes home?”

“Did you forget I have my car? We can fit six small boxes in there and maybe ten in your truck. The rest can wait.”

This is why we should’ve had the movers stay. Now my old ass is lifting heavy ass boxes by my damn self.

When we finally arrived home, just as she watched me load all the boxes into our vehicles, Desire watched me unload them and bring them into the house. After a quick shower, I found her unpacking some of her things in our closet.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“I’m sure it wasn’t for you. I did all the heavy lifting.”

“You refused my help, so what was I supposed to do?”

“You know who could’ve helped me? The movers you ordered me to send away.” She slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. “You’re laughing now, but I’m gon’ make you pay for it later.”

“Is that supposed to scare me?”

“Nah, it’s supposed to motivate you to prepare that pussy.”

“She stays ready, so she doesn’t have to get ready.”

“Oh, really? Open your legs and let me feel.”

“Oop! Did you hear that? I think someone just came in.”

I hadn’t heard anything, but I remembered the text from my brother saying he was on his way with Azaria.

“It’s probably AJ and Ria. You’re lucky because I was about to have you bent over those boxes.”

“Oh!” she yelped as I slapped her ass, causing her to drop the clothing she was holding when she pushed past me. “Stop being nasty. Azaria is here.”

I was amused by her excitement and followed her to the front of the house.

“Miss Chammies,” Azaria sang when she saw Desire.

Desire jogged down the stairs where my baby girl waited with her arms extended. She picked her up, wrapping her arms around Azaria’s little body while Azaria hugged her neck.

“Hey, pretty girl. I missed you.”

“I miss you, too. I not like Miss Water. Her mean.”

“Miss Walters?” Azaria nodded, and Desire pretended to be shocked, releasing a fake gasp. “You think Miss Walters is mean?”

Azaria nodded. “Her don’t let me color.”

“Did you ask her nicely?”