Page 8 of Apple Martinis

I’m not even in the room completely when my phone starts ringing in my hand.

Looking at it briefly, I lay it on the counter and let it continue to ring until it goes to voicemail. Surely, Ben will give up eventually. There’s no way in hell that I’d give him another chance.

I still can’t even close my eyes for a few minutes without seeing his dick slamming into his secretary.

There's just some things in life that a person should never have to see. Your cheating ass boyfriend literally in the middle of cheating is one of them.

Finding which room I want to stay in, I put my suitcase on the bed and open it, eyeing the clothes that I brought with me on this trip.

Deciding that I want to enjoy the rest of the afternoon walking along the beach, I pull out my new bathing suit and a see through pull over the clerk at the store said it was all the rage these days. Whatever the hell that means.

Going back into the kitchen, I pick up my phone and shoot off a fast text to the girls letting them know about the condo and what my plans are for the rest of the day.

Not waiting for a reply back, I go into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

I feel sticky after all the driving that I did to get here so I want to shower before wearing my new swimsuit. I’m still surprised that this location had an opening. I really wasn’t expecting them to, being this close to a very well known bar.

I can go for a walk then head over to the bar for a drink and maybe a meal before coming back here for the night. Plus side is that I can walk there and back which means I can splurge on the drinking without worrying about driving after.


Walking from the parking lot to the front door of Sweet Cocktails, I see a lot of tourists out front enjoying the beach front views from the veranda.

It’s looking to be a busy night already although it’s not yet late enough for the dinner rush.

The air conditioning hits me in the face as soon as I walk inside, drying the sweat that was forming on my forehead just from the walk from my car.

Making my way to the large bar in the center of the room, I see Barrett, my boss, pacing back and forth with the phone to his ear. He slams it down on the bar just as I walk up.

“Everything okay, Barr?” I ask with a raised brow.

He closes his eyes with an exasperated sigh. “We had several to call out. We’re now short staffed with no one to cover the veranda. It’s going to be insane out there during happy hour.”

“Is Finn here tonight?” I ask, thinking quickly.

“Yeah. He’s running around here somewhere.”

“Put him bartending this side while Becks works the other side. He knows the drinks. If he needs any help, she can handle it. I’ll take the veranda. That’s where the largest crowd will be.”

“Are you sure? You’ve always hated working the veranda during happy hour.” Barr asks.

“Because they get more wild and the men with women tend to think everyone wants their girl. Including the staff here. It’s just for tonight anyway.”

“You’re the only exception to that one. Every other staff member here does want their girl.” He looks over my shoulder and I turn to see Finn with a huge goofy grin.

“Finn, your bartending tonight.” I jerk my thumb to the bar as I walk towards the veranda.

“No shit?” He says excitedly.

“No shit but I also don’t want any shit from you tonight either. No flirting with the women!” I hear Barr start to lay down all the rules for Finn who immediately begins to whine.

I just shake my head as I make my way outside to the bar there. I actually do like being on the veranda.

The views of the beach are fantastic. I’ve always loved the water and knew that I would one day live right on it.

Walking behind the bar, I start getting everything set up just the way that I like it in preparation for the evening crowd. I’m more efficient when I know exactly where everything is.

Forty five minutes into happy hour, I’m shaking a martini when I look out across the beach and see a vision that is hard to look away from.