“Jameson Greene-Johnson, I’m placing you under arrest,” the cops informs me as Reaper and him step up next to my bike and stop while everyone else looks on with varied degrees of anger filling their faces.
“Why am I bein’ arrested?” I ask him, removing my helmet and mask before pulling off my gloves.
“There’s a warrant out for your arrest. Gun and drug charges along with beating up an officer of the law,” the cop answers, not losing his cool as he watches me get off my bike.
“I don’t do drugs and the gun I have in my holster is fully registered and has been since the day I could have my gun permit. I’m gonna lift up the back of my shirt so you can pull the gun from my holster. It’s the only weapon I have on me. You’re more than welcome to check my bike and everythin’ you gotta do,” I tell him, slowly turning around and lifting my cut and shirt so he can easily see the gun I wear at my back.
With my arms in the air so the cop knows I’m not a threat to him, I feel him remove my gun as he makes sure the safety is on. I move with him so we’re in front of his car where he sets my gun down and pulls out a set of handcuffs. I give him my wrists so he can put the cuffs on me without fighting him. Reaper doesn’t leave our side as he reads me my rights. I keep my mouth shut and don’t say a word.
“Savage, I’m callin’ McAllister now and havin’ him come down here. Don’t say a word to anyone before he arrives. I’ll make sure Reagan and Zoey know what’s going on as soon as I get back to the clubhouse. McAllister will keep me updated with what’s goin’ on with you. He’ll have you out as soon as he can,” Reaper says once the cop is done reading me my rights.
Still, I don’t say anything as the cop leads me to the back seat of his car and opens the door for me. I don’t fight him as I climb in the backseat and let him shut the door behind me. He talks to Reaper for a few minutes before I watch them walk over to my bike. Reaper pulls out everything from my saddle bags and shows the officer I have no drugs or weapons in there. When the cop has looked through everything, Reaper puts everything back in my bags and grabs my helmet, mask, and gloves to put in the van with Greg. They’ll get it all back to the clubhouse for me. Including my bike. One of the guys will hang back, probably Greg, to make sure no one fucks with my bike until they can get the flatbed here to pick it up. We’re not gonna trust someone else to touch my property.
After talking to Reaper for another few minutes, the cop makes his way back to the car and gets in the driver’s seat. He doesn’t try to talk as he turns off his lights and pulls back out onto the road. He’s got my gun locked in the trunk, I did watch him do that just before getting in his car again. I sit back and watch out the windows as we make our way into town and toward the jail where I’ll be processed and led to a cell to wait for McAllister to show up and get me the fuck outta here. The only thing on that warrant I did was touch Wheeler when he was threatening my girl. He can’t get me for drugs or weapons. But, I know the charge he’s trying to get to stick about putting my hands on him is more than enough to have me arrested. Wheeler just wants me to get the longest sentence I can possibly get so I’m out of the way when it comes to Zoey. Well, he's about to find out our fucking lawyer is phenomenal and I won’t be in here for very long.
I didn’t even beat the fuck outta Wheeler the day Zoey and I left Benton Falls. The only time I touched him was when I led him back to his car and away from my girl because of what he was saying to her. I know others have literally put their hands on the fucker in the past and they haven’t been arrested for it. No, this is all to do with my girl and getting me out of the picture so he can move in on her. With this particular line of thinking, my gut tightens and I realize what the fuck is about to happen. Wheeler is gonna make his move against my girl. He’s having me arrested so he can get to her thinking no one else will watch over her while I’m locked up.
“I need my call,” I tell the cop as he opens my door once he’s parked at the station.
“Okay. Let me process you real quick and then you can make your call,” he says, helping me out of his car so we can get inside.
The cop gets me through processing and leads me to where I can make a phone call. I’ve got so many fucking numbers memorized for this exact scenario. You never know when shit’s gonna hit the fan so I can’t just have numbers in my phone without knowing them by heart. So, I punch in Reaper’s number because I don’t want to distract Trax if he’s with Zoey. And being in jail right now, I don’t want to know if he hasn’t been able to locate her on campus. If something is wrong with my girl, I can’t get to her and it will fucking kill me knowing I’m stuck here until McAllister gets the fuck here so he can get me out.
“This is Reaper,” my President answers the phone and I can tell he’s riding right now.
“It’s Savage. He’s goin’ after her, Reaper. Wheeler is goin’ after Zoey. If he doesn’t already have her, he’s gonna attempt to take her now. The whole warrant for my arrest is to get me the fuck outta the way. I bet if you call the Phantom Bastards right now, Kingston and Playboy have been arrested too because they were always the ones with her. No one else will be touched. He’s gonna try to eliminate us so he can get to her easier not believin’ the rest of the clubs would protect her,” I tell Reaper knowing this call is being recorded and not giving a fuck because it will prove that I’m right if Wheeler has my kitten and no one was able to stop him.
“Fuck!” Reaper yells coming to the same conclusion I just did when I got here. “I’m gonna call Slim now and let McAllister know what I find out. We’ll get you the fuck outta there as soon as he gets there. He’s already on his way and it won’t take long because he was less than thirty from where you’re bein’ held. Don’t say another word until you meet with him. Tell him every fuckin’ thing you know about this Wheeler fucker. I’ll also have Hawk pull up any real estate holdin’ he may have in his name. I think Fox might also have finally found somethin’ because he was gonna start goin’ over the information our contact just gave us,” Reaper states, hanging up the phone so I do the same and let the cop lead me to a cell.
“I’ll come get you as soon as your lawyer gets here. I’m sorry about this. If this is some bullshit another cop is pulling, I’ll personally help you any way I can. I know a little about the situation you're in. Saw the name on the warrant and he’s not a good guy. A lot of agencies have been after him for a long time now but nothing ever gets pinned on the asshole,” the cop tells me, his voice hard and cold as he locks me in the cell and motions for me to turn so he can remove the cuffs.
I nod in response to him and head over to the cot to take a seat and wait for McAllister. My thoughts spin out of control as I try to keep a leash on my anger. There’s nothing I can do in this cell and it’s fucking gutting me. Hopefully Reaper or Slim get in touch with Tank and the triplets so they can make the trip here no matter what’s going on. If something happened to Zoey, they all need to be here. Slim and Playboy also need to be in town. I have a feeling we’re about to be overrun with Wild Kings and Phantom Bastards. I’m not gonna fucking complain for a second about it either. This is our family and they deserve to be here for this shit.
Chapter Twenty-One
WAKING UP, MY arms and legs are on fucking fire. My entire body is freezing and I know something isn’t right. I’m not in bed with Jameson. He’d never let me get cold. Trying to move my arm to reach for the blankets, my eyes pop open when I can’t move my arm. I look down to find myself naked and chained to a metal chair. Every piece of clothing I was wearing is missing and fear fills me. I start shaking more than I just was a second ago as my eyes dart around the room. The walls are completely white with one window that has bars across it so even if I could get out of the chains, I wouldn’t be able to escape through there. A lone light bulb hangs from the ceiling and is currently off as the bright light streams into the dirty window since there’s no curtain covering it. Looking out the window, I can tell I’m at the back of whatever building I’m being held in. If I were in the front, I’d be able to see a sidewalk, road, or parking lot. Instead, all I see is grass that’s been dead for a long time based on how brown and patchy it is.
My eyes continue to catalog the details of the room I’m in. There’s a single twin sized bed in the corner that’s only got a sheet covering the mattress. One stand sits next to the bed and there’s a knife sitting on the top of it next to a clock. I’m chained to the only chair in the room. It’s one of those metal folding chairs that only serves to make me even colder than I was waking up a minute ago. I see two doors on the same wall. I’m guessing it’s a closet and maybe a bathroom.
Seeing nothing else in the room I’m in, I start to take inventory of my body. My head is pounding and I can almost guarantee that I’ve been hit in my head. My wrists and ankles are killing me. They actually burn from whatever I was tied up with before the chains were wrapped around me to hold me in place. I take in the swell of my stomach where our babies rest and don’t see any marks on my skin there. There’s also no pain in my stomach. I’m going to take that as a good sign. It means I haven’t been hurt other than getting hit in the head and tied up so far. Nothing was done to me while I was knocked out. Yes, I can tell I wasn’t sexually assaulted because there’s no pain between my legs. I’m sure whoever has me wants me awake for that part of his plan. Or her plan. You never can tell these days if you’ve been taken by a man or woman and for what reason.
Though, as I try to remember what the hell happened to me, it all comes flooding back. I was on my way to school when I was hit head on by a truck. The airbags exploded and hit my face while the seatbelt jerked me back in my seat. Looking down again, I can see the smallest bruise already covering my skin where the seatbelt pulled tight against my chest and upper stomach. My wrists are already bruised and blood covers my skin as if I were pulling at them when they were tied together. Next, I remember the cop that’s been harassing me since shortly after I moved to Benton Falls. Honestly, I did nothing to even get on his radar. I’ve got no clue what the fuck is going on or why he’s become obsessed with me.
The more I think about the situation with the stupid fuck, the easier it is to believe he’s the one who’s been watching me when he’s not on duty. Or maybe he’s been on duty and not in his cruiser. I don’t know. All I do know is that no one else is involved in this shit. There’s only person who’s been trying to get me alone and away from everyone for as long as him. The stupid fucker even followed me to Clinton City. If there’s no other reason for my thoughts going the direction they are, it would be him following me here. Who the fuck does that shit? No sane person would, that’s for sure.
Before I can let my thoughts continue spinning out of control, the door unlocks and opens. Sure enough, the stupid twatwaffle stands in the doorway with a large smile on his face. If I thought he looked horrible in his police uniform, it’s nothing compared to how he looks now. Wheeler is only wearing a pair of jeans that are stained from the waist down to the bottom as they scrape along the floor beneath his naked feet. Every inch of skin on display is dirty and covered in a film of some kind. The man clearly hasn’t showered in months. His longer hair is still greasy and stringy while his teeth are even worse than the last time I got a close look at him. I think he’s lost a few of them honestly.
“I’m glad to see you’re awake now,” he says, his voice higher pitched than I’ve ever heard it before as he closes the door behind him and steps closer to me. “Now, the fun can really begin. I’m gonna make you mine in every way so that fuckboy leaves you alone once and for all. They’ll all leave you alone once I’m done with you.”
“You’re not gonna touch me,” I growl out, trying to let my anger override my fear.
“You don’t have any room to talk or try to negotiate, slut. As you can see, you’re chained to a chair and that will allow me to do whatever I please to my body. Your body doesn’t belong to anyone but me. You might have given your virginity to that little biker bitch, but it was supposed to be mine. Now, I’ll have to punish you for that,” he states, an evil glint entering his eyes as his smile turns sinister and he steps up even closer.
“You can’t know I was a virgin before I was with my man,” I say, trying to figure out what the hell he’s gonna do. I can’t defend myself being chained to the chair, but I might be able to fight back somehow.
“I know everything about you, slut. Just like I know you got a perfectly good girl kicked out of her home for no reason other than your jealousy over her telling you she was gonna take your man. She wasn’t lying. By the time night falls, she’ll be back in his bed where she belongs and you’ll either be screaming out my name as I fuck you raw or you’ll be getting buried in my backyard with the rest of the girls who like to fucking tease. That’s all you fucking are,” he says, bending down and unlocking the chains around my ankles. “I’m gonna move you from the chair to the bed. Don’t try to fucking get away from me or your punishment will be even worse.”