Page 29 of Tempt Me

I keep my mouth shut. The quicker I can get him to release me, the sooner I can try to get away from him. It takes him a few minutes to release my ankles from the chains holding them to the chair. I don’t attempt to move them as they immediately start to tingle with the lack of blood that’s been flowing to them. The second my legs are released, Wheeler starts running his hands up my legs as if he’s caressing my skin. I want to puke on him as his rough hands touch my body without my permission.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask him, my voice hard and cold as I feel myself detaching from the situation I’m currently in.

“I’m finally touching the body that has belonged to me from the very first second I saw you on that death trap. You’ll no longer be riding that piece of shit,” he states, his voice colder than I’ve ever heard him. “Everything you do will be dictated by me and only me. When you go to the bathroom, eat, leave this room, everything you do will be because I allow you to do it. Don’t fucking test me, slut.”

“You’re my kidnapper and nothing more. I won’t ever let you fucking touch me and enjoy a single thing you do. If you try to have sex with me it will be rape. Are you ready to live with yourself knowing you’re a rapist?” I ask him, not sure if this is only going to serve to anger him even more or not.

“I’m not a fucking rapist. You fucking want me and only me. You’re just playing hard to get. Once you get a taste of my dick, you’ll know no one else will ever satisfy you the way I can. That no man will complete you the way I will,” he yells out, taking a hand from my leg and backhanding me hard as fuck.

My head whips to the side and I can taste blood from where he’s split my lip. I glare in his direction as he roughly removes the chains from my wrists. Like with my ankles, the second the chain is removed, my arms and hands begin to tingle from the lack of blood flow. To make this fucker think I’m going to obey his words, I don’t try to make a move against him as he stands in front of me. When I think he’s going to help me out of the chair, Wheeler loses his shit and starts attacking me. He rains down one hit after another as I bring my arms up in a feeble attempt to cover myself and not let him get close to hitting me in the stomach. Somehow he hasn’t realized I’m pregnant yet and I’m not going to do anything to draw his attention to my stomach if I can help it.

I fall from the chair and land on my hands and knees at his feet. This is when I can’t do anything to protect my stomach. Wheeler lands a kick directly to my stomach. I’m in so much pain I immediately drop to the floor and curl into the fetal position. The pain ricochets through me until I’m nauseous and black spots fill my vision. Tears fill my eyes as horrible thoughts of losing our babies fill my head. There’s no way in fuck I’m gonna be able to keep them alive with the kick that was just delivered to my stomach where they rest and grow.

“Jameson,” I mumble in almost a whisper as Wheeler continues to assault me.

I want Jameson here with me. To protect me and assure me everything is going to be okay. That I’m not going to lose our babies. I want to feel his arms wrapped around my body as he holds me close to him and protects me from this madman. No one will ever compare to Jameson and this fucker is going to regret ever going up against him. No matter what happens to me and our babies, Jameson won’t rest until Wheeler is killed and taken out of this world in the most horrible way possible. Wheeler will feel every ounce of pain Jameson, my dad, brothers, uncle G, and Gramps can dish out. That’s just them and not everyone else in my very large extended family. Those are the thoughts going through my head as I’m roughly moved to the bed just as my vision finally fades to nothing and the blackness consumes me once more.

I’m startled awake by the door slamming against the wall of the room I’m still being held captive in. I slowly turn my head in the direction of the door as unimaginable pain fills my body. Wheeler stands in the doorway completely naked. His small micro penis dangles between his legs as he reaches down and strokes himself while licking his lips and staring at my body. I’m in so much pain I can’t even do anything to cover myself.

Wheeler is grunting and groaning so much as he continues to stroke his cock that he doesn’t see me push past the pain filling me to grab the knife sitting on the stand next to the bed. It feels like it takes forever to get the knife in my hand and pull it to me so I can use it as a weapon when Wheeler comes for me again. He’s given me just enough time to get the knife hidden before he suddenly lets go of himself and starts moving toward me. His movements are jerky and tell me he’s been getting high on his drug of choice while I was knocked out once again.

By the time he makes it to the bed, I’m covered in sweat from the small moves I’ve already made. My body isn’t going to last much longer. I just have to keep him away from me long enough to inflict some damage to him. If I do it right, he’ll have to take care of the wounds I give him instead of trying to fuck me.

“It’s time to make you mine,” he slurs the words as he reaches out to grab my leg and pull them apart.

I make a move and swing the knife toward his hand. The blade goes through the center of his hand as he screams in pain.

“You bitch! You’re gonna fucking pay for that,” he tries to get out while his words are slurring and his movements are slow and unsteady. This is going to work to my advantage.

Swiping the knife at him again, I give him a slash across his stomach. This time the pain barely registers to him other than he pauses enough to let loose a growl that echoes off the bare walls of the room I’m in. As he goes to get on the bed, I swing again, the blade grazing his dick before digging in deeper down his leg.

“Fuck!” he screams out in pain as he moves away from the bed.

The stupid fucker doesn’t even try to get the knife from me. Instead, he looks down his body as if he has no clue where the blood is coming from or how he got the wounds now covering his skin. Without another word, he turns on his feet and slowly leaves the room. This time he doesn’t shut the door behind him as I listen to him moving through the house I’m guessing we’re in. When I try to push myself off the mattress I’m on, the pain becomes unbearable once again.

Laying back against the hard mattress, I welcome the black spots that fill my vision again. I let it pull me back down until there’s nothing left for me to think about or feel. This is the only place I can protect myself and not think about the possibility of losing my babies. I love them so much already and if I can’t protect them, I don’t know what I’ll do. Jameson will sure as fuck leave me because I didn’t protect his babies. I’ll be all alone in the world and it will be nothing less than what I deserve. So, I let myself succumb to the blackness and don’t try to fight it so I can get away from the dipshit who’s holding me hostage. Hopefully it will be a while before he comes back to see me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


MCALLISTER DIDN’T WASTE any time getting to me and having me pulled into a room he could talk to me in. Yes, the conversation is being recorded and I couldn’t give a fuck about it. I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, I mean, I grabbed the cop to get him the fuck away from Zoey, but with what I heard come out of his mouth, he’s fucking lucky that’s all I did to him. I could’ve beaten him to a pulp with the way I was feeling and I would’ve happily sat my ass in prison for putting my hands on a cop. However, that’s not what happened. He’s lying to get his hands on my girl and that’s not ever gonna fucking happen if I can stop it. Wheeler is gonna die by my hands and I’ll keep that thought to myself. The less McAllister knows, the better everything will be because we’ll all guarantee no one will ever find his body once I’m done with him. No one’s even seen him at work or anything. That’s a fact we all know because Hilton has been checking in with the department he works for in Benton Falls.

“Savage, first of all, I want to let you know that you were right. Kingston and Playboy were arrested and taken into custody on trumped up warrants. They’re in the process of gettin’ released as we speak. Their lawyer informed the cops what’s goin’ on and they immediately dropped the charges. It helps that Kingston has footage from the camera he keeps on his sport bike. They showed the cops everything Wheeler has been doin’ when it comes to Zoey and their warrants have been terminated. Now, I need to know what the hell is goin’ on with you,” McAllister says, pulling out a notebook to write everything down as he normally does.

“Hawk might have footage from the one altercation I had with Wheeler. The day Zoey and I were leavin’ Benton Falls, he pulled her over and tried to get me to leave her there alone. I didn’t leave her though. I wasn’t about to leave my girl alone on the side of the road with him after hearin’ everythin’ from Playboy, Tank, and Kingston. So, I stayed. He was at her window and I knew I had to get there. When I walked up, he was callin’ her a slut and tease, tellin’ her she didn’t deserve to live her life free. Blamed her for gettin’ told he’d be on desk duty for life if he had one more incident. It wasn’t her fuckin’ fault he’s a douche bag. I grabbed his collar and got him away from the SUV when I saw how scared Zoey was. I walked him to his car and put him inside before shuttin’ the door on him. He pulled away and I didn’t see him again until he showed up when the garage was raided.

“I’ll admit that I said some shit I probably shouldn’t have said, but I was pissed at how he was talkin’ to her. No one deserves to talk to another person and say the things he was sayin’ to her. Add in that he’s a cop and it really makes it even worse. The guy is an addict and it’s clear from the track marks covering his arms when he doesn’t make sure the sleeves of his shirt are pulled down where they should be. Until that day, I’d never seen the cop before in my life or had any kind of interaction with him. We also know he gambles and his bookies are lookin’ for him because he’s racked up quite the debt with them. After he was admonished by the state boys durin’ the raid, he disappeared and we haven’t seen him since. I haven’t gone out of my way to look for him and I have a feelin’ that’s gonna come back to bite me in the ass because I know Zoey is gonna be the one to suffer for that decision,” I tell McAllister honestly as I look directly at the camera that’s normally recording in the corner of the room. I’ve got nothing to hide and will gladly do time for walking the asshole back to his car the way I did.

“What about the drugs and gun charges?” McAllister questions me, his face red as anger fills him with what I’ve just said.

“I don’t do drugs or have anythin’ to do with them. That’s the quickest way to destroy your fuckin’ life and I wouldn’t be in the club if they dealt in that shit. None of us go near the shit and we never will. As far as guns or other weapons, the officer that pulled us over and brought me in has my gun. It’s registered and I told him about it and let him remove it from my body. I didn’t fight or anythin’. I’ve got my permit for it in my wallet. I just forgot to give it to him when he brought me in, but it’s there. If you can get my wallet, you can get it out and hand it over. I don’t have any other weapons or anythin’ on me ever,” I answer, turning my attention to the club’s lawyer in front of me as the door behind him opens to reveal the officer who brought me in.

“I’ve got your wallet. I haven’t gone through it, but one of you can get out the paperwork on the gun and I’ll make sure it matches. That’s all I need,” he says, setting my wallet on the table as McAllister reaches for it and pulls out the proper document to hand over before also handing my wallet back to the officer. “He didn’t resist arrest and his President cleared out his saddle bags so I could look in them. There was nothin’ in there and it’s in my report that he’s clean.”

“Thank you, officer. Is there any way I can get him out of here? It’s already been proven that the other two men arrested today in connection to Mr. Greene-Johnson are innocent and the warrants are nothin’ more than a pathetic attempt to get them in trouble for crimes they have nothin’ to do with. There’s more to this than what anyone knows and I’d like to get my client home so he can see that his girl is safe and sound,” McAllister asks, looking at the officer before he can leave us alone in the room once again.

“I’m already in the process. I saw the name of the cop on the warrant and knew this was gonna happen. Your client will be free to go very soon,” he assures us before leaving us in the room once again.