Page 7 of Tempt Me

Kingston remains calm and lets the smirk on his face show how unafraid he truly is right now.

“First, you’ve got the safety on. Second, if you shoot me, my girl here will disarm you and hold you at gunpoint until another cop pulls in to take you into custody. She’s stronger than she fuckin’ looks and you have no clue who the fuck you’re messin’ with,” Kingston says, laughing his ass off as he thinks of my dad or the triplets showing up to deal with this bastard right next to Playboy and Gramps.

Yeah, the rest of the Phantom Bastards and Wild Kings members would show up to ensure this twatwaffle lost his job and paid for harassing me. It’s the point that they shouldn’t have to show up because this cop has some kind of sick fascination with me. I can’t even begin to understand how I got on his radar to begin with.

“You’re both under arrest today,” the cop says, completely disregarding and ignoring what Kingston just told him.

“No, we’re not. You have no reason to charge us with anythin’. We were still goin’ the speed limit, maybe a mile or two over. If you wanna write us tickets for that shit, go ahead and we’ll both get them thrown the fuck out. Both of our bikes are legal, we’re both fully endorsed to ride, and we have all the necessary paperwork required for these bikes. Shit you haven’t even asked for yet. So, no, we’re not bein’ arrested for anythin’. You even think of puttin’ those cuffs on us and I’ll make sure you lose your job right this second,” Kingston states, losing his smirk and stepping up closer to the cop as his anger starts to get the better of him.

Before the cop can say a word in response, another car pulls up behind him. I keep my attention on the asshole stalking me while Kingston turns his attention to the other cop making his way to us.

“What seems to be the problem here?” the second officer asks, his voice showing his displeasure with this fucker being around us and not in his car still.

“I’m about to arrest the two of them. I have reason to believe they’re both transporting drugs and they were speeding through town while driving recklessly,” the cop lies as I step closer to Kingston.

“That’s a fucking lie and you know it!” I explode as Kingston holds his arm out to stop me from moving any closer to the asshole. “We were heading out of town for a ride to make sure we didn’t have to deal with this stupid fuck. Once again, he pulled us over for no reason and then said he was gonna arrest the both of us. That’s after pulling his gun on us for no reason. We didn’t try to run from him, this is the first time I’ve said a word, and neither one of us rushed him. Apparently, he’s not supposed to be out of his car at all and now he’s trying to pull this shit.”

“You’re correct, ma’am. He’s not supposed to have any interaction with bikers. I happened to be driving by and saw him out here with you. Both of you are free to head out,” the officer says before turning his attention toward the cop who seems to have a hard on for me. “You can follow me back to the station. The boss isn’t fucking happy with you and wants to see you. Now!”

Kingston and I straddle our bikes once again. I wait for him to put his helmet on and shit while keeping my eyes locked on the cop who’s glaring at me and I know this shit isn’t over with. It’s only the beginning. This cop isn’t going to be happy until he takes me out for some reason. The thought scares the fuck out of me and it makes me want to leave here despite my family being in the area. This shit is insane and I’m ready to give up my education to get away from this fucker.

“Don’t let him get in your head, Zoey,” Kingston says through the comms. “If you let him chase you out of town or get lost in your head because of him, then he fuckin’ wins. Don’t give him that fuckin’ power over you. If he gets that power over you then who knows what the fuck he’ll do movin’ forward. I’ll make sure the guys know about this and we’ll cover you whenever you’re out. Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t bring it with me. Dad changed his mind and let me ride down here. I wasn’t gonna bring it with me anyway because I wanted to have my bike here. Dad was planning on bringing my car down over the winter, but then I just kept walking everywhere,” I answer him, knowing I’d rather be on my bike than in my car any day of the week because I can’t relax and get the peace I need when it comes to riding.

Kingston and I leave the area before the cops leave. We continue making our way out of town. Once we’re on the highway, we open our bikes up and race through traffic. It’s been a while since I’ve opened my bike up and rode through traffic the way Kingston and I are today. We make our way to one of Kingston’s favorite diners for lunch. We park at the end of the lot where no one can get close to our bikes, and leave our helmets there. There’s tables outside and that’s where we choose to eat our lunch today. The waitress doesn’t hesitate to make her way over to our table and flirt with Kingston. For all this bitch knows, I’m with Kingston and she’s blatantly flirting with him in front of me. I can’t stand bitches like this.

We spend the rest of the day riding and laughing through our comms together. Kingston is so easy to be around and he doesn’t ever force me to talk about what’s bothering me. Even if he knows I’ve got a ton of shit on my mind. So, it’s why riding with him and hanging out when we’re not riding is so easy and fun. He’s here when Reagan can’t be and knows more than she does about what’s going on between Jameson and me than my best friend. By the time I get home, I feel better than I did when I left this morning and I spend the rest of my night studying and getting even further ahead on my classwork than I was to begin with. I’d call it a successful day.

Chapter Four


LIFE HAS BEEN crazy as fuck over the last month. I’ve been going on more runs for the club, avoiding all the Fallen girls, and have been hanging out with my sister, Trax, and my nephew Xavier. He’ll be one soon and he’s the cutest baby ever. Whenever I have free time, I’ve got him and there’s nothing my sister can do to keep me from him. Trax gave up trying a long time ago. He simply shakes his head and walks away whenever I show up or make my way over to them at the clubhouse when they’re there. My sister laughs at me and hands X over without hesitation because she knows I’ll throw a fit if I don’t get my nephew from her. Yes, I can throw a tantrum with the best of them. The one thing I’ve kept secret from everyone in my life is the night I had Zoey. That’s my secret and I relive it every fucking day and night. Not a second goes by that I don’t think of Zoey and the night we were together.

Zoey is the one person I won’t ever stop thinking about because she’s my fucking dream girl. Everything I could ever want in a girl is wrapped up in one package filled with claws, fire, and a fierce determination. Zoey is sexy as fuck when she’s decked out in full riding gear, straddling her bike. Or when she’s covered in grease and grime because she’s working on her bike or some other vehicle. I hate hearing the guys talk shit about her working on their vehicles because she’s nothing more than a girl. What they’ll never understand is that Zoey is one of the best mechanics I’ve ever seen in my life. She can diagnose and fix a vehicle quicker than anyone I’ve ever met. And it’s nothing but the talent she has and what she’s learned from Tank and all of her other male relatives. Instead of hanging out with the girls, Zoey was always with the guys. Not even us boys. She would always hang out with the adult men in our lives because they didn’t treat her like shit or make her feel stupid because she’d rather learn about bikes, shooting, fighting, and everything else she’s been taught over the years.

Since I got back from Zoey’s that night, I haven’t touched a single Fallen girl or some random piece of ass when I go out with the guys. My cock doesn’t get hard for anyone since I tasted my girl and felt her tight, wet, pussy wrapped around my cock. My hand and dick have become the best of friends for the last month. I swear Zoey broke my dick. I don’t even get hard when another girl tries to touch me, flirt, or anything else that usually turns me on. Zoey is the only one I want and now I can’t fucking see any other woman when she’s right in front of my face.

I’ve tried calling Zoey a few times over the last month. She hasn’t answered a single call. When I send a message to her, they get read and I still receive no response from her. Zoey’s not one to play the typical games females play when it comes to a guy they want. She won’t ignore me simply because she doesn’t want to seem too over excited to talk to me or something. She’s not the girl who plays hard to get or anything like that. Zoey is upfront about what she wants and will always voice her opinion no matter who she’s talking to. I guess I can say I’m the exception to the rule because other than the night we were together, she’s never once told me about the crush she has or that she’d want me to take her virginity. It wasn’t until we were in the moment that she voiced what she wanted from me.

After trying to call Zoey once again, I head out of my room and make my way to the common room. Reagan’s here today and I know she’ll have X with her. Heading straight for her where she sits on one of the couches, I grab my nephew from her arms and hold him close to my chest. Xavier cuddles close to me and I smile down at him. Looking at my sister I know she has questions she’s been dying to ask. Reagan doesn’t hold back as she stares me down.

“So, it’s been going around the clubhouse that you haven’t touched a Fallen girl in the last month. Any reason for that, brother?” she questions me, a smirk on her face as I try to untangle Xavier’s hand from my necklace.

“No reason, Reagan. Just over the loose, used up pussy,” I tell her as Nails and a few other girls make their way past me. “Tired of fuckin’ the same girls who lie there like dead fish.”

“Excuse me?” Nails screeches, her voice grating on my nerves as I ignore her and keep my attention on my sister.

“So, there’s no particular reason you haven’t fucked anyone around here?” she questions, trying to get information out of me that I don’t want to give her.

Reagan can be like a Pitbull when it comes to getting information and shit. She doesn’t give up or let me get away with hiding from her and the secrets I want to keep. However, this time, she’s shit out of luck because there’s no way in fuck I’m telling her about Zoey and what happened between us. This is something I’m going to keep close to me and not tarnish by having my sister find out what took place. It was way too good and Zoey would be pissed as fuck and feel betrayed if she thinks I told everyone about that night. That’s the last thing I wanna do.

“Have you talked to Zoey lately? I’ve been tryin’ to call her for a couple weeks now and she hasn’t once answered. She’s read my messages but doesn’t respond. Somethin’ is goin’ on with her and I’m worried. Tank and everyone else haven’t really heard from her either,” I question my sister as I pull Xavier up closer to me and tickle his little belly.

Hearing Xavier laugh is one of the best sounds in the world. He’s still got that baby giggle and when he gets going, Xavier squints his eyes and his entire body shakes with his laughter.

“I haven’t talked to her in a while. I didn’t know Tank would call you about anything when it comes to his daughter. He kind of can’t stand you and how you make her feel. She hurts daily because of the way you ignore her and pay attention to everyone else with a pussy but her,” my twin answers me honestly as she pulls out her phone and calls Zoey with the phone on speaker.