Page 8 of Tempt Me

“I know Tank and the triplets can’t stand me. They don’t understand where I’m comin’ from though. None of you do,” I tell Reagan the same thing I’ve said over the years whenever she’s brought Zoey up to me.

Zoey doesn’t answer Reagan’s call. It rings until voicemail picks up.

“Zoey, I miss you. Give me a call as soon as you get this. We need to catch up,” Reagan says before hanging up and giving me a sad smile. “She typically answers my calls. Maybe she’s in class right now.”

“Maybe,” I say, not believing it one bit.

Zoey is avoiding all of us for some reason. If this is because I left her apartment once she fell asleep, I don’t know what to say to fix it. I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing when it comes to her and I got scared as fuck to realize I was in bed with the one girl I’ve wanted my entire life and didn’t give in to my feelings. Feeling her laying on my chest with her leg thrown over mine, our naked skin pressed together is one of the best things I’ve ever felt in my life. So, I went to my default and got the fuck out of there because I couldn’t handle the feelings coursing through me.

“What are you doing today?” Reagan asks me as Xavier starts fussing in my arms and I hand him back over so he can eat.

“Gonna go take a shower right now so I can get to work. I’m in the tow truck today and I know it’s gonna be a long fuckin’ day,” I answer her, leaning over to kiss Reagan on the top of her head before pressing a kiss against Xavier’s chubby little cheek.

“You have fun with that. I’ll be here until Trax gets out of work. I’m gonna put in a few hours at Fallen Ink tonight. It’s been a while and I want to get my ink in some people,” my twin tells me as I think about getting a new tattoo. It’s been a while since I’ve had fresh ink and I could use the time in a chair with something new and fresh. Maybe my twin can come up with an idea for me.

Leaving the common room, I head straight for my room. I lock the door behind me as always and don’t stop until I’m in the bathroom. Turning on the water, I turn and stand in front of the counter in my bathroom. It’s clear of everything but my hand soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. Looking in the mirror as the water in the shower heats up, I take in all the details of my upper body after removing my cut to hang on the bathroom door and then my shirt that I drop to the floor.

There’s nothing that’s changed about my body. I have a six pack leading down to that V that drives all the girls crazy. My skin is tan and covered in the ink I’ve gotten over the years. Most of them are from Irish, but the rest of them have come from Cash and Tripp. They’re the only two besides my sister that I’ll let work on me here. I’m not saying that Kidd is a bad artist, he’s really not. He simply doesn’t have the experience I want in someone that’s permanently marking my body. The marks I had on my shoulders and back from Zoey have long since disappeared. I wanted to get them tattooed as permanent reminders of that night, but I wasn’t about to let anyone discover that shit and let it slip in front of my sister. So, I let the images of her body underneath mine play on repeat every fucking day and it has to be enough for now. One day I’ll have her marks tattooed on my body and not give a fuck if Reagan finds out or not.

With steam filling the bathroom, I finish undressing and leave my clothes where they fall on the bathroom floor. I’ll take care of everything once I’m out of the shower. Yes, I do pick up after myself and keep my room clean as fuck. It’s been ingrained in me since the time I could pick up after myself by my mom. So, I still keep my shit cleaned and don’t rely on the Fallen girls to clean and do my laundry for me. I do it all on my own. Ever since the shit with Precious, I truly don’t trust any of these skanks here. They’re all out for themselves and have no problem getting what they want by any means necessary. That’s why my door is always locked and I don’t have a problem not fucking any of them recently. Or letting them suck my cock. That’s about all they’re good for anyway and even that shit’s old now. I have to imagine other things, mainly Zoey, to even stay hard when I was with them before. Now, I can’t even get hard around them.

After showering quickly, I get out and grab the towel I keep hanging up right next to the shower and tub combination I have in my bathroom. After drying my body off, I tie my towel around my hips before brushing my teeth and putting on my deodorant. Finished in the bathroom, I go into my room and come to a dead stop next to my bed. Turning my head to the side, I find Nails in my bed completely naked with her legs spread wide open and her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.

“The fuck you think you’re doin’?” I bark out, my voice echoing off the walls of my room as I glare down at the skank in my bed.

“Come on, Savage. You know you want me. I don’t know what game you’ve been playing, but I’ve missed you. Join me. Let me make you feel good, baby,” she purrs, her voice only making me wince because she’s a fucking slut and this isn’t the first time I’ve found her in my bed unannounced. It is the last time though. I’m over her bullshit.

“Get the fuck up, Nails. My door was fuckin’ locked and you still thought I’d want you in my fuckin’ bedroom. I lock my door to keep fuckin’ trash like you outta here,” I growl, my voice making Nails stop what she’s doing as she glares up at me. “Get. The. Fuck. Up!”

Nails finally gets out of my bed as I rip the blankets and sheets from it and toss them to the floor. I’ll have to burn them now because I’m sure as fuck never going to use them again with her rank juices all over them. I guess I’ll have to go shopping later before I head back here so I can get new bedding and pillows for my bed.

“Jameson,” Nails begins, thinking she has the right to use my given name.

“My fuckin’ name is Savage to you. I’m not Jameson and I never will be. Get this through your thick fuckin’ head. I’m never gonna fuck you, let you suck my cock, or do anythin’ with you ever again. You won’t ever be my ol’ lady. I know that’s your end game and it’s not gonna happen with me. I can guarantee you won’t ever be an ol’ lady in this club. You’re a manipulative bitch who doesn’t understand what the word no means,” I state, grabbing Nails by the arm as gently as I can and dragging her from my room.

I lead her down to the common room where a few guys are sitting around before they head to work. They’re enjoying breakfast and a cup of coffee. I’m still only wearing my towel and Nails is as naked as the day she was born. Thankfully, my sister is no longer in the common room and I don’t see Alex in here either. None of the kids are around. I wasn’t really thinking of them when I marched the slut down here.

“This bitch got in my room with my door locked. I was in the shower. Came out to her nasty ass in my bed fuckin’ her pussy with her fingers. She’s gettin’ a little too comfortable in here, tryin’ to use my given name like I’m her man or some shit,” I inform everyone around me as Reaper sits back in his chair with a snarl on his face. “I’m over this fuckin’ bullshit and want her gone.”

“We’ll vote on it at church,” Reaper says, glaring at Nails as she pretends to cower under his hate filled gaze. “For now, Nails, you’re on probation. You clean, cook, and do anythin’ the members and Prospects tell you to. You don’t get to fuck or have a good time at all. If you’re voted out, you won’t be allowed in any of our businesses, our clubhouse for any reason, or anywhere else the club goes on a regular basis. Everyone in town will know you’re out bad and they won’t deal with you at all.”

“Reaper, I’ve got nowhere else to go if you kick me out,” Nails whines, making Alex come out of the kitchen with a glare on her face.

“Should’ve fucking thought about that shit before you decided to go into a member’s room while the door was locked and try to get something from him he has made perfectly clear you won’t ever get from him,” Alex says, her voice void of emotion.

“No one’s talking to you, Alex,” Nails snarls, her eyes going wide when she realizes she just disrespected Reaper’s ol’ lady.

“Get the fuck out of my sight. You’re to be locked in your room for the rest of the day. Think about what the fuck you’re doin’ here and I think we’ll be havin’ an emergency church tonight to deal with your fuckin’ ass. I’m tired of you skanks thinkin’ you run this clubhouse when that’s not the fuckin’ case. The ol’ ladies of the club are to be respected at all times. This isn’t the first time you’ve disrespected one of them, Nails. And I don’t give a fuck if you’ve got nowhere to go. You know the rules just like everyone else here. You break them, you fuckin’ pay the consequences for your actions,” Reapers growls, standing from his chair and slamming his hands on the table in front of him so hard his dishes go flying and crash to the floor.

Titan makes his way over to where I stand with Nails and takes her arm from me. He takes her from the common room as she screams and hollers, trying to get away from the club’s Enforcer. Shaking my head, I leave the common room and head back up to my room so I can get dressed and ready for work. Thoughts of Zoey fill my head as I make sure I’ve got everything I need for the day before finally sliding my cut over my shoulders. I honestly don’t know why I wear it when I’m in the tow truck since we don’t wear our cuts in cages. It will spend the day on the seat next to me. With everything in my pockets, my cut covering my shoulders, and no other reason for me to stall leaving for work, I head down to grab a to go cup of coffee before going out to my bike. I’ve learned over the years to ride with a cup of coffee without spilling it all over the place and burning myself. One of the first things I learned when I started riding if I’m being honest. Trying to push thoughts of Zoey out of my mind, I head to Buckley’s so I can get my day started.

Chapter Five


TODAY IS ANOTHER full day of classes for me. Three days a week, I have classes from first thing in the morning until late at night. The other two days I’ve only got one or two classes. It’s a little unbalanced, but I’ve been making it work. It’s hard as fuck and limits the number of days I can work at the garage with the Phantom Bastards. However, it’s kept my mind firmly locked on anything other than Jameson and the night we spent together. It’s something I try not to think about, but fail every damn day. The night plays on a loop in my mind daily and no matter what I do or how I exhaust myself, I can’t seem to get rid of the images that play on repeat. That’s one of the main reasons I haven’t answered any calls or messages from Reagan or him. I can’t deal with knowing he’s already moved on and went back to his life while I continue to remain in a rut where I’m completely miserable and can’t think of a way out.

When Jameson showed up at my door, or he who shall not be named, I didn’t expect us to have sex. I was prepared to listen to whatever he had to say before kicking him out of the apartment I’ve been in for just over a year now. Instead, I gave him my virginity and he left the second he could when it wasn’t awkward as fuck for him. Pretending I was asleep that night was easy as hell because I was already exhausted and he wore me out even more with the way he ravished my body. When he climbed out of my bed and grabbed his clothes before leaving my room, I opened my eyes and let the tears silently slide down my face. I told him I was fine with it being a one-time thing between us. My heart was breaking though. I knew the second he touched me that I wouldn’t ever be able to let another guy have what I gave him. They would never get to touch, taste, or feel me because I couldn’t get over Jameson and the way he made me feel that night. Especially because I could tell he was holding back with me.