Down the rodent hole we go

Day and night strolls with my Darling Sasha slid through the pinprick of time. I orchestrated the same cycle every day. She didn’t think highly of my romantic notion. She became begrudging as I announced my presence on her doorstep every night. Despite her seething words she escorted me each time. We slipped through the open panel to escape the boundaries of the wall. No guard on duty dared to interfere as they turned a blind eye. We would idly chat but only when she chose to respond. She continued to collect odd bits and pieces without explanation as to why.

The following day, I would orchestrate the exact same loop. I was so transfixed that I couldn’t even sleep during the day. I fed on and fucked others during the day, hoping that it would ease the tension that was straining my body. Instead of bringing her into the castle to toy with every day I allowed her a small dose of freedom. I watched her from afar as she went about her daily duties at the wall. My cock was rock hard as I watched her boss the others about.

It tempered me the way that some of our castle guards had looked at her. I was jealous at the thought of any other male grabbing her attention. I didn’t want to go on a killing spree accidently in my brother’s workplace after all. It was Galador who suggested that I keep her at the wall and watch her from afar during the day. Those weren’t his specific words but that was the meaning I got out of our small chat before I dismissed him from his brilliant idea. He attempted to convince me that wasn’t at all what he was implying, but I had heard all that I needed. As if I would disengage with my new play toy because he said so.

I was waiting for my brother to decide favorably on allowing Sasha and her small team to venture outside the wall. He dismissed it immediately. Not without reason but his explanations began to bore me. He was so confident in his own personal team and didn’t want to offer humans any more leash then they already had. So, I offered him a week to indefinitely change his mind or I would react how I always did when I didn’t get me own way. It was a threat. One that he would either take seriously because of the catastrophic result or ignore it because he thought the novelty of Sasha Pierce would soon wear off.

A loud moan pulled me out of my thoughts and back into the room. I pounded into the man from behind, my cock swelling in excitement between his cheeks and tight hole as I bit down on his neck from behind. He moaned under me, shivering as I licked over the wound and ravished his blood. I pumped again, trying to rattle off the edge that was consuming me since meeting Sasha Pierce. A woman flopped her arms over my back as she whispered sweet things. She pierced her fangs into my neck as she began fisting the other guys cock from behind. Her moans were a mere mumble echoing in the shadows of my private chambers. The human male groaned and became short of breath. I pumped into him one more time to tether him over. He blew onto the wooden floor before the fireplace, slumping forward as he whimpered in pleasure for me to stop.

I still couldn’t take the edge off. They were both beautiful creatures. The man had long blonde hair cascading over his delicate shoulders and frame. The woman with short black hair had tan skin that shimmered in the day. Her kinky side was as filthy as her mouth. Such an interesting combo would usually please me and yet I felt even more on edge as I discovered I couldn’t yet be pleased.

A familiar array of steel and floral combined swept underneath my nose. I pulled out of the man who slumped further into the wooden floors. The woman dropped to her knees and began to suck me off, her tongue bar rubbing back and forth under the length of my cock.

My cock itched in her mouth but not because of her talented tongue but because of that all-consuming scent that was within the castle. I pushed the woman’s head back and looked at the two parties of entertainment in the past two hours. “Continue pleasing one another,” I simply said and left the room. I flashed through my private chambers and into the audience room within the castle. I busted open the large wooden doors into the throne room. My entrance ignited an echo as I broke into the room.

There stood my Darling Sasha, having an audience with my brother who sat on his throne. She looked over her shoulder. Her eyes raked down my stomach and onto my all-consuming cock. Her eyes fixated and dilated for a moment. Her breath hitched and her heartbeat accelerated. She looked away. I stood there smug and proud. I knew I had a body that all desired. Not even my little mouse could ignore its beauty.

“Where are your clothes Kyran?” My brother said, positioned on his throne beyond her. It wasn’t the first time he was bearing witness to my God given body. I waltzed up to where she stood. I began wiping away the blood that was smeared on my neck. The puncture wounds had healed but the traces of blood were still present. I stood next to her, indulging in her overpowering scent. There was no way that my cock would go down while she was standing in the same room. All I wanted to do was the exact same fucking I’d been doing only minutes ago but with her instead.

“Why are you having an audience with Sasha?” I asked. My brother raised his eyebrows at me. If he wanted a challenge, I would grant it to him. I brooded for a moment before Galador, who stood behind him, intervened. The few guards that were in the room kept their gaze forward.

“We have a few questions for Miss Pierce. Need you be reminded that she is not yours,” Galador said quietly under his breath so only I could hear. A very daring statement for the man that was nothing more than a butler and I could kill in a second if I had to reinforce my point. I had killed my father after all. A butler would be less.

“She is mine,” I said blatantly and disregarding anything else he had to say.

“I’m not yours,” she said angrily. Instead of meeting my gaze, her eyes dropped to my cock and back to my brother.

“Don’t look at my brother when your body is reacting to mine, little mouse,” I said.

“Kyran, either leave or stand to the side,” my brother said measuring me equally. How would I react, that was his question? My brother was as calculating as always. When you lived with someone for so many hundreds of years their patterns became intangible.

“I’m fine,” Sasha cussed me under her breath. I continued to stare at my brother, infuriated that he called upon an audience with what I had already so boldly claimed as my plaything. Surely he wasn’t interested in her as well. I snarled and decided to take a few steps to the side. I leaned up against the wall closely positioned beside one of the guards. I felt his eyes peering down on my cock every so often. After an uncomfortable silence thanks to my brothers and Galador’s boring presence, they continued.

“I haven’t had any reports from your father for eight days now,” my brother announced as way of interrogation. “Instead, I’ve received forged written notes from you. No one on the wall has seen him during that period either. It was only six days ago that you requested to go beyond the walls with your own cultivated team. Care to explain?”

Sasha didn’t flinch under the steely gaze of my brother or shift uncomfortably because of my broody stare. I crossed my arms, comforting myself for the answer. She had been silent about her father for the most part. Her shoulders dropped as if she had been caught out.

“My Father went beyond the wall. When he didn’t return after two days, I wanted to go out and find him discreetly. I don’t know how he passed through the wall so I could only consider getting through the gates by way of permission from the throne.”

My brother tapped his finger a few times in thought. His suspense threshold always outweighed mine. I could see his mind ticking over as he considered the plausible outcomes. “You understand it’s a punishable crime by not reporting this to me immediately.”

“I am aware,” she said in the same tone. He considered that as well.

“Why would your father seek to go outside the wall? Is he offering intelligence to another Kingdom?” he asked under scrutiny.

“No!” She discouraged. Her tone mixed with desperation, a quiver that I never thought would be in her character. She stepped back into herself. “My father is loyal.”

“So why the sudden disappearance?” He asked. Galador’s eyes were just as icy. He looked at her, displeased. He hadn’t liked her from the moment I first took interest in her, but to now have not only my attention but my brother’s as well must have been driving him insane. Galador was predictable. She was a problem in his eyes.

“Because he believes my mother is alive,” she said depleted. My brother’s eyebrows shot up as he rested his finger on his lip in consideration.

“On what basis would he believe this?” He asked. An interesting development if her crazy scientist mother is still alive. How had she lasted all this time? It was still an act of treason on his behalf even if he did chase after her. I rolled my eyes. Humans and their emotions.

“He told me that he had seen her beyond the wall one-night waving for him to go over,” she said uncomfortably. “He began to act strange the following days and wanted me to go with him. I thought he was ill and going delusional. I forced him to rest and took his shift that day. When I went back to his home, he was gone. No one on the wall saw how he left and I haven’t been able to find him within the city.”

After much consideration my brother stood up and reflected on his throne. “Guards!” They reacted as quickly as he spouted his commandment to charge her.