I stood in front of her with lightning speed. “No one is touching what is mine,” I growled at my brother. He pulled back his lips slightly to bare his fangs. I reciprocated the gesture.

“Kyran, as much as I am delighted that you’ve found a play toy, until this investigation is over, she will remain-”

“With me,” I concluded. “And if you decided otherwise then I will so kindly burn everyone within this city to the ground,” I said with a crazed chuckle. “And I’ll enjoy it.”

Sasha attempted to change my mind but I ignored her. I wouldn’t let my brother take what was mine. Galador hadn’t the balls to intervene between Amell and me. Physically I could take him, and I would dick slap his face at the end just to mortify him further. My brother growled and stared; I could see his mind ticking over in calculation. Like always he thought out his next step until his shoulders deflated slightly.

“Don’t lose sight of how serious a matter this is,” Amell said permitting me my way.

“I’ve always taken every order you’ve given me very seriously brother,” I said acting wounded by his words.

“Amell…” Galador began in disagreement. Amell raised his hand and I smiled at Galador who too often spoke out of order.

“While we’re all in the same room,” I began. “I considered that this might be good timing to raise the question of my serious request. Perhaps gathering a small little human group to go beyond the walls and search for Paps ought to do the trick.”

“That’s irrelevant now!” Amell said infuriated. “Can’t you see we have a bigger issue at hand! For all we know her father is a spy. Or her crazed mother is alive and still crafting weapons we will never understand!” He said this pointedly at Sasha who didn’t move. Her heart skipped a beat. He saw her as a failed experiment and one that he would have to monitor closely because of her parents’ unknown motives.

“You know I take these things very seriously brother. But furthermore, I keep to my word,” I said offering him one more chance. He was to give me permission or I would do whatever I wanted anyway.

“Just for once Kyran, listen to your King,” my brother seethed begrudgingly.

“My King?” I said in curious wonder. The last King that sat on the throne, I had killed with my bare hands. And that was my father. Though I didn’t want to kill my brother, his tone urged me to do something a little bit more dramatic in repute.

“Kyran,” Sasha said again interrupting my dark thoughts that swirled around me like a charming song. And again, I would allow myself to be swept away with it. She placed her hand on my lower back to grab my attention. “Kyran, we need to leave,” she said in a tone that was small in comparison to her usual strong and steely one.

I had been permitted to monitor her personally instead of seeing her chained in a cell. But that just wasn’t enough for me. She wanted a small team out beyond the walls and that was a silent promise I had made to her upon our first meeting. And for whatever reason, I wanted to keep a promise at least once in the entirety of my life. I would make that dire wish come true for my little pet human. But furthermore, I was curious as to how much I could push my brother. Would he continue to say no to me? Did he forget that although he might be King, I wasn’t to ever be denied?

“Okay,” I said and looked over my shoulder to Amell and Galador who were cautious of my next actions. Okay brother. Let my next play be tremendous.