Kyran Has Himself a Pet

“How is it that I’ve been gone for only four days and yet,” my brother said as way of entering the room and flicking my inclined feet off the edge of the armchair in our reading room. “You cause so much mayhem. Look at this room, show some restraint.”

“Come now, Amell, don’t be such a sourpuss,” I said dropping the girl’s bloody wrist from my face. I was sprawled out in our reading room. It was decorated with wooden and polished furniture and a black marble fireplace. It was where Amell often read books and I would from time to time pester him.

This time, instead of walking into his peaceful and boring space, he was greeted by three women and two men near unconscious from blood loss and well, perhaps I was a bit messy. Fresh blood stained the furniture and seeped through the lush white carpet. In my defense, the fire still crackled untouched and that was the only descent feature in this room. I was doing him a favor. “Take a seat, I’ve missed you.”

He shook his head, as he always did with a disapproving glare. We shared similar features but he looked a few years older. He was however slightly less attractive, shorter, less muscular, boring, and lacked charm.

He stepped over the two unconscious naked men shaking his head and grumbling under his breath. Instead of taking a seat in his usual corner piece, he opted to lean against the fireplace. Besides beheading, taking our heart out, and stabbing us with silver; fire was one natural element that could kill us. And yet as the devils we were, we liked to watch it, bewildered by the very thing that could end us finally.

“It seems like you’ve been busy in the short time that I’ve been gone,” he said in his smooth, velvety voice. Even his manner of clothing was different to mine. I preferred to be somewhat fashionable–he enjoyed dressing like a boring middle-aged man only now figuring out that he could have more than one color in his wardrobe. I wondered how much of that was Galador’s fault considering I was near certain he had been dressing him for as long as I could remember.

“I wouldn’t call myself busy, rather the opposite. I’ve been rather bored,” I said honestly pushing away the woman who was still trying to cling to me for more. Humans were so weak in their resolve. As soon as they get a little bite, boom they’re jacked up on endorphins and want more until they are bled dry. Of course, I could control that if I wanted. You could make the experience as sensational or as traumatizing for them. “Get off me,” I said pushing her to the side. She flopped to the ground giddy. She began to lick at her own wound. I scrunched my face up. “Filthy little wench,” I rasped.

Amell just watched me, as he always did with those calculating blue eyes. He never looked at me predatory like. After I killed our father, the realization that I was considerably stronger overshadowed how people acted around me. In a sick and twisted way his murder answered their silent questions. Amell was built for paperwork and I was best for killing. He wouldn’t dare raise a hand or argue against me, he was too calculating for that. I wished he would though, which was why I tormented him so much. I wanted to see how my big brother would play with me.

“I’ve been advised that you’ve taken interest in one of the human wall watchers,” he began. He continued to stare at me. I was certain that my brother would be the champion of staring competitions. “And that you allowed her to kill one of our own in these very walls and you killed another eight who pursued her afterwards?”

One of the men on the floor moaned. Amell’s eyes diverted to him in disgust for disrupting him. I let out a sigh. Someone was in a poopy mood. I clicked at the servant who silently stood against the wall. He creeped from the shadows and began tumbling the humans out. Within seconds they were gone. The door clicked behind him leaving my wishy-washy boring brother and me alone. Well thank God I had my dinner before this little meltdown.

“Galador is such a snitch.” I grabbed a silk napkin and wiped the few droplets of blood that was around my mouth. “I didn’t kill any vampires. Wait no, that’s a lie. I only killed one. And that was after I told them not to pursue Sasha. And then six of them killed each other. And then Sasha killed the last one. In all fairness its rather shameful that a tiny human can kill so many. They were meant for the grave if a little human can-”

“Kyran! I am trying to create order here!” He said cutting me off. I charmed a smile. Maybe this would turn into something of a fight.

“Order has always been your monopoly brother. Not mine.”

He tsked me and began to pace making me near nauseous on a full belly. “You know that there is a world beyond these walls that could destroy the very future we are trying to create for ourselves,” he began with his usual speech.

“It’s so boring, Brother. Instead of hiding ourselves amongst the few kingdoms surrounding us, we should be ransacking them and taking the entirety of this world. I don’t understand what’s so hard to comprehend about that.” We had for the longest of times acknowledged that there was a world beyond the one that we lived in. There was a parallel world of different origin, where humans lived alone without our kind. This place of our existence was not our final destination, we just had to figure out how to enter the new world. Until then, we were stuck in our own dome like existence and small terrain that had us fighting over land and resources.

That was the focus of my father and brother’s time, to tactfully migrate into the new world ‘safely.’ Not mine, I found the whole process rather boring and would rather bust through and announce myself as their new Fairy Godfather.

“You know it’s not that easy!” Amell growled frustrated. It was the embarrassment of his team to have not yet figured out how to escape into this otherworld. Sure, we had to go where the humans and livestock were. But everything had to be done ‘safely.’ What if we couldn’t survive there? What if it was so vastly different? What if we would combust upon walking through the magical gates? Blah Blah. Whine. They were no closer to finding where the entrance was let alone the precautionary of such a mission.

We were so limited in our thinking and ability to get there. It was such a fantasy if it were even real. The story of this world had begun and was passed down from the humans claiming that they had been abducted and brought to this place. That was going back to before a time any of us could remember. Few humans had slipped in throughout the years wearing strange clothes and with no understanding of our world or how they came to be. They thought themselves dead and in Hell. Who knew, maybe this was their Hell. So, it made me beg the question why we weren’t overthrowing and taking the major throne? I had no care to be a king of such a place but I did want to fight and kill to get there. We either conquered here or skipped into a new world with a bigger challenge and more livestock to shed through.

“I’m just saying there is no guarantee you or I will live for that long, Brother, so we might as well enjoy the time that we have,” I said. We very rarely spoke between ourselves of the new world. We viewed it differently. To believe in something that we had never seen. He took a seat across from me and crossed his legs in contemplation. My brother cared too much about the meaning of our existence. We were monsters. That was it. Nothing more. Top of the food chain. We didn’t need to think any further in the matter and how we came about.

He grunted to change the subject. “This new fascination of yours, the wall watcher–”

“Sasha,” I interrupted to correct him. I had recently upgraded her from toy to thing with a name. He watched me cautiously for a moment longer. He was probably surprised that I remembered the title of another living creature for once. I didn’t much care for remembering people’s names because usually they were boring.

“Is it Sasha Pierce?” He asked very calculated.

“Why, yes Big Brother, that’s my little mouse. Do you know her?” I asked for the first time, very interested in what my brother had to say during this conversation.

“I’ve worked with her father closely a few times. I keep reports on them, specifically the daughter after the incident with his wife,” he said ominously. It was an oppressive side to my brother. He really nailed the solitary lone soldier act. He pointed at me when I didn’t change my expecting expression for him to continue with the story. “Of which I already told you the details twenty years ago. But of course, you weren’t listening. This is why I stopped conversing with you on such matters!”

“Well yes, I’m sure you said it in an uninteresting way, but now I’m interested.” I prompted him to continue.

“The girl is strange,” he said in a different thought.

“Yes, I’m aware.” And yet that oddity had my cock throbbing at the thought. The vision of her steely like gaze had me stroking my bottom lip. I thought about the way she shot that arrow at me, ahh. I dropped to my knees and held my brother’s hands. I looked up at him adoringly for the answers that I wanted. “Tell me more.”

He shook his head unamused by my theatrics. He threw off my hand and looked away, disgusted. “Her mother was a scientist. Her result was experimenting on Sasha and other children who watch the wall in Sashsa’s team. She had an ideal to mix vampire with human. Not like we would turn a human. She wanted to craft humans who could match the speed and stamina of vampires. She had an ideal to take back humanity with these–Hunters.

When Sasha’s father discovered the live experiments, he reported it to me immediately. When we were to catch her, she had disappeared. No one knows where she went to this day. We considered killing the children but with madness came results. The children were different, stronger, and faster. So now they work at the wall under our rule and thumb. We watch them closely to make sure that there is no uprising of her mother’s ideals. Our own have been studying them ever since.”

I hummed over that. How fascinating. So little Sasha was her mother’s personal Guinea pig. How illusive. And I would say that little Sasha darling was far more than a teeny tiny bit stronger and faster. She could match the speed of vampires rather exceptionally. “Is that where the scar came from?” I asked envisioning the jagged scar that ran down her neck.

“I don’t know about any scar,” he added. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen her father. I might call upon him in the next few days for a report on any changes. Strange that she would come here herself. She’s never been in the castle to address me personally before.”

“Well you talk to dear old daddy while I try to fuck his daughter,” I said patting his hand and standing up to leave. That’s all I needed to know; the angle of the chat was starting to turn into a serious notion. My brother always got a glaze about him when he was being serious.

“Don’t you want to know how my visit with Calabar went?” he asked as I went to leave. Calabar was a broody vampire and boring. He wasn’t a King but was a leader to a large group of rogues and bandits outside the wall. My brother wanted to make sure that if necessary, he had reinforcements if Oppollo would try to overthrow him in the next few months. So much sitting around and waiting because of he said, she saids.

“Unless we are going to war with someone tomorrow, I don’t care,” I said honestly and made way for the door. Until then, I still had an unquenchable thirst that not even draining five humans could nullify. The predatory side of me wanted to yet again go on a hunt. And with night upon me once again, I couldn’t think of anything better than to take my new pet out for a stroll.