Into the Wild they Stroll

I had once read of a romantic notion that a boy threw pebbles at a girl’s window to endearingly grab her attention during the night. She was inundated with surprise and then glee that he had thought of her and come to see her unannounced. I could woo Sasha with such a human notion. I stood outside her window with pebble in hand. “Now if I just gently throw this.” I flicked it with as little force as I could. The small rock chipped through and smashed the window into obliteration with consequential force. A booby trap was triggered, and arrows shot out of the wall from eleven different directions.

I skidded left and right dodging them in the fun of the game. Well hot damn, was this woman overly cautious when it came to security. After avoiding the barrage of arrows that were meant to murder me, I looked up and met her stealthy brown eyes through the broken window. She held a gun poised in my direction, unimpressed. She could fire as many of those arrows as she wanted, and it wouldn’t do a damn thing. Maybe amateur vampires but not me.

“What do you want Kyran?” She asked irritated and put the gun down.

“I was just passing through the neighborhood randomly,” I said circling my finger and admiring my surroundings. “And thought perhaps you’d like to take a walk outside the walls with the most handsome vampire you’ve ever laid eyes on?” I was certain she couldn’t resist. I knew that she wanted nothing more than to see outside and past the walls. She wouldn’t have asked for an audience and permission otherwise. I was curious as to whether her pride would hold her back from taking hold of my generous opportunity.

She was wearing a short sleeve shirt and black underwear. No lace. Entirely boring but the cream of her legs made me consider another proposition. Why go outside the walls when we could stay in. And when I say in, I mean inside of her. She huffed in disapproval as if having read my mind. Her hair wasn’t in its usual poised pinned back ponytail. It was messy like a wild animal. An untamed mane that was entirely appropriate for this beast of a woman. “Or perhaps I could come join you in that cold apartment beside that cold beating heart of yours? Maybe I could warm you up from the inside?”

“Is this anything but a game to you?” She asked, pissed off now. How I loved to see that glow of hatred simmer on her face. Because hatred was the definition of passion. Both were wild and irrational. I knew it would be only a matter of time until I could convert that dire need to kill me to transfix into the desire to fuck me. I’d never had to wait this long before, it was all rather exhilarating.

“Everything is but a game, Darling. Play with me?” I purred, reaching out my hand to her in dramatic flare and welcoming gesture. “Or I will take what I desire forcefully.” My charming threat didn’t force her to deter that steely gaze.

“I could kill you; you know? Actually end your existence,” she said with absolute certainty. I scoffed and laughed looking around to see if anyone else was here to listen to the hilarious joke she had made. Of course, no one else was around. Just us. No, I doubted little Sasha had many friends in her neighborhood with an attitude like that. Nobody even stirred at the commotion from the mass shooting of arrows that had come my way. When I honed in on my hearing, I noted Sasha Darling still only had two fellow humans’ hearts beating. My, those must have been daring tenants.

“Didn’t you want to go beyond the walls? I thought I would permit your little request without the rest of your little classmates to tag along. Come and play with teacher for a little bit,” I said with a creepy suggestive smile. No matter what I said or insisted on her, this woman didn’t shudder in fear or budge in submission. If anything, her venomous tongue that I permitted to speak, rapidly spat back. “I won’t leave here.”

“I will howl all night if I have to,” I added in splendid humor. I was not one to lose games. Ever.

She seethed under her breath and receded back into the shadows of her home. Minutes later she came out the front door with her long golden hair tied up. Always the military enforcer. She wore black leather pants with a few weapons strapped to her thighs including the usual two swords strapped to her back.

“Oh, you won’t need those Darling, I’ll protect you of course,” I said to antagonize her. I knew full well that Sasha Pierce could look after herself. Well, she would die trying to do so.

“I was considering sharpening them on your tongue,” she replied. I howled out a laugh at her deadpan humor. When, oh when would I have this woman smile and laugh at me? Did she cackle as wickedly as I imagined her to? Could she moan as softly as I desired her to? My cock twitched at the thought. I was entirely transfixed by this little mouse. The entirety of my attention was fixated on her. Her scent swallowed me whole and I lavished in the smell with desire. I clenched my hands into fists acquiring restraint from reaching out to grab her. Control was not my strongest playing card and yet I wanted to toy with this new pet for as long as I could. Sooner or later I would likely accidently break it like all the others. So, for now I would enjoy the play.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked. “You know we aren’t allowed to leave without permission.” I strolled at a tremendously slow and human pace to keep up with hers. I wondered if she was purposefully walking at such a slow pace in hopes that I would become fed up and leave her before we even made it to the wall. She was so cunning in many ways.

“Is that the generosity you should be showing towards the very man that is giving you exactly what you want? I believe a thank you is in order.”

“I don’t see you as a man,” she corrected. I chuckled.

“You will when I’m ten inches deep inside of you.” I could hear the change in her heartbeat, until that steely control of hers held the reins once again. When she spoke, neither her tone nor body gave away any such inclination. If it weren’t for the added benefits of being a vampire with sensitive hearing, I wouldn’t have been any wiser to how she reacted at the mention of my ten-inch cock. Oh, how my tightly controlled little human didn’t like to give anything away.

“I would never let you fucking come ten miles near me,” she said. I chuckled at that. Listening to my little Sasha say filthy words was nothing short of a tease.

“You’re only human my Dear; Curiosity is what both makes and destroys your kind. You’ll want a taste and when you do, there will be no going back.” I purred adamantly looking down on her from the corner of my eye. She would come to the dark side. Someone who already had a monstrous nature within them was a ticking time bomb in this world. Power always thirsted for power. “It’s inevitable.”

“Do you know what the downfall of your kind is?” She asked rhetorically.

“Our good looks and charm that can’t be overlooked?” I replied earnestly.

“Your arrogance of superiority will be your downfall. It’ll kill you all,” she said deadpan. I hummed at that as if contemplating. Wow, she was intense. I wondered if she knew what the term ‘flirting’ meant.

“My Darling, it was humans who had crumbled because of their own oversite and short measures. Don’t ever forget that you’re guarding our walls and are our livestock. You were arrogant to believe that you could ever fight back–even with your technology.” I hope this conversation ends.

“Or maybe you’re nothing but an experiment built from humans in the other world which is why we’ve been cornered off into this plane. Maybe you’re all being controlled without even realizing it,” she responded as we neared the wall. I side eyed her again. Well this seducing thing went very philosophical quick. Most knew about the parallel world we lived in, but this was the only existence many of us knew. Did their world know about vampire’s existence? Were they as technologically advanced as us? My brain fried and I scoffed at her. How dare she make me think this far ahead. I had no foresight, nor did I care until it was something I could strangle in front of me. She was an idealist just like Amell. Why was I so cursed?

“I don’t care for ‘how we came to be’ conversations Sasha. They’re rather boring.”

“It’s because you’re so short-sighted,” she seethed. I looked at her and noticed that her gaze was on the wall. No, beyond the wall picturing something that she so direly wanted. I looked at it and raised my eyebrows in dramatic consideration. Two soldiers stood on their post on alert by our approach to the side gate.

“No Darling, it’s simply because I focus on the now. I don’t age a bit. I’ll move with the times inevitably. You won’t, which is why you want so many answers in your short and tiny life to validate self-purpose. You humans are all the same.” How her young ideals disappointed me. Perhaps she was like the rest after all. I walked towards the two humans who were smaller than me in size. They looked at Sasha and then me in confusion. I thought that we made a dashing couple.

“So… so… sorry Sir,” the first male stumbled. “You can’t go through the–”

“You know who I am, don’t you,” I said towering over him. He fumbled for words. The second, less spineless human spoke.