Page 113 of Knot My Only Fan

“If they cooperate.” She smiles and nods. “Do you want me to try?”

She turns her head to where me and Lucas are sitting.

I look at Lucas, who is staring at the screen, staring at the images.

“Do you want to know what our babies are?” Grace asks.

“Too fucking right I do,” Lucas says.

Grace chuckles at Lucas’ eagerness.

“Okay then,” she says, turning back to the sonographer. “Tell us.”

The sonographer adjusts the screen and points. “This one,” she says, showing the baby on the left, “is a girl.”

Grace gasps, her hand flying to her mouth in excitement. “A girl,” she breathes out, looking at Lucas with tears of joy in her eyes. “I’m going to have a daughter.”

“And this one,” the sonographer continues, moving her finger to the baby on the right, “is a boy.”

“And a son,” Grace cries.

I let out a whoop of joy. “A girl and a boy!” I yell, almost in disbelief.

Grace strokes the skin where her babies are growing inside her. Lucas places his hand over hers and I connect the three of us together, intertwining our hands as we gaze at the screen, showing our two precious babies.

“We’re going to have a daughter and a son,” Lucas says outside the medical room, still shocked as he stares at the printed images.

I turn to Grace and ask, “Do you forgive us? Will you give us another chance to be a family?”

Lucas’s eyes, deep pools of icy blue, flick from the photo in his hand to me and then over to Grace. His forehead creases with worry.

“Only if you forgive each other,” she says.

“We’re friends,” I say.

“Just friends,” she asks, sending a burst of worry through the bond.

“I need to tell you something before we have this conversation,” Lucas blurts. “Before any decisions are made.”

Ah fuck!

Don’t ruin this, Lucas.

“I removed your birth control during your heat,” he says, worry etched across his face.

She smiles. “I know.”

“You do?”

“That’s why I showed you where it was.” Her eyes fill with tears. “I felt you. I wanted you to take it off. Then I knew you smelled me like I smelled you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was going to when I wasn’t in my heat. But I woke up, and you were gone.”

He sighs. “Stanton lost his mom that night.”

Grace gasps and turns to me as sorrow slides into the bond followed quickly by love. “I’m sorry. That’s why you told me you’d been depressed.” She takes my hand.