“Lex Livingston. That enough context for you?”
My gaze narrows. “I haven’t spoken to Lex since we got back.”
“I’m fucking aware.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“The problem, Dec,” he growls, “is that you’re going to ruin everything.”
“By completely fucking it up with Lex!”
“She doesn’t want me!”
“How would you know if you haven’t. Fucking. Talked to her?” he growls, hands up to emphasize each word.
“Ugh!” I throw my hands up in frustration, turning away. “I’m tired of this, Shane!”
“Wow, we actually have something in common.”
“God, I hate being on your bad side,” I grouse, glaring.
“Pretty sure I hate it more.”
Lincoln thunders down the stairs in his running gear. “And I hate it the most. What are you two yelling about now?”
He glances between us then sighs, hands interlaced on top of his head as he stares at the ceiling. “Not sure how much more of this I can take, guys. This shit is toxic.”
“No kidding,” I mutter.
Glowering, I cross my arms and lean against the wall. Shane closes his eyes, taking a deep breath through his nose before exhaling it sharply.
“Okay.” His blue eyes shoot straight to mine when they open. “Let’s start with why you’re icing Lex out, yeah?”
I shift uncomfortably, glancing between them. “It’s a recipe for disaster, isn’t it? She set her rules.”
“You don’t want to get hurt.” Shane’s tone is blunt, matter-of-fact.
“I don’t want you getting hurt,” I challenge, gesturing to them both. “It’s what I’ve been most concerned with from the beginning, when Linc first announced their little arrangement.”
“Hey, Dec,” Linc pipes up. Sitting on the floor, he has his back to the wall and his arms draped over his knees. “One problem with that.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s not your call, man. You don’t get to decide what risks I take with my heart.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to protect you,” I grumble.
“Sure,” he nods affably. “I get that. I hate seeing you hurt, too. But you haven’t even asked us what we think, you know?”
My lips purse. “What do you mean?”
“If we think she’s worth it.”
I study his expression. He’s calm, collected, almost relaxed. My eyes flick to Shane, finding his shoulders dropping minutely and his eyes intent on Linc’s. They both seem surprisingly comfortable with the topic at hand.
“Do you?” I ask. “Think she’s worth it.”