Page 143 of Succumbed

“Without a doubt. One hundred percent. That woman could turn around tomorrow and tell me she never wants to see me again, shattering my heart into a million tiny pieces, and I’d still do it all over again. In a heartbeat.”

Shane nods. “It’s the same for me. She’s it.”

“You…” I swallow. “You mean that.”

“Fuck yes, I do,” Linc vows. “I love her, Dec. I’m not holding onto the fear anymore. I’ve let it go. Did I worry when I first realized how wound up I was in her? God, yes. I was scared shitless.”

Shane chuckles, glancing down. “Me, too, man.”

“I know!” Linc cries, throwing a hand toward Shane. “I know. You fucking said it: love isn’t always enough. And it’s not, not always. I get that. Love looks different for everyone; it’s a personal fucking journey.”

My little brother gets to his feet as I wonder when the fuck he got so wise.

“When we were in Paris, it fell into place for me. That day…” He trails off, looking into the distance before a smile curves his lips. “Lex called it magic, and it was, but it wasn’t Paris. It was us. The four of us, how we laughed and talked. How we loved.”

His amber eyes slowly meet mine. “How we made love, because that’s what it fucking was. The magic wasn’t because we were in France or on vacation. It was just us. Who we are, together.”

Shane steps closer as Linc talks. He claps a hand to his shoulder and touches their foreheads together for a moment, eyes falling closed. Linc grips his arm in return, and they just stand there. Their eyes lock as Shane straightens and moves back, unspoken words heavy between them. They’re closer than ever.

The realization strikes me dumb. And I worried she’d tear us apart. I’m a goddamn fool.

“You both deserve magic.” My voice cracks. “So does Lex.”

My best friend turns to me. “You’re part of the magic, Declan. It doesn’t work without all four of us. But you have to be all in, and you have to get over what’s holding you back.”

Looking down, I consider his words. I’ve been reacting for weeks, too afraid of what it could mean to truly examine what I feel and why.

“You deserve her,” I rasp. “The both of you, you deserve everything.”

“So do you, Dec,” Linc insists.

“I don’t know if that’s true, little brother.”

Shane glares. “Why don’t you deserve her?”

My jaw ticks.

“Come on, Dec,” he goads. “Spit it out. What’s holding you back, huh?”

I scrub a hand over my jaw, chest tight. “I don’t know.”

“Try again. What are you worried about?”

“I don’t know!”

“You do!”

I yell, throwing my hands in the air. “She could have anyone!”

“Yeah, so what?” Shane challenges.

“Anyone, Shane! Fuck, what can I offer a woman like her?” I grip my hair, tugging sharply. “She’s a goddamn billionaire. The strongest person I’ve ever met. I mean, fuck, look at her!”

Linc and Shane are watching me, but I don’t glance toward them.

“She’s the most beautiful thing on the fucking planet. What the hell gives me the right to think I have a hope in hell with her?”

“What about us?” Linc’s voice is quiet, gentle.