Page 74 of Sebastian

“Me too, Grace.”

“It’s time for presents!” Hank’s mom yelled out over the party.

Emma watched as Daisy fussed over each new outfit and baby book she was gifted. Her best friend was radiant, and Emma already knew that Daisy was going to be the best mom. Kara handed the gift Emma’d brought to Daisy, and Emma held her breath.

Daisy’s eyes lit up as she unfolded the handmade quilt Emma ordered as soon as she found out Daisy was pregnant. There was a sweet mama and baby cow in the center surrounded by a hundred different sunflowers.

“Emma,” Daisy said with tears in her eyes. “It’s perfect. I love it so much.”

“When the baby comes and we finally know their name, I’ll have it embroidered there on the bottom for you.”

“Thank you so much,” Daisy stood and Emma walked into her embrace. “I love you, Em.”

“I love you too, Daisy.”

* * *

“How did it go?” Sebastian was leaning against the wall outside the special events room, looking so handsome Emma wanted to jump into his arms and never let go.

“It was actually such a nice time. Hank had a few off-duty deputies there keeping an eye on us, and Daisy loved everything we made, especially your lopsided cupcakes.”

Sebastian laughed, and her belly erupted into butterflies.

“I’m glad I could help, and that I didn’t completely ruin her big celebration with my sub-par cupcake decorating skills.” He opened his arms and Emma settled into his chest, loving how safe she felt as his arms wrapped around her body.

She let out a deep sigh, tiredness settling into her bones now that the adrenaline from getting all the sweet treats right and making it through the baby shower was waning.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She lifted her head off his chest and pressed a tentative kiss to his lips. “I told you I would be.”

“Are you sure?” Those gray eyes of his searched her face for any sign she might be lying, but she wasn’t. The baby shower had been full of love and laughter, and she couldn’t be upset after feeling that warmth extended to her.

“I promise I’m not about to fall apart because I celebrated my best friend having a baby.”

“I know you’re not going to, Em. But I also know how heavy this is weighing on your heart.” He swept a few stray hairs away from her face. “Have you thought more about telling Daisy about Luna?”

“I don’t want anything to take away from her happiness. I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.”

“She would want to be there for you, and you know that. There’s something she understands on a deeper level than I can, because both of you have carried life inside of you. I think it would be good for you to talk to her.”

“I know you do, I just need a little more time. Today is all about celebrating her and the baby, and I don’t want to overshadow that with my sadness and fear. I’ll tell her one day, just not today.”

“Fair enough.”

“Grace mentioned she wants to start working again.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s she thinking of doing?”

“Real estate. I guess she had a pretty successful business in Miami before that douche bag ex of hers forced her to leave it. I know you’re looking for someone to work with for Montgomery Equities, and I told her I’d let you know she was getting back into the field.”

“Yeah, that’s actually great, Em. I’d love to work with Grace. I’ll set up a meeting with her and see where we can go from here.”

“You know, I completely misjudged you at first. I’m sorry for thinking you were a pompous, self-absorbed player who was taking advantage of everyone in Clarence County.”

Sebastian laughed again. “Hell, Sprinkles, don’t hold back.”

“Have you ever known me to hold back?” Emma rolled her eyes, but her cheeks still stung with the blush that crept over her skin. “I thought those things before I got to know you. I’m grateful to know the real Sebastian, not the one I had made up in my mind.”