“Are you completely wiped out from our late night and need to nap, or do you think you could spare a few hours to spend some time with me?”
“Mmm can I have a little bit of both? Snuggles in bed, with you, sounds amazing right now.”
He kissed the top of her head. “I think I can manage that. Shall we head up to your room?”
“Text the guys and let them know we’ll be at your place. I’ve got plans for you that I don’t want them to overhear.”
His eyebrows jumped up and a smile stretched across his face.“You got it, Sprinkles.”
Emma sat curled up in Sebastian’s side, looking over all the paperwork from the fire department while he sat on his laptop, trying to make sense of the latest news from Agent Wilson. He’d wanted to have a meeting with Emma present when they got back into Bell Ridge, but Sebastian had insisted on getting her settled in at the hotel first. It had taken a day for the guys to shuffle around their accommodations so that two of them would always be staying right next door to her, and then they rolled right into Luna’s birthday and Daisy’s baby shower. It had all been too much to put another thing in Emma’s lap to deal with.
At least the temporary security measures he’d installed were up and running without a glitch. He didn’t feel good about having her stay at the hotel, but it was clear from the very first time he met her that her independence was of the utmost importance. Emma didn’t want to live in fear, and as long as she was willing to let him put his security protocols in place for her, he could give her this one little concession.
“Hey, Cap, you got a minute?” Gunner stood in the doorway of his office. “I know Agent Wilson is going to be calling through in the conference room but I was hoping we could talk before then.”
“Yeah, Gunner. Come on in and have a seat. What’s going on?”
He watched his friend walk into the room, but he remained standing. “Would it be okay if this conversation were just between me and you?” Gunner looked at Emma, and Sebastian gave her shoulder a little squeeze.
“Of course. I’ll just be down in the conference room getting ready.” Emma gave Sebastian a kiss before walking out and closing his office door behind her.
With Emma gone, Sebastian expected his friend to sit, but Gunner just stood looking at him. “We aren’t in the military anymore, Reap. You can sit down.”
“I’ll stand.”
Whatever his friend was about to say wasn’t good.
“Okay, tell me what’s going on? You good?”
“Listen, I want to be here and I want to help keep Emma safe.”
“I know. So what’s the problem?”
“My sister just called. It’s my mom.” His voice cracked and Seb immediately went into high alert.
“I take it there wasn’t good news.”
“She’s really sick. Gia said it’s advanced cancer, and it’s terminal. I talked to mom on the phone and she knows she doesn’t have much longer. Normally I wouldn’t even think of bowing out, Cap. But it’s my mom. I haven’t been home to see her in a few years, and I need to go and say goodbye.”
“Do you want me to reach out to some contacts I have in the medical field? She could get a second opinion, or maybe there are some alternative treatments we could set her up with.” Seb stood and walked towards his friend.
“I appreciate the thought, but the way Gia and my mom were both talking, there isn’t anything a second opinion is going to do. It seems like mom is at peace with the diagnosis. I’ll float the idea by her when I get there, but I’m pretty sure she’s going to just want to stay on palliative care until she goes. I just need to be there.”
“There are no words, Reap. Of course you need to go and be with her. I’ll still pay you the full amount we agreed upon for everything happening here, and you stay out there with her for as long as you need to. I know Emma would feel the same way.”
“You’ll let her know I said goodbye, right? I’m not great with those sort of things, but Emma feels like a part of our family, and I wouldn’t want her thinking I left for something that wasn’t serious.”
“Yeah, man. I’ll let her know. Just be careful because knowing Emma, a big delivery of baked goods will probably show up at your mom’s house in a day or two.”
“Lemon is my mom’s favorite, and I’m sure she’d love to try some of Emma’s stuff before she passes.”
Sebastian saw the emotions in his buddy’s eyes. They’d had losses before, and the same knife that twisted in his stomach when he watched Gage drop to his knees during the mission when he lost his wife and son twisted as he watched Gunner’s eyes shine with the tears he wouldn’t let fall.
“Keep in touch. Don’t go off grid like Gage.” His buddy stood silent. “Hey, promise me.”
“Yeah, Cap. I’ll let you know.”