I’m still not sure how I feel about today’s date. I feel like I need to make up for the fact that I’d completely forgotten that Dustin was even on the date. Not to mention the whole thing with Viktor. For now, I’ve decided to assume it was an accident. I just don’t see what he has to gain from hurting me. I am excited to see Lillian and Alejandro again. After all, Alejandro saved my life.
I dress casually in leggings and a comfortable shirt. I’m going to have to get all dolled up tonight to meet the next set of suitors, and I just want to be comfortable until then. I’m meeting them outside near one of the gazebos since they’ve already picked me up from my room for our first date.
As I step outside, I let my head fall back as my eyes close. The sun feels amazing on my skin, reminding me I haven’t spent nearly enough time outside over the last few days. But that’s all coming to an end now.
Lowering my head once more, I smile as I see Alejandro, Lillian, Dustin, and Viktor standing near the gazebo. Though, it seems they’re not really speaking to one another. Lillian and Alejandro stand to one side, backs turned to where Dustin and Viktor are chatting. Interesting. I wonder what that’s all about.
Figuring there’s no time like the present to find out, I march my way over to them. “Hey, everyone!”
“Evangeline!” Lillian spins around, hurrying over to throw her arms around me. “We were so worried about you.”
I laugh as I return her hug. “Well, as you can see, I’m perfectly okay and ready for today’s date.”
When Lillian pulls away, Alejandro takes her place, though he doesn’t hug me. His hands are jammed in his pocket, a tight smile on his face. “You’re sure you’re okay?”
“Yes. Thanks to you.” I don’t know how he feels about hugging, but after he saved my life, he deserves at least a hug. I wrap my arms around him and for a moment, I think I’ve overstepped as he freezes, but then he releases a sigh as he pulls me closer.
I melt into his touch before leaning back just far enough to look up and meet his eyes. “Thank you, Alejandro. I know Finnegan would have saved me, but you didn’t hesitate to get me out of there. I really appreciate you saving me.”
“It was my pleasure, Evangeline.” He presses a kiss to my forehead before stepping back, his eyes narrowing at something over my shoulder.
Turning, I find Viktor standing there. For once, there’s no smirk waiting on his lips. In fact, he looks quite contrite.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Evangeline. I’m so sorry about what happened. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was paddling when I bumped your kayak—which was obviously stupid. Then trying to reach you in my kayak? I really thought I was helping.” Viktor shakes his head, looking away from me so he doesn’t have to meet my eyes. “I realize now that my actions did nothing more than endanger you further. Obviously, I wasn’t thinking clearly or I wouldn’t have done what I did. All I can do is ask you to forgive me.”
I stare at him for a moment before nodding. He seems sincere in his apology, and regardless of what others think, he has nothing to gain from hurting me. I truly believe it was an accident. “I understand losing your head in a situation like that. Accidents happen, but try to remember this in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation, yeah?”
Viktor’s head jerks up, eyes wide with surprise. “Really?”
“What? Did you expect me to think you did it on purpose or something?” I shake my head as he drops his eyes once more, which is curious. “Let’s not even think about it. I have one other person to say hello to—where did you go, Dustin?”
“Right here,” he says with a smile as he moves to stand beside Viktor. “I’m so glad you’re okay. And that you forgive Viktor. Things have been a little tense around here since the accident.”
“It wasn’t a fucking accident,” I swear I hear Alejandro hiss, but when I turn to look at him, he just shoots me a grin.
“Well, in that case, let’s eat, shall we?”
The tension in the air is clear between the four of them, and I don’t even want to delve into it. I don’t know what’s gone down between them and the other suitors this week and honestly? I don’t have it in me to worry about it right now. My head is already starting to throb, another headache coming on, and it’s the last thing I need to deal with right now.
So I choose to ignore it as I plop down on the blanket next to the basket, immediately digging in. I smile when I realize all my favorites are here—egg salad on croissants, tomato and cucumber salad, ham and cheese sandwiches, potato salad, and truffles for dessert.
“That good, huh?” Lillian asks as she sits down beside me.
“Huh?” I jerk my head up at her words.
Lillian giggles as Alejandro sits beside her. Laughter dances in his eyes as he nods at the food I’ve pulled out. “You were moaning with every food you pulled out.”
“Was I?” I wrinkle my nose, flushing. “What can I say? They are all my favorite picnic snacks, and they’re in perfectly portioned containers.”
Dustin snorts as he sits on Alejandro’s other side, leaving Viktor to sit beside me.
“What?” I ask, lifting my brows.
“I’ve just never seen anyone as excited about food as an omega. That’s all.” He grins. “My best friend’s pack has an omega, and he’s the same way.”
I shrug. “What can I say? We like nice things.”
That seems to break some of the tension as we all eat. Don’t get me wrong—the tension is definitely still there, but it seems more subdued. It’s enough for me to be able to focus on eating and getting to know them better.