Page 24 of Knot Her Reality

I close my eyes, trying to think back, and the memories start rushing back.

I sigh, lifting a hand to my head. “Do I have a concussion? Because if so, I’m going to have to figure out what to do for the rest of the dates. There’s no way I can do most of the activities I have planned.”

And that fucking sucks. I put a lot of thought into those dates. Plus, they’re all things I want to do.

“Surprisingly, no. It seems you passed out from a combination of blood loss and your body temperature. It was your body’s way of trying to conserve energy or something.” Bree shrugs. “The doctors explained it to me, but I was only half listening. I was so worried about you.”

“How long do I have to stay here?” I’m already getting itchy at being in this nest. It’s not right—nothing like my nest. I want to get back to the nest in my suite.

“I texted the doctor to let him know you were awake. He or one of the nurses should be here soon. They said as soon as you woke up, they’d need to observe you for a few hours, and then we’d be able to head back to the compound.”

I nod slowly. “So how is this going to work, considering I have eight suitors at the compound already, and no others are allowed for a week?”

Bree grimaces. “Unfortunately, you’ll need to stay in your suite as much as possible over the course of the week. We can’t have you spending extra time with the suitors who are already here. It wouldn’t be fair to the others. But we’ll work out a schedule where they need to remain in their rooms so you can go outside or whatever you want to do.”

“I don’t mind staying in the suite, honestly. I can watch TV, read, or work on some new designs while I rest. I’ll probably spend most of my time in the nest.”

Before she can respond, there’s a knock on the door moments before it swings open to reveal a very large older alpha. He doesn’t move from the doorway. “It’s good to see you awake, Miss Deveraux. Do you mind if I enter your nest along with a beta nurse? We want to do a quick exam to make sure you’re doing alright.”

“Of course.” I wave them in as Bree moves away so they can do just that.

My mind wanders back to the date and the insinuation that Viktor had possibly intentionally knocked me into the water before running into me with his kayak. I don’t like the idea of someone doing that on purpose. It also doesn’t make sense why he’d try to hurt me. He’s here as a suitor, trying to become part of my pack. So what would he have to gain by hurting me? It just doesn’t make sense, and thinking about it is making my head hurt.

I have a week before I have to deal with this, so, for now, I’m going to let it go. I’ll figure it out later.

It turns out that being stuck in my suite for a week straight isn’t nearly as easy as I thought it would be. There’s only so much TV I can watch at once, only so many books I can read in one sitting, and I’ve already designed my entire next season. And that was all by day four.

Unfortunately, there was no way I could convince Bree to let the show resume any sooner, even if I was feeling fine. She just kept reminding me it was the doctor’s orders.

Thankfully, the week is finally over. Since my date with the day two suitors was cut short, Bree set up a picnic lunch for us before the next round of suitors arrive. Bree says all eight of the suitors have been driving her crazy, asking how I’m doing and when they can see me. Apparently, Koda has been the worst. Though I’m not supposed to see him again until I’ve met all the other suitors, he’s supposed to be coming by because he’s been having issues with his omega side.

Bree said any omega suitors have to be on suppressants while on the show so they don’t go into heat. It makes sense, and it’s only for a few weeks, so it wouldn’t cause any adverse effects. But when she brought me my breakfast, she said he was having breakthrough symptoms. They think it’s over the stress of what happened and the fact that he hasn’t been able to see me. Hence the visit.

I’m already waiting by the door when a frantic knock sounds out. I throw the door open to find a distraught Koda standing there. I have a moment to realize there are tears in his eyes before he throws himself through the door, wrapping his arms around me.

“Thank the gods,” he says, hugging me almost too tightly. “Bree said you were okay, but I just couldn’t believe it until I saw you.”

Wrapping my arms around him, I lay my head on his chest. “I’m okay, Koda. I promise.”

Letting my eyes fall shut, the two of us stand there, just holding onto one another. I don’t know how long we’re like this, but we don’t pull apart until someone clears their throat. Even then, Koda keeps his arm wrapped around my waist as we turn to find Bree standing in the doorway.

“I hate to interrupt, but this meeting shouldn’t even have happened,” she says as she glances between us. “Are you feeling more settled, Koda?”

He nods slowly, his hold on me tightening as if he doesn’t want to leave—and he probably doesn’t. Hell, I’m not sure I want him to leave.

“Yes. I just needed to see that she was okay with my own eyes. I’m sorry I’ve been a pain in the ass, Bree.”

She waves off his apology. “It’s not your fault. I know what it’s like to be an omega. But we do need to let Evangeline get ready for her date. Please make sure you shower, so Koda’s scent isn’t all over you.”

“I was planning on it.” I laugh as I turn in Koda’s hold. “I’ll see you in a few days, okay?”

Koda nods, leaning down to press his forehead to mine as his eyes fall shut. “Enjoy meeting your suitors.”

He pulls back enough to press a kiss to my forehead. He’s gone before I can tell him goodbye. Sighing, I shoot Bree a tight smile. “Thanks for looking out for him.”

“I’m here to watch out for all of you. Don’t worry about it.” Bree’s smile is almost as tight as mine. “Now, go get ready for your date.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I give her a mock salute, and she flips me off as she shuts the door. I laugh as I head back into my bedroom, tossing my clothes into the basket and going straight into the shower.