Page 113 of Knot Her Reality

I shrug. “I’m just that kind of guy. People like to open up to me. I’m used to it.”

Tessa hums. “How about we get this date started, huh?”

She’s the one to lead us out to the SUV, where Lucas is waiting beside the open door and Mike is in the driver’s seat. Tessa climbs into the back row, pulling Lillian with her. Meanwhile, the omegas sit on either side of me, each of them leaning their heads to rest on my shoulders. I don’t bother trying to fight my smile. I’m glad they feel comfortable with me.

“Is anyone going to give me a hint about what we’re doing tonight?”

Koda chuckles as Evangeline turns her head to glare up at me. “That’s not how surprises work.”

“Like you were any better when I was the one planning the dates.” Koda laughs when she huffs but doesn’t deny his claims.

“We’re going to Battleground. That’s all the information I’m giving you,” she says as we near the gates, the sounds of the protestors getting louder and louder.

I frown as we drive through them, temporarily forgetting the date we’re heading to. “There are more of them out now, aren’t there? They seem louder.”

Lucas growls from the passenger seat. “They started showing up en masse on Sunday. It seems someone on staff let it leak that Evangeline chose not one but two women to be a part of her pack.”

“Are you serious?” Tessa sounds pissed as she leans forward. “Every single one of those fuckers had to sign an NDA when they joined the crew. I’m going to take their asses to court and sue the shit out of them. Please tell me you know who it is.”

Lucas smirks as he glances over his shoulder. “Of course, I know who they are. I’m no amateur. They’ve already been let go, and Bree has been in contact with your lawyers. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done for the already leaked information.”

“Gods, I just wish they’d get lives of their own and back the hell off of mine.” Evangeline sighs as she lays her head on my shoulder once more. I can feel the tension radiating through her, and I hate it.

“We can’t control what people do or how they choose to react to things,” I remind her. “All we can do is handle how we react to them. We’re on a date, and I’m damn well not going to let them ruin it for me. Are you?”

She huffs but shakes her head. “Hell no. We’re going to have a great night.” Her smile has returned when she glances up at me again. “Thank you for the reminder. It’s easy to forget that this isn’t about them, but about me.”

“I’m happy to remind you of that anytime you need me to. Now, about this Battleground place…”

Laughter fills the air around me, and we forget about the asshole protestors for the rest of the ride to Battleground, which turns out to be an adult arcade. Working as a chiropractor, I don’t often have a lot of time to do things like this, and I’ve never been to an adult arcade before. Something tells me I’m going to love it—especially with Evangeline and the others here with me.

“Hell yes! This is just what I need tonight.” I shoot Evangeline a grin. “You sure do know how to plan a date.”

Battleground has everything—video games, bumper cars, laser tag, and so much more. Running around with the newly formed pack is amazing. We have the entire place to ourselves so we do everything they have to offer, and it’s honestly the best night I can remember having in a long time.

The only issue? It doesn’t really feel like a date. It feels more like hanging out with friends. While I can admit that Tessa, Lillian, and Koda are all beautiful, there isn’t really a pull there. They’d make great friends, but that’s not really why we’re here, is it?

My attention turns to Evangeline as she plays skeeball, laughing and having the time of her life. The other three can’t seem to stop touching her, but I don’t feel the need to do so. Is it because they’re bonded? Or is there more to it than that? Do I even feel anything for Evangeline besides a physical attraction?

When the answer hits me, I wonder how I’ve missed this for six and a half weeks. How did I not realize that I don’t actually want to be with her? Sleeping with her? Absolutely, but neither she nor her pack are my future.


“Gavin? Are you okay?” I didn’t even hear Evangeline walk up so I startle when she takes my hand and speaks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You just got really pale, and I was worried about you.”

Forcing myself to smile, I glance over her shoulder to see that the rest of her pack has moved on to another activity. I feel like I need to tell her where my head is at, but I don’t want to ruin the night for her. I’m torn as I stare down at her.

“I just realized that tonight feels more like hanging out with friends than an actual date—which is totally fine because I’m having a great time—but it made me realize that there isn’t a place for me in the pack you’re building.”

Evangeline’s shoulders slump, and for a moment, I’m worried that she doesn’t feel the same way. I don’t want to hurt her, but I was sure she had to feel the same thing I did.

“I’m glad it’s not just me. Thank you for telling me. I think you’re right, which is why we’re doing these dates, after all. It does feel like we’d be great friends but nothing more, doesn’t it?”

I grin, nodding. “It does. I guess that means I’m the next one getting the boot, huh?”

“Don’t say it like that!” She nudges me with her shoulder before sliding her hand through my arm. “You’re just going home to start your search for your pack, just like Evander last week. It’s not like you’ll be losing anything. Just because you’re not pack doesn’t mean you aren’t stuck with us for life—that’s how friendship works in my world.”

I grin as she leads me back to her pack, and I can’t help thinking just how perfect that sounds.