I remember watching the first season, and Bree had to deal with an early heat that caused her to choose the last members of her pack. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
I wonder if we’ll all make it to the end. Will Evangeline choose all of us for her pack? It would make a pretty big pack, ten, including her. That’s one less than Sophia chose for season two.
Forcing myself to keep moving, I try to focus on the upcoming date and not on what might or might not happen over the next few weeks. There’s only so much control I have over what happens, and that control comes from this date. Evangeline and I have had a date before, but never with the rest of her pack. It’s not just her I need to prove myself to, but them as well. Because if there’s one thing I know about Evangeline, it’s that she won’t make unilateral decisions for her pack—something she proved at the last ceremony when she made it clear that she and Koda had made the decisions together.
I don’t know why I’m so nervous, though I have an inkling that it might be because there are now four of them and just one of me. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed at the idea of their attention being on me at once.
I chuckle when I realize I’ve already made it all the way to Evangeline’s suite while lost in my thoughts. Knocking lightly, I wait for someone to answer. Evangeline told me we were just going to have a casual date today so I’m wearing a pair of khakis and a green Polo shirt with my tennis shoes. She wouldn’t give any more details about what we’d be doing, but that didn’t surprise me. She doesn’t seem to like surprises much, but she sure does like to give them.
“Hey, Gavin,” Lillian says softly, bringing a smile to my face.
“Lilly, you look amazing.” I lean in to kiss her cheek, a blush forming on her cheeks. I don’t think there’s a single suitor who’s been on the show that didn’t like Lillian—except maybe Viktor. And Sterling. Though, I don’t know how anyone couldn’t love her. She’s the nicest, sweetest person I’ve ever met. Not to mention she’s beautiful but doesn’t seem to realize it.
Betas aren’t as sensitive to smells as alphas and omegas, nor are our scents as strong, but there’s definitely something different to Lillian’s now. The bondings have obviously been successful if I can pick up the hint of pear and blackberry beneath her already amazing scent.
“Thanks, Gav. Everyone is just about ready, but Koda and Evie got distracted in the shower—again.” She glances over her shoulder at that, eyes on the open bedroom door.
Koda’s laughter spills from the room. “You know we can hear you, right?”
“I do. That’s why I said it.” When she focuses on me again, she’s grinning. “Sorry, it’s a lot of fun giving them a hard time, but they really do have sex all the time. They don’t even seem to care where we are or if it’s an appropriate time. They definitely don’t care if we have somewhere to be.”
Tessa laughs as she comes up to stand behind her, laying her hands on Lillian’s shoulders. “That might have been a little too much information for Gavin, darling girl.”
Lillian’s eyes go wide as she grimaces. “Sorry, Gav. I wasn’t even thinking.”
I laugh because I don’t mind hearing about their sexcapades, but it’s definitely not doing my dick—which is now rock hard—any good. “That’s alright, Lilly. Feel free to talk about your pack however and whenever you want when I’m around.”
“You’re a good guy, Gavin,” Tessa says with a grin. “Give me just a minute. I’m going to round up our wayward omegas so we can get going.”
“Did you want to come in?” Lillian asks, but I shake my head.
“No, thanks. Especially since we’re getting ready to leave. Assuming Tessa doesn’t get distracted by the omegas.”
Lillian giggles, shaking her head. “She won’t. She can really crack the whip when she needs to. She’s a good alpha.”
“You like her.” I don’t phrase it as a question because I already know she does.
She nods. “I do. I wasn’t expecting to be involved with the whole pack when I came on the show, but these three? I love them.”
Pulling her into a hug, my heart nearly jumps out of my chest. “That’s amazing, Lilly. I’m so freaking happy for you! It couldn’t have happened to a better person.”
“Why are you pawing at our beta, Gavin?” Koda asks.
I just raise my eyebrows as the three of them step out of the bedroom, not bothering to release her. “I’m giving my friend a hug and telling her how happy I am for her. Is that alright with you?”
He shrugs, tone flippant. “Carry on then.”
Evangeline’s hand slaps against his stomach, pretty hard from the looks of it, as he folds over and lets out a loud “oof.” She and Tessa continue past him to join us in the doorway.
“Please ignore him. He thinks highly of himself because he’s the only male in our pack right now.” Evangeline rolls her eyes but doesn’t bother hiding her smile.
“Yeah, but how long is that going to last?” I ask with a laugh, finally releasing my hold on Lillian. “You’re getting closer and closer to your heat.”
She wrinkles her nose. “Don’t remind me. Gotta figure out the knot situation pretty soon because not a damn one of them can knot me.”
Her words surprise me so much that I burst out laughing, all four of them quickly following suit.
“It seems like the whole damn pack just wants to tell you everything,” Tessa says with a roll of her eyes. “Must be awfully damn comfortable with you.”